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Tuesday, October 18, 2016

Regency Government and Pertamina EP Promote Illegal Mining Control

Anticipating the possibility of various polemics about oil mining activities in the East Java Bojonegoro Region. The Bojonegoro Regency Government together with Pertamina EP Asset 4 Field Cepu close ranks to hold a socialization plan to control illegal oil mining in the local Dharma Angling Room.

Pertamina EP Asset 4

The event was attended by representatives of traditional miners in the Malo District area and a total of 150 miners, security personnel both TNI and Polri, as well as the Bojonagoro District Regional Leadership Forum and also SKK Migas Jabanusa representatives.

In the occasion of the Bojonegoro Regent, Suyoto, during the Socialization Meeting on the plan to control illegal oil mining in Bojonegoro, he explained that the arrangement of the mine would be in the context of realizing the Wonocolo and surrounding areas as areas that have a safe environment, a productive community and provide long-term life.

In accordance with the fatwa of the Attorney General's Office that all wells that are illegal or unlicensed are all owned by the state, as well as all results generated from state-owned mining activities. The concept of this tour will be one way to improve the environment and the development model is to build an environmentally friendly concept, "Suyoto said.

Agus Amperianto

Pertamina EP Asset 4 Field Manager Cepu, Agus Amperianto said that the biggest hope is that mining activities must pay attention to the environment in accordance with applicable laws. Integrated directed to follow the provisions of the applicable legislation.

Besides operating the existing Well, it also oversees the upstream oil and gas business activities. Therefore, in preparing it, all parties directed the tourism sector, especially in Wonocolo to increase population income.

All activities involving upstream oil and gas are responsible in the work area, in this case, Pertamina. Therefore he respects all safe and environmentally friendly upstream oil and gas activities. There is nothing better for a person to be said dead if he stops pursuing "ideals and stops working.

Agus Supriyanto, head of the ESDM regency, Bojonegoro, explained that this activity was carried out as a follow-up meeting from the Central Government on controlling illegal mining. It is hoped that by holding this activity an understanding of correct oil mining will be obtained, especially in the oil mining area in the old Malo and Kedewan wells.

"This activity is of course also to create a clean environment and beautiful forest,".

The main key is how to preserve the forest, and the increasing awareness of the environment and illegal mining, mainly the participants of oil mining in the Kedewan and Malo Districts, youth and community leaders, KUD management and the mining Association.

Syukur Priyanto Deputy Chairperson of the Regional Representative Council (DPRD) Bojonegoro conveyed, several messages including control. It must be thought that the miners are Bojonegoro people, they are part of us.

"When this regulation is made there will be good goals, but not necessarily good goals in favor of our society. The impact of environmental damage is very large so it must be considered properly.

Bhirawa, Page-6, Tuesday, Oct 18, 2016

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