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Tuesday, October 25, 2016

Shutdown the Well, Lapindo Guarantees Safe Gas Supply

    Lapindo Brantas Inc (LBI) guarantees that the natural gas supply for the Gas Network (Gas Network) program will not be interrupted after the manual shut-in of the Tanggulangin well (TGA) 5 was due to leaking of the distribution pipeline to the gas plant at TGA-3, Saturday ( 15/10) ago. Gas Network supply is diverted directly from the TGA-1 and TGA-2 wells.

"Even though there are wells that have to be shut-in, the supply for the Gas Network program has not been disrupted. We supply gas from other wells. We are currently preparing to repair the leaky pipe so that the TGA 5 well will start producing again, ”said Vice President Operations LBI, Harsa Harjana.

    This was emphasized by Lapindo after residents were worried that the gas supply for the Gas Network would be disrupted. As is known, Pertagas is completing the Gas Network program for around 3,850 house connections (SR) for residents of Tanggulangin, Sidoarjo. 

    Gas for the Gas Network program is taken from the Lapindo well at Tanggulangin. A leaky pipe is under the river in Kalidawir Village. The provisional suspicion is that the leaking pipe is at the end of the pipe under river water, to be precise at a depth of 2 meters from the river bed.

It is suspected that the leak was due to the accumulation of water carried by the gas in the "U"-shaped section of the pipe. Lapindo will not repair the old pipe in the river but will replace it with a new pipe and move its position up the river. The pipeline leak occurred last Saturday (15/10), at around 22.00 to be precise. At that time Marsam, a resident of Kalidawir, saw a bubble and water coming out with mud from the river.

"Because the leaking pipe is at the bottom of the river, a bubbling appears and water bursts with mud from the riverbed carried by gas looking for a way out.

    Receiving the report, Chusnul Manab, the Lapindo Production Operator, immediately checked the pressure of the TGA 5 well. From the data in the Gas Plow Computer, it can be seen that the gas pressure has indeed dropped, indicating a gas pipeline leak.

    Because of that, shut-in was immediately carried out at the TGA 5 well. In less than 30 minutes the gas flow could be stopped to minimize the risk. At around 23.00 the bubble and water mixed with grains had stopped completely.

"Lapindo would like to thank Mr. Marsam who was immediately responsive in reporting so that the pipeline leak could be handled immediately. This shows that communication between Lapindo and residents has been well established. At that time Lapindo Brantas was indeed sending 10 MMcsf of gas as requested by Pertagas Niaga. It should have been 570 Psig at that time, but the pressure left on the screen was 278 Psig.

Harian Bangsa, Page-12, Tuesday, Oct 25, 2016

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