DPRD Jatim : EMCL Harus Beri Kompensasi
DPRD Jatim menyoroti bau tidak sedap seperti telur busuk (Hydrogen Sulfida/H2S) yang kembali muncul dari Lapangan Banyuurip Blok Cepu. Bau itu mengancam penduduk sekitar, seperti di Dusun Dawung RT 10/RW 02, Desa Mojodelik, Kecamatan Gayam, Kabupaten Bojonegoro. Beberapa warga diduga keracunan akibat mencium H2S dari area tersebut. Atas kejadian itu, Operator Lapangan Banyuurip Blok Cepu, ExxonMobil Cepu Limited (EMCL), memohon maaf kepada warga Mojodelik.
Namun, permohonan maaf itu dinilai Komisi D Dewan Perwakilan Rakyat Daerah Jawa Timur (DPRD Jatim), tidak cukup. Seperti diungkapkan Khozanah Hidayati, salah satu anggota Komisi D. Melalui, akun twitter resminya, Mbak Anaf sapaan akrab Khozanah Hidayati mengatakan, permohonan maaf EMCL atas inisiden yang menimpa Warga itu tidak cukup. EMCL harus memberikan kompensasi kepada warga Mojodelik. Tidak cukup hanya minta maaf. Tapi EMCL harus beri kompensasi ke warga.
Serta, harus ada Early Warning System jika ada kebocoran gas H2S. Menurutnya, pemberian kompensasi kepada warga Mojodelik wajib dilakukan EMCL. Karena, insiden keracunan disebabkan oleh kegiatan operasinya. EMCL harus beri kompensasi. Ini sudah kewajibannya. Dialah penyebab warga keracunan.
East Java Parliament: EMCL Must Give Compensation
East Java Parliament highlighting the odor like rotten eggs (Hydrogen Sulfide / H2S), which re-emerged from the Field Banyuurip Cepu. The smell was threatening the local people, as in Hamlet Dawung RT 10 / RW 02, Desa Mojodelik, Gayam subdistrict, Bojonegoro. Some residents suspected of being poisoned by kissing H2S from the area. For the incident, Banyuurip Field Operator Cepu, ExxonMobil Cepu Limited (EMCL), apologized to the citizens Mojodelik.
However, the apology was assessed Commission D of the Regional Representatives Council of East Java (East Java DPRD), is not enough. As disclosed Khozanah Hidayati, a member of Commission D Through, his official twitter account, Ma'am ANAF nickname Khozanah Hidayati said the apology EMCL on inisiden that befall citizens was not enough. EMCL must provide compensation to citizens Mojodelik. It is not enough to apologize. But EMCL should give compensation to the residents.
As well, there should be Early Warning System if there is a gas leak H2S. According to him, awarding compensation to citizens Mojodelik EMCL mandatory. Because, poisoning incidents caused by its operations. EMCL should give compensation. It had obligations. He is the cause of the poisoning residents.
Harian Bangsa, Halaman : 9, Sabtu, 29 Okt 2016
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