, pub-9591068673925608, DIRECT, f08c47fec0942fa0 Lapindo Shuts Down the Leaking TGA 5 Well - MEDIA MONITORING OIL AND GAS -->

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Monday, October 24, 2016

Lapindo Shuts Down the Leaking TGA 5 Well

The leakage of the distribution pipeline leading to the gas plant at Tanggulangin 3 (TGA 5) in Sidoarjo Regency, East Java Province, prompted PT Lapindo Brantas Inc to quickly shut-in (manually shut down the well) to the TGA 5 well.

Lapindo Brantas guarantees that the supply of the Gas Network for residents is not disrupted, because it is directly diverted to TGA 1 and TGA 2 wells. This was emphasized by the Vice President Operation of PT Lapindo Brantas, Harsa Harjana. According to him, even though there are wells that have to be shut-in, the supply for the Gas Network program has not been disrupted.

The explanation was conveyed by Lapindo Brantas, after residents' concerns that the gas supply for the Gas Network program would experience disruption. As is known, Pertagas is completing the Gas Network program for around 3,850 House Connections (SR) for residents of Tanggulangin, Sidoarjo.

The gas for the Jargas program is taken from the Lapindo Brantas well at Tanggulangin. Harsa explained that the leaking pipe was under the river that flows in Kalidawir Village.

The provisional estimate is that the leaking pipe is at the end of the pipe under river water, at a depth of 2 meters from the river bed to be precise. Allegedly, due to the accumulation of water carried by the gas in the U-shaped section of the pipe.

"Therefore, we will not repair the old pipe under the river. Instead, replace it with a new pipe and move it to above the river," explained Harsa Harjana.

Bhirawa, Page-5, Monday, Oct 24, 2016

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