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Thursday, August 24, 2017

Vietnam Interested in Tuna Block Gas Blocking


Vietnam intends to buy natural gas from the Tuna Block in the Natuna Islands operated by Premier Oil Tuna B.V. Minister of Energy and Mineral Resources Ignatius Jonan stated that the contractor will install a gas pipeline as long as 71 km if Vietnam will seriously absorb gas from the Tuna Block. The distance of Tuna Block gas wells to the boundary of water along the 11 km and about 60 km continued to the mainland.

"The point is that the gas from the Tuna block managed by Premier Oil through SKK Migas will sell its gas to Vietnam," said Jonan after accompanying President Joko Widodo to receive delegation of Vietnam Communist Party Secretary Nguyen Phu Trong on Tuesday (23/8).

In addition to the gas issue, the Minister of Energy and Mineral Resources also said the Indonesian government cooperation on coal between Indonesia and Vietnam was also mentioned in bilateral talks. However, he said the cooperation will be implemented in business.

"This bilateral statement is only the protection of the facility so that there is the attention of these two governments, so that Indonesia's coal export to Vietnam can also run," said Jonan.


If you look at Natuna, the government's attention is on the development of underdeveloped regions, the magnitude of the resources potential as well as the strategic location of geopolitical issues. 

     Based on data from the Ministry of Energy and Mineral Resources (ESDM) 2016, there are six working areas (WK) of oil and gas exploitation and 10 exploration blocks in Natuna, Six blocks entering the development stage, South Natuna Sea Block B (ConocoPhillips Indonesia), Shrimp Block (Pertamina), Kakap (Star Energy and Natuna Sea Block A (Premier Oil Natuna Sea BV) have been in production. Meanwhile, Northwest Natuna (Santos Australia) and Sembilang (PT Mandiri Panca Usaha) Not yet in production.


This working area has total proven reserves of 4 trillion cubic feet (tscf) and oil and condensate of 201.401 million ton barrels (MMstb). Total production, amounting to 490.31 MMscfd of gas and 25,113 bpd of oil and condensate. 

     Exploration blocks contained in Natuna, Tuna (Premier Oil Tuna BV), Duyung (West Natuna Exploration Ltd), Sokang (Black Platinum Investment Ltd) South Sokang (Lundin South Sokang BV), Octopus (Lundin Gurita BV), East Sokang PT Ekuator Energi Sokang), and North Sokang (North Sokang Energy Ltd).

PT. ExxonMobil Indonesia opted out of the East Natuna Block because it was considered uneconomical. Though the government continues to encourage ExxonMobil to immediately develop the East Natuna Block.


Vietnam Berminat Serap Gas Blok Tuna

Vietnam berniat membeli gas bumi dari Blok Tuna di Kepulauan Natuna yang dioperatori oleh Premier Oil Tuna B.V. Menteri Energi dan Sumber Daya Mineral Ignasius Jonan menyatakan bahwa kontraktor akan memasang pipa gas sepanjang 71 km jika Vietnam serius akan menyerap gas dari Blok Tuna. Jarak sumur gas Blok Tuna ke batas perairan sepanjang 11 km dan sekitar 60 km lanjutan ke daratan.

“Intinya begini, hasil gas dari blok Tuna yang dikelola oleh Premier Oil itu melalui SKK Migas akan menjual gasnya ke Vietnam,” ujar Jonan usai mendampingi Presiden Joko Widodo menerima delegasi Sekretaris Jenderal Partai Komunis Vietnam Nguyen Phu Trong, Selasa (23/8).

Selain soal gas, Menteri ESDM juga mengemukakan pemerintah Indonesia kerja sama soal batu bara antara Indonesia dan Vietnam juga disinggung dalam pembicaraan bilateral. Namun, dia menyebutkan kerja sama tersebut akan di implementasi secara bisnis. 

“Pernyataan bilateral ini hanya perlindungan fasilitas saja supaya ada perhatian kedua pemerintah ini, supaya ekspor batu bara Indonesia ke Vietnam ini juga bisa berjalan,” kata Jonan.

Jika melihat Natuna, perhatian pemerintah tertuju pada pengembangan daerah tertinggal, besarnya potensi sumber daya juga lokasi strategis menyangkut isu geopolitik. 

     Dari data Kementerian Energi dan Sumber Daya Mineral (ESDM) 2016, terdapat enam wilayah kerja (WK) migas eksploitasi dan 10 blok eksplorasi di Natuna, Enam blok yang memasuki tahap pengembangan, yakni South Natuna
Sea Block B (ConocoPhillips Indonesia), Udang Block (Pertamina), Kakap (Star Energy dan Natuna Sea Block A (Premier Oil Natuna Sea BV) telah berproduksi, Sementara itu, Northwest Natuna (Santos Australia) dan Sembilang (PT Mandiri Panca Usaha) belum berproduksi.

Wilayah kerja ini memiliki total cadangan terbukti gas 4 triliun kaki kubik (tscf) dan minyak serta kondensat sebesar 201,401 juta ton barel (MMstb).

      Total produksinya, sebesar 490,31 MMscfd gas dan 25.113 bph minyak serta kondensat. Blok eksplorasi yang terdapat di Natuna, yakni Tuna (Premier Oil Tuna BV), Duyung (West Natuna Exploration Ltd), Sokang (Black Platinum Investment Ltd) South Sokang (Lundin South Sokang BV), Gurita (Lundin Gurita BV), East Sokang (PT Ekuator Energi Sokang), dan North Sokang (North Sokang Energy Ltd).

PT. ExxonMobil Indonesia memilih keluar dari Blok East Natuna karena dinilai tidak ekonomis. Padahal pemerintah terus mendorong ExxonMobil agar segera mengembangkan Blok East Natuna.

Bisnis Indonesia, Page-32, Thursday, August 24, 2017

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