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Friday, October 14, 2016

2019, Contribution Target is 40 Percent

PT Pertamina targets to contribute to national oil and gas production. Until 2019, contributions are expected to reach 40 percent. Whereas at present Pertamina's contribution is still 23 percent or equivalent to 830,000 barrels per day.

One way is to develop integrated oil fields. PT Pertamina Managing Director Dwi Soetjipto inaugurated PHE-24 offshore platform installation. 

   This is part of the first stage integrated field (EPCI-1 Project) in the work area of ​​PT Pertamina Hulu Energi West Madura Offshore (PHE WMO), Cooperation Contract Contractors (KKKS) under the supervision and control of the Special Work Unit for Upstream Oil Business Activities and Natural Gas (SKK Migas).

SKK Migas

The construction of the EPCI-1 project is currently commencing the installation of offshore platforms PHE-12 and PHE-24 in the West Madura Offshore working area. The two production facilities will be moored around 55-70 meters above sea level. This integrated field oil and gas production facility will be equipped with Central Processing Platform 2 (CPP2).

The CPP2 facility will begin the journey from the fabrication location in Cilegon, Banten in mid-October. These three facilities are expected to be completed offshore by the end of November. 

   In the event which was also attended by the Head of SKK Migas Amien Sunaryadi, Dwi Soetjipto also gave appreciation to the WMO PHE wherein the integrated project development the PHE-24, PHE-12, and CPP-2 platforms had more than a Domestic Component Level (TKDN) 60% and received an award from the Director-General of Oil and Gas at the Ministry of Energy and Mineral Resources.

In addition to increasing production, this integrated field development is very important to demonstrate Pertamina's reliability in managing offshore fields, this was emphasized by PT Pertamina's Upstream Director, Syamsu Alam.

"I congratulate you because this project was carried out on time and has recorded more than 2.6 million working hours survived (Zero Lost Time Incident),"

PT Pertamina Hulu Energi's Managing Director, R. Gunung Sardjono Hadi, asserted that to complete the production facility, a submarine pipeline with a total length of about 19.5 km has been started to channel oil and gas production from the PHE-12 and PHE fields 24 (integrated).

All EPCI-1 activities are expected to be completed in February 2017. In accordance with the SKK Migas target, this integrated field in February 2017 will be able to deliver around 1,000 BOPD of petroleum and reach a peak of 2,900 BOPD in May 2017. From natural gas wells, it is expected to produce 10 MMSCFD starting June 2017 and reaching a peak of 14.1 MMSCFD in July 2017.

Duta Masyarakat , Page-16, Friday, Oct 14, 2016.

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