Saturday, November 26, 2016
ESDM Berikan Gas Masela ke Tiga Perusahaan Lokal
Kementerian Energi dan Sumber Daya Mineral sudah menetapkan alokasi gas Lapangan Abadi, Blok Masela ke tiga perusahaan lokal. Padahal, hingga saat ini Inpex Masela Ltd belum mengirimkan revisi plan ofdevelopment atas perubahan skema proses produksi gas dari kilang terapung (FLNG) menjadi Kilang Darat. Wakil Menteri ESDM Arcandra Tahar menyatakan, ada beberapa perusahaan yang berminat pada gas Lapangan Abadi, yakni perusahaan pupuk dan petrokimia. Untuk itu ditetapkan alokasi gas berdasarkan tindak lanjut Surat permintaan Kementerian Perindustrian.
Alokasinya sudah, jadi sudah ada alokasi gas Masela, investornya juga sudah ada. Surat resmi sudah ada. Hanya saja, Arcandra belum mau menyebutkan nama perushaan itu. la hanya menyatakan, surat. dari Kementerian Perindustrian kepada perusahaan itu belum sampai pada penandatanganan kontrak jual beli gas (PJBG). Direktur Jenderal Industri Kimia, Tekstil, dan Aneka (Dirjen IKTA) Kementerian Perindustrian Achmad Sigit Dwi Wahjono membenarkan, pihaknya sudah mengirimkan surat permintaan kepada Kementerian ESDM.
Sigit merinci, ketiga perusahaan adalah PT Pupuk Indonesia yang di minta mendapatkan alokasi sebesar 240 mmbtu, Elsoro Multi Prima/Sojitz sebanyak 100 mmbtu dan Kalimantan Metanol lndonesia sebesar 130 mmbtu. Usman Slamet, Senior Manager Communication And Relation Inpex Corp tak ingin komentar soal peruntukan gas. Revisi kuartal I 2017. Sementara untuk revisi rencana