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Tuesday, February 5, 2019

Production of the Cepu Block Increases

Crude oil production from the Cepu Block has increased again. Previously, in 2017, the block's production reached 185 thousand barrels per day (bpd). At present, production and lifting (ready to sell) of petroleum reaches 220 bpd.

Director General of Oil and Gas Ministry of Energy and Mineral Resources (ESDM) Djoko Siswanto said the increase in production was due to the installation of Exxon-Mobil's cooler facilities as the Cepu Block operator. With improved performance, this block is arguably one of the biggest supports for Indonesia's crude oil production.

Exxon-Mobil's cooler facilities

"The Cepu block is now overtaking Chevron (Rokan Block), at the beginning of the 165 thousand barrel Plan of Development (POD), then we are trying to 185 thousand, then up to 220 thousand, that's the effort by installing cooler facilities," Djoko said.

Chevron ( the Rokan Block)

The cooler installation is believed to be able to maintain the production of the Cepu Block according to the Program and Budget Plan (WP & B) until 2020. That way, if in 2021 a decline occurs, petroleum production from there can be overcome from the production of the Kedung Keris field which will be operational later this year.

 the Banyu Urip field

Djoko explained that ExxonMobil, the first operator of the Cepu Block, found the Banyu Urip field with reserves reaching 450 million barrels. Started production in 2008 with a capacity of 20 thousand bpd in 2009. In 2011, EXxonMobile found new reserves in the Kedung Keris field and will be fully operational in the third quarter of 2019 with projected additional production of 10 thousand bpd.

Now, the Cepu Block is the mainstay of the national oil lifting shifting the Rokan Block which only produces an average of 190 thousand bpd because it is included in the mature category.

"Naturally, if oil is taken continuously, right away," said Djoko.

Meanwhile, to increase oil and gas production, the Ministry of Energy and Mineral Resources is preparing five working areas (WK) to be offered to investors in the near future. The five WKs are planned to be included in the 2019 phase I auction. 

     Djoko said, these five blocks are divided into three exploration blocks, namely the Anambas Block, the West Ganal-Makassar Strait Block, and the West Kaimana Block. While the two production blocks, namely West Kampar and Selat Panjang.

"In the 2019 work plan the range is ten. But in the first phase there are five first. Arranged in stages.


Produksi Blok Cepu Naik

Produksi minyak mentah dari Blok Cepu kembali meningkat. Sebelumnya, pada 2017, produksi blok ini mencapai 185 ribu barel per hari (bph). Saat ini, produksi dan lifting (siap jual) minyak bumi mencapai 220 bph.

Direktur Jenderal Migas Kementerian Energi dan Sumber Daya Mineral (ESDM) Djoko Siswanto mengatakan, peningkatan produksi ini terjadi karena pemasangan fasilitas alat pendingin (cooler) yang dilakukan Exxon-Mobil selaku operator Blok Cepu. Dengan capaian yang makin membaik, blok ini bisa dibilang sebagai salah satu penopang produksi minyak mentah Indonesia terbesar.

"Blok Cepu itu sekarang menyalip Chevron (Blok Rokan), di awal Plan of Development (POD) 165 ribu barel, lalu kami upayakan ke 185 ribu, lalu naik ke 220 ribu, itu upayanya dengan memasang fasilitas cooler," ujar Djoko.

Pemasangan cooler diyakini bisa mempertahankan procluksi Blok Cepu sesuai Rencana Program dan Anggaran (WP&B) sampai 2020. Dengan begitu, jika pada 2021 terjadi penurunan, produksi minyak bumi dari sana bisa teratasi dari produksi lapangan Kedung Keris yang akan mulai beroperasi akhir tahun ini.

Djoko menjelaskan, ExxonMobil selaku operator pertama kali Blok Cepu, menemukan lapangan Banyu Urip dengan cadangan mencapai 450 juta barel. Mulai berproduksi pada 2008 dengan kapasitas 20 ribu bph pada 2009. 

   Pada 2011, EXxonMobile menemukan cadangan baru di lapangan Kedung Keris dan akan beroperasi penuh pada kuartal III 2019 dengan proyeksi penambahan produksi sebesar 10 ribu bph.

Kini, Blok Cepu didaulat sebagai andalan utama lifting minyak nasional menggeser Blok Rokan yang hanya memproduksi rata-rata 190 ribu bph lantaran masuk dalam kategori mature. 

"Secara alamiah, kalau minyak diambil terus menerus ya abis," ungkap Djoko.

Sementara itu, untuk meningkatkan produksi minyak dan gas (migas), Kementerian ESDM sedang mempersiapkan lima wilayah kerja (WK) untuk ditawarkan kepada para investor dalam waktu dekat. Kelima WK direncanakan akan diikutsertakan dalam lelang tahap I 2019. 

     Djoko menyebut, lima blok ini terbagi dalam tiga blok eksplorasi, yaitu Blok Anambas, Blok West Ganal-Makasar Strait, dan Blok West Kaimana. Sementara dua blok eksproduksi, yaitu West Kampar dan Selat Panjang.

"Kalau dalam rencana kerja 2019 range-nya ada sepuluh. Tapi, dalam tahap I ada lima dulu. Disusun bertahap.

Republika, Page-13, Monday, Jan 14, 2019

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