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Saturday, October 15, 2016

PGN Operates 78 Percent of Gas Pipes

PT Perusahaan Gas Negara (Persero) Tbk plans to extend the natural gas pipeline infrastructure along more than 1,680 km. According to PGN Corporate Secretary Heri Yusup, currently, the total length of pipes built and operated by PGN is more than 7,200 km. The total pipe length has increased compared to 2014, which was only 6,616 km.

With the length of the natural gas transmission and distribution pipeline, PGN operates more than 78 percent of the downstream natural gas pipeline throughout Indonesia. Heri added that from this year until 2019 the company will add more than 1,680 km of natural gas pipeline infrastructure. This project is spread in various regions, including the Duri-Dumai-Medan open access transmission pipeline project.

Other projects are the construction of the Bekasi-Semarang Muara open access transmission pipeline, the Batam (Nagoya) WNTS-Pemping distribution pipeline, and the natural gas distribution pipeline in existing and other new areas.

"Everything is built with PGN's own investment without relying on the state budget," said Heli.

He explained the length of the PGN gas pipeline in 2019 is targeted to reach 8,656 km. The addition of this gas infrastructure can increase the ability to utilize natural gas by 1,902 million cubic feet per day (MMSCFD). In 2015, PGN was able to deliver natural gas reaching 1,591 million cubic feet per day (MMSCFD).

"The distribution of PGN natural gas to these customers creates national savings of Rp 88.03 trillion per year," said Heri.

Until now PGN has not stopped building natural gas infrastructure in various regions in Indonesia. The main goal is that natural gas, especially those produced domestically, which are environmentally friendly, efficient, safe and easy for the public to enjoy.

As an example this year, PGN has completed the construction of a 18.3 km gas pipeline in Batam. Then in Pasuruan, East Java, PGN completed the construction of a 15 km gas pipeline in the Kejayan-Purwosari mas. Then, there is another Jetis-Ploso Mas along 27 km, in Kalisogo-Waru, East Java, along 30 km.

The gas pipes supply natural gas to more than 116,600 household customers. PGN has operated seven Gas Fuel Filling Stations (SPBG) to eight partners SPBGs and the fifth MRU (SPBG Mobile). Regarding industrial gas sales of under the US $ 6 per MMBTU, PGN Medan, in particular, is waiting for the central instruction.

"So far, there has been no directive regarding the gas price expected by the President at the US $ 6 per MMBTU," said Medan Saeful Hadi's Sales Area Head of the State Gas Company (PGN).

Republika, Page-6, Saturday, Oct 15, 2016.

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