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Thursday, October 13, 2016

Pertamina Begins Integrated Offshore Platform Installation Project

PT Pertamina started the installation of offshore platforms PHE-12 and PHE-24 in the construction of the engineering procurement and Installation (EPC-1) project. The project is located in the West Madura Offshore working area.

The commencement of the installation was officially opened by Pertamina's Managing Director Dwi Soetjipto, Pertamina's Upstream Director Syamsu Alam and the Head of SKK Migas Amien Sunaryadi. The inauguration took place on the Hilong 106 installation vessel, located between the PHE-12 and PHE-24 platforms, or about 60 nautical miles from the port of Gresik, East Java.

Dwi said that the EPCI-1 Project was part of the first integrated field in the working area of ​​PT Pertamina Hulu Energi West Madura Offshore (PHE WMO). Two production facilities namely PHE-12 and PHE-24 will be moored about 55-70 meters above sea level. This integrated field oil and gas production facility will be equipped with Central Processing Platform 2 (CPP2).
Dwi said the integrated field development was part of Pertamina's efforts to increase the contribution of up to 40% of national oil production in 2019. Currently, Pertamina has just contributed around 23% of the total national oil production of 830,000 barrels per day.

      Dwi revealed that this project prioritizes domestic components. Because the level of domestic components (TKDN) reached 61.8%. Fabrication originating from Cilegon which provided a platform for Central Processing. Dwi also promised to increase the value of TKDN for further projects. Dwi said not only components that have local content.

Dwi revealed that the platform design was carried out by the children of the nation namely from WMO. All the work on this integrated project was worked on by local workers. Subsea pipes are also produced domestically, from the Bakrie company.

"This should be appreciated. This will be our capital even better, "he said.

Meanwhile, Amien added that this project is tangible proof of the ability of local companies to support projects in the oil and gas sector. He said, in August SKK Migas issued a circular requiring the construction and maintenance of, among other things, offshore platforms and oil and gas ships to be carried out domestically. According to him, Indonesia already has a lot of fabrications that are able to support oil and gas activities.

"Ability in the country is no less competitive. This project is proof. Still, in the same place, Syamsu said that the integrated field development is very important to show Pertamina's reliability in managing offshore fields.

"I congratulate you because this project was carried out on time and has recorded more than 2.6 million working hours survived (Zero Lost Time Incident),"

PT Pertamina Hulu Energi's Managing Director, R. Gunung Sardjono Hadi, said that to complete the production facility, a submarine pipeline with a total length of around 19.5 km has been started to channel oil and gas production from the PHE-12 and PHE fields. -24 (integrated).

All EPCI-1 activities are expected to be completed by February 2017.

"In accordance with the SKK Migas target, this integrated field in February 2017 could have flowed around 1,000 BPD of petroleum and reached a peak of 2,900 BPD in May 2017.

From natural gas wells, it is expected to produce 10 mmscfd starting in June 2017 and reach a peak of 14.1 mmscfd in July 2017. Mount Sardjono Hadi said, as part of Pertamina's efforts to realize national energy sovereignty, the integrated field will be continued with the development of the EPCI 2 project which includes the development of the EPCI 2 project. the PHE-48 and PHE-7 platforms will begin in early 2018.

Sri Budiyani

President / GM PHE WMO Sri Budiyani added through the EPCI-1 project, PHE WMO expects an increase in production of 5-7 thousand barrels in stages every three months to 5 years. Thus the rate of decline in natural production in the WMO Block, which on average in the last 3 years reached 50 60 percent per year, can continue to be suppressed.

 "Currently through a careful well maintenance program and production optimization, from 2016 to October, the rate of decline in natural production can be held to only around 10 percent. "The activity of the installation of offshore oil and gas platforms at present shows that Peftamina is able to work offshore," said Sri Budiyani.

Investor Daily, Page-9, Thursday, Oct 13, 2016

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