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Saturday, June 23, 2018

RDMP Balikpapan Built End of Year This

PT Pertamina said that the Refinery Development Master Plan or Balikpapan RDMP will be built by the end of 2018. RDMP Balikpapan operation is still in line with the target in 2021. Vice President Corporate Communications of PT Pertamina Adiatma Sardjito said that the company has completed the construction of the dock in Ramadan yesterday. That means the land is clean and ready for development.

"Preparation of jetty infrastructure [dock] has been settled. Later, the jetty will be used to carry the goods development process, "he said.

Adiatma said that the laying of the first stone was just waiting for ceremony only.

"The Minister of Energy and Mineral Resources [Energy and Mineral Resources] lgnasius Jonan has also reviewed," he said.

Meanwhile, in May 2018, Pertamina has just conducted a contractor auction for the construction of Balikpapan RDMP. Pertamina's Pertamina Director of Pertamina's Director of Processing and Petrochemicals Heru Setiawan said that the engineering, procurement and construction (EPC) auction process is targeted to be completed by October 2018. There are about four consortiums involved in the auction.

"Of the four consortiums that consist of foreign contractors and mixed with SOEs," he said.

Heru mentioned that the investment for the Balikpapan refinery project is US $ 4 billion.

"Yes, it can be up to US $ 4 billion for investment."

In addition, the construction of the Balikpapan refinery is also in the process of approving spin off assets. Later, Balikpapan's RDMP refinery increases the production capacity of 100,000 barrels per day. Balikpapan RDMP will produce gasoline quality EURO V. Meanwhile, the development of other refineries such as RDMP Cilacap is also in the process of valuation of assets spin off assets and wait for approval of the Ministry of SOEs. Production for the Cilacap refinery will increase by 50,000 barrels per day.

RDMP Balongan in preparation for strategic review for petrochemical business comprehensively. In the future, Balinese RDMP production could increase by 140,000 barrels per day to 225,000 barrels per day. The Cilacap and Balongan refineries are expected to be completed by 2023.

Then, Grass Root Refinery (GRR) of Tuban is still in the process of solving the land problem. After the problem in obtaining land owned by the Ministry of Environment and Forestry, the company also sought an alternative by using the land of PT Perkebunan Nusantara XI and XII. The production of the Tuban refinery is estimated at 300,000 barrels per day.

Then, the Dumai RDMP process is in the partner selection stage. Later, the Dumai RDMP will produce about 130,000 barrels per day. Tuban GRR and Dumai RDMP are targeted to be completed by 2024.


RDMP Balikpapan Dibangun Akhir Tahun lni

PT Pertamina mengemukakan bahwa Refinery Development Master Plan atau RDMP Balikpapan akan dibangun pada akhir 2018. Operasi RDMP Balikpapan masih sesuai dengan target yakni pada 2021. Vice President Corporate Communication PT Pertamina Adiatma Sardjito mengatakan bahwa perseroan telah merampungkan pembangunan dermaga pada Ramadan kemarin. Hal itu berarti lahan sudah bersih dan siap dilakukan pembangunan.

“Persiapan infrastruktur jetty [dermaga] sudah beres. Nantinya, jetty itu akan digunakan untuk membawa barang-barang proses pembangunan,” ujarnya.

Adiatma menuturkan bahwa peletakan batu pertama pun hanya menunggu seremoni saja. 

“Menteri ESDM [Energi dan Sumber Daya Mineral] lgnasius Jonan juga sudah meninjau,” tuturnya.

Adapun, pada Mei 2018, Pertamina baru saja melakukan lelang kontraktor untuk pembangunan RDMP Balikpapan. Direktur Megaproyek, Pengolahan, dan Petrokimia Pertamina Heru Setiawan menuturkan bahwa proses lelang engineering, procurement and construction (EPC) ditargetkan rampung pada Oktober 2018. Ada sekitar empat konsorsium yang terlibat dalam lelang tersebut. 

“Dari empat konsorsium itu ada yang terdiri atas kontraktor asing dan campuran dengan BUMN,” ujarnya.

Heru menyebutkan bahwa untuk investasi di proyek kilang Balikpapan mencapai US$4 miliar. 

“Ya, bisa sampai US$4 miliar untuk investasinya.”

Selain itu, pembangunan kilang Balikpapan juga dalam proses untuk persetujuan spin off aset. Nantinya, RDMP Kilang Balikpapan ini menambah kapasitas produksi 100.000 barel per hari. RDMP Balikpapan itu nantinya memproduksi kualitas bensin EURO V. Adapun, perkembangan kilang lainnya seperti RDMP Cilacap juga sedang proses valuasi aset spin off aset dan menunggu persetujuan Kementerian BUMN. Produksi untuk kilang Cilacap akan bertambah 50.000 barel per hari. 

RDMP Balongan dalam persiapan kajian strategis untuk bisnis petrokimia secara komprehensif. Nantinya, produksi RDMP Balongan bisa bertambah 140.000 barel per hari sarnpai 225.000 barel per hari. Kilang Cilacap dan Balongan itu diperkirakan rampung 2023.

Lalu, Grass Root Refinery (GRR) Tuban masih dalam tahap penyelesaian persoalan lahan. Setelah bermasalah dalam mendapatkan lahan milik Kementerian Lingkungan Hidup dan Kehutanan, perseroan pun mencari alternatif dengan menggunakan lahan PT Perkebunan Nusantara XI dan XII. Produksi kilang Tuban itu diperkirakan sebesar 300.000 barel per hari.

Lalu, proses RDMP Dumai sedang dalam tahap seleksi mitra. Nantinya, RDMP Dumai akan produksi sekitar 130.000 barel per hari. GRR Tuban dan RDMP Dumai ditargetkan rampung pada 2024.

Bisnis Indonesia, Page-22, Friday, June 22, 2018

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