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Monday, October 17, 2016

The Need for Oil and Gas Tanker Transport is Still Large

It looks like the oil transportation business this year is still brilliant. As a result, PT Pertamina Trans-Continental needs to add one tanker fleet. One of PT Pertamina's business lines has just bought a tanker weighing 3,500 tons with the Arafura Transko label.

This state-owned company buys from Lender-winning shipyard company, PT Drydock World First with a value of US $ 11.72 million or equivalent to Rp. 152 billion (assuming an exchange rate of Rp. 13,000 per US dollar).

The plan, Pertamina's freight transport company will operate the ship in the waters of northern Sumatra and around Kalimantan. Pertamina Trans Kontinentai hopes that this ship can contribute to the country's oil company revenue. We are targeting this ship to contribute Rp 31 billion per year, "said Soebagio Hari Moeljanto, Managing Director of Pertamina Trans Continental.

Wianda Pusponegoro

Wianda Pusponegoro, Vice President of Corporate Communications of Pertamina, added that so far, Pertamina already has 69 tankers and it is possible to add new tankers in the future.

Bani Mulia, Director of PT Samudera Indonesia Tbk, claimed not to be afraid of the Pertamina action. According to him, the State-Owned Enterprises (SOEs), in addition to relying on oil transportation from their own vessels, also need similar transportation from third parties. One of them is from the Indonesian Ocean.

Bani said Pertamina was a client of Samudera Indonesia. In fact, this oil transportation business contributes the most to the income of the Indonesian Ocean. In the first half of this year, of the total revenue of Samudera Indonesia that reached the US $ 208.78 million, around half came from mining transportation revenues, including oil which reached the US $ 112.89 million.

No wonder the company bought another tanker this year, valued at the US $ 14 million, Paula Marlina, Finance Director of PT Soechi Lines Tbk, also explained that the tanker business will continue as long as there is domestic oil and gas demand. In fact, the company's clients are not only Pertamina but also other oil companies. So far, Soechi Lines has pocketed oil transportation contracts worth the US $ 200 million. While from other transportation around the US $ 100 million.

Kontan, Page-14, Monday, Oct 17, 2016

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