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Saturday, October 15, 2016

Lifting Banyu Urip Oil Into One Hundred

Meeting the Energy Needs of Indonesian Welfare

How do we value projects, successful oil? Is its success helping to meet Indonesia's energy needs? Good safety achievements? Or, by developing the potential of local communities?

On September 30, 2016, the Banyu Urip oil project had just fulfilled the hundredth oil lifting. The lifting is owned by the Government of Indonesia that is transported from the Floating Storage and Offloading / FSO Gagak Rimang ship to MT Gede, off the coast of Tuban, East Java to be sent and processed at Pertamina's refinery.

The lifting was attended by the Regent of Tuban, Fathul Huda; along with Deputy of Operations Control SKK Migas, Muliawan; PT Pertamina (Persero) 's Senior Vice President of Development and Technology, Amran Anwar: as well as Cepu Block partners, President of ExxonMobil Cepu Limited (EMCL), Daniel Wieczynski and Vice President of Asia Pacific Established Area, Raymond Jones; with the President Director of PT Pertamina EP Cepu (PEPC), Adriansyah; and Chairman of the Cepu Block BKS BKS, Ganesha Askari.

FSO Gagak Rimang

The group visited the FSO Gagak Rimang. Lifting crude oil is produced from the Banyu Urip Field in the Cepu Block, Bojonegoro and processed at the Central Processing Facility which produces up to 185 thousand barrels per day. From there, the oil has flowed through land pipes as far as 72 kilometers to the coast of Palang Tuban, East Java. Then continued through the underwater pipeline and accommodated in FSO Gagak Rimang, which is 23 kilometers off the coast of Tuban.

the Banyu Urip Field in the Cepu Block

"We thank the partners of the Cepu-PT Pertamina EP Cepu Block and the Cepu Block Pl-Cooperation Agency of the Government of Indonesia, especially SKK Migas, along with the Bojonegoro and Tuban Regional Governments and the community for the success of the hundredth lifting," said Daniel Wieczynski, President ExxonMobil Cepu Limited, operator of the Cepu Block. "

This lifting marks the reliability of the Banyu Urip facility and field to help meet Indonesia's energy needs. All of this is done with high safety standards. The Banyu Urip oil project is carried out with more than 100 million work hours with excellent safety figures even compared to similar projects in the world.

More than 17 thousand workers, mostly from the Bojonegoro and Tuban regions, helped to complete the project. The workers received more than 2 million training hours from 2500 training sessions, including training on security and safety aspects.

ExxonMobil Cepu Limited (EMCL) is a Government Cooperation Contract Contractor under the supervision of SKK Migas, continues to realize its commitment to contribute to improving the standard of living of the community, especially around the area of ​​operation.

More than one hundred of the best sons and daughters from villages in East and Central Java, including the Bojonegoro and Tuban regions, have received training and internships at ExxonMobil facilities in the United States, Canada, Chad, Cameroon, Malaysia, and Aceh, Indonesia.
They gained knowledge and skills from the best ExxonMobil mentors and now they have returned home and operated the Banyu Urip Project.

In addition, more than one hundred thousand people in the villages around the Banyu Urip project also benefited from the existence of the project. These benefits are in the form of community development programs that focus on health, education and economic development.

"Thanks to the knowledge and skills of our supervisor at ExxonMobil, as Bojonegoro's native sons, we are proud to be able to present this hundredth lift to Indonesia," said Erik Setiawan, an operator of the Banyu Urip Project from Begadon Village, Bojonegoro, who received training and internships in America. Union.

Kompas, Page-3, Saturday, Oct 15, 2016.

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