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Tuesday, February 5, 2019

PEP Asset 4 Aims to Increase Production in 2019

Pertamina EP (PEP) Asset 4, one of the five assets of PT Pertamina EP, a subsidiary of PT Pertamina (Persero), will push for increased production this year, following the productive performance achieved throughout 2018. 

     In the 2019 Corporate Budget Work Plan, production PEP Asset 4 is projected to be 17,712 BOPD for oil and 168.91 MMSCFD of gas. While in Work Pland & Budget (WP & B), oil production is targeted at 18,478 BOPD and gas of 168.80 MMSCFD.

Agus Amperianto

"Just like last year, Sukowati will still be the mainstay of oil production. This year we project Sukowati to produce 11,838 BOPD of oil with a gas production target of 12.30 MMSCFD. As for gas, Donggi-Matindok is projected to provide the largest contribution, namely gas as big as "87.07 MMSCFD with and condensate 629 BOPD," explained General Manager of Pertamina EP Asset 4 Agus Amperianto.

To achieve this target, Agus explained, PEP Asset 4 prepared a number of work plans in the production operations sector. In addition to drilling three production wells at Cepu Field and one injection well in Sukowati Field, PEP Asset 4 also worked eight wells in Poleng Field, and 132 well intervention activities.

Sukowati Field

"We also have 150 well service activities besides maintenance on a regular basis to prevent unplanned shut down," he said.

PEP Asset 4 also budgeted capital expenditure (capex) this year of US $ 47.9 million higher than the realization of 2018 of US $ 44.9 million. The funds are allocated for drilling, workover, construction of production facilities, and fulfillment of HSSE facilities and equipment.

"For operating costs (opex), we allocate US $ 143.05 million, down from the realization of Opex 2018 of US $ 144.41 million which will be allocated to routine well maintenance costs off crude / gas handling, equipment maintenance, worker certification equipment certification and fees wages for workers, "he said.

PEP Asset 4 has five fields spread in four provinces in the country. The five fields are Cepu Field in Blora District, Central Java; Sukowati Field in Bojonegoro Regency and Poleng Field in Gresik Regency, East Java; Donggi-Matindok Field in Banggai District, Central Sulawesi; and Papua Field in Sorong Regency, West Papua. Until the end of 2018, oil production realization (SOT) averaged 14,321 barrels of oil per day (BOPD) and 179.62 million standard cubic feet of gas per day (MMSCFD).

This production achievement is higher than the initial target of 2018 oil production of 14,032 BOPD and 2017 realization of 13,096 BOPD and gas amounting to 169.93 MMSCFD in the initial projection of 2018 and 2017 realization of 143.96 MMSCFD.

"The biggest contribution last year for oil production came from Sukowati Field, an average of 7,377 BOPD and gas from Donggi-Matindok Field averaged 98.65 MMSCFD," said Agus.

According to Agus, the increase in PEP Asset 4 production in 2018 due to several factors, including the entry of Sukowati Field 4 in May 2018 and Asset 4 succeeded in improving cement bonding in the field so that Sukowati field production increased. In addition, in 2018, Papua Field and Unitization Wakamuk has been in full production, compared to 2017.

"Papua and Unitaka Waka-muk began entering Asset 4 in May 2017," said Agus.

The increase in PEP Asset 4 production was also due to the successful drilling of three wells in Tapen, namely TPN-4, 5, and 6. Starting the production of the Matindok structure which has a high Condensate Gas Ratio (CGR) helped boost oil production.


PEP Asset 4 Bidik Kenaikan Produksi pada 2019

Pertamina EP (PEP) Asset 4, satu dari lima Asset PT Pertamina EP anak usaha PT Pertamina (Persero), akan mendorong peningkatan produksi pad tahun ini, menyusul kinerja produktif yang telah diraih sepanjang 2018. Dalam Rencana Kerja Anggaran Perusahaan 2019, produksi PEP Asset 4 diproyeksikan 17.712 BOPD untuk minyak dan 168,91 MMSCFD gas. Sedangkan dalam Work Pland & Budget (WP&B), produksi minyak ditargetkan 18.478 BOPD dan gas 168,80 MMSCFD

“Sama seperti tahun lalu, Sukowati tetap akan jadi andalan produksi minyak. Tahun ini kami proyeksikan Sukowati memproduksi minyak 11.838 BOPD dengan target produksi gas 12,30 MMSCFD. Sedangkan untuk gas, Donggi-Matindok diproyeksikan memberi kontribusi terbesar, yaitu gas sebesar 87,07 MMSCFD dengan dan kondensat 629 BOPD,” jelas General Manager Pertamina EP Asset 4 Agus Amperianto.

