, pub-9591068673925608, DIRECT, f08c47fec0942fa0 Pertamina Explores Oil Purchases from the Middle East and the US - MEDIA MONITORING OIL AND GAS -->

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Saturday, October 15, 2016

Pertamina Explores Oil Purchases from the Middle East and the US

PT Pertamina is exploring the direct purchase of liquefied petroleum gas (LPG) from the Middle East and the United States to meet domestic needs.

Integrated Supply Chain Vice President Daniel S Purba said that his party is currently exploring the direct purchase of LPG to meet domestic needs. At present Iran is a new supplier of LPG which will supply 44,000 tons per month or around 10% of total imports.

As an illustration, the current national LPG consumption is 6.5 million tons per year. While 40% of them originated and imported.

"Besides Iran, Pertamina is also exploring direct purchases from several LPG producers in the Middle East and the United States,"

The selection of LPG producers is based on three reasons. These three reasons include the commercial aspect of the price offered, the quality of LPG produced and the continuity of supply that may be sent. Commercial considerations, quality, and continuity.

Dwi Soetjipto

PT Pertamina President Director Dwi Soetjipto said the arrival of LPG was a positive signal to the cooperation between Pertamina and the National Iranian Oil Company (NIOC). Some of the opportunities for cooperation, such as the control of oil and gas blocks will be able to be done as a way to strengthen cooperation.

"The Pertamina Gas 2 ship carrying LPG (Butane / Propane) cargo has arrived in Kalbut, Situbondo, this day safely and at the same time marks a new round of Pertamina-NIOC cooperation and is a door opening for more significant Indonesia-Iran trade cooperation.

LPG purchases made through this direct transaction commercially also provide benefits to both parties, especially for Pertamina which always targets supply with competitive terms and prices.

After the initial lifting, the next cargo from NIOC will arrive in the third week, around November 20, 2016. The arrival of 40,000 tons of LPG marks the form of cooperation between PT Pertamina and NIOC.

Through the signing of the head of agreement (HOA) conducted on 30 May 2016, Iran will supply 600,000 tons of LPG. In addition to LPG purchases, Pertamina-NIOC had previously signed a memorandum of understanding to conduct a preliminary study of two oil fields in Iran, namely Ab-Teymour and Mansouri (Bangestan-Asmari) which had more than 5 billion barrels in reserves in August 2016.

Bisnis Indonesia, Page-9, Saturday, Oct 15, 2016.

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