Untuk mencapai target tersebut, Agus menjelaskan, PEP Asset 4 mempersiapkan sejumlah rencana kerja di sektor operasi prouksi. Selain pemboran tiga sumur produksi di Cepu Field dan satu sumur injeksi di Sukowati Field, PEP Asset 4 juga melakukan workover delapan sumur di Poleng Field, dan 132 kegiatan well intervention.

“Kami juga ada 150 kegiatan well service selain maintenance secara berkala untuk mencegah unplanned shut down,” ujarnya.

PEP Asset 4 juga menganggarkan belanja modal (capex) tahun ini sebesar US$ 47,9 juta lebih tinggi dibandingkan realisasi 2018 sebesar US$ 44,9 juta. Dana itu dialokasikan untuk biaya pemboran, workover, pembangunan fasilitas produksi, dan pemenuhan fasilitas, dan peralatan HSSE.

“Untuk biaya operasi (opex), kami alokasikan US$ 143,05 juta, turun dibandingkan realisasi opex 2018 sebesar US$ 144,41 juta yang akan dialokasikan untuk biaya operasional rutin perawatan sumur yang off handling crude/gas, perawatan peralatan, sertifikasi pekerja, sertifikasi peralatan, dan biaya upah pekerja,” ujarnya.

PEP Asset 4 memiliki lima lapangan (field) yang tersebar di empat provinsi di Tanah Air. Kelima field tersebut adalah Cepu Field di Kabupaten Blora Jawa Tengah; Sukowati Field di Kabupaten Bojonegoro dan Poleng Field di Kabupaten Gresik, Jawa Timur; Donggi-Matindok Field di Kabupaten Banggai Sulawesi Tengah; dan Papua Field di Kabupaen Sorong, Papua Barat. 

    Hingga akhir 2018, realisasi produksi (SOT) minyak rata-rata sebesar 14.321 barrel oil per day (BOPD) dan gas 179,62 juta standar kaki kubik per hari (MMSCFD). 

Pencapaian produksi ini lebih tinggi dibandingkan target awal produksi minyak 2018 sebesar 14.032 BOPD maupun realisasi 2017 sebesar 13.096 BOPD serta gas sebesar 169,93 MMSCFD pada proyeksi awal 2018 dan realisasi 2017 sebesar 143,96 MMSCFD.

“Kontribusi terbesar produksi tahun lalu untuk minyak berasal dari Sukowati Field rata-rata 7.377 BOPD dan gas dari Donggi-Matindok Field rata-rata 98,65 MMSCFD," ujar Agus.

Menurut Agus, peningkatan produksi PEP Asset 4 pada 2018 karena beberapa faktor, antara lain masuknya Sukowati Field 4 pada Mei 2018 dan Asset 4 berhasil memperbaiki cement bonding di field tersebut sehingga produksi lapangan Sukowati meningkat. Selain itu, pada 2018, Papua Field dan Unitisasi Wakamuk sudah berproduksi penuh, dibandingkan 2017. 

“Papua dan Unitisasi Waka-muk mulai masuk Asset 4 pada Mei 2017,” ujar Agus.

Peningkatan produksi  PEP Asset 4 juga disebabkan keberhasilan pemboran tiga sumur di Tapen, yaitu TPN-4, 5, dan 6. Mulai berproduksinya struktur Matindok yang memiliki Condensate Gas Ratio (CGR) tinggi ikut mendongkrak produksi minyak.

Investor Daily, Page-9, Tuesday, Jan 15, 2019

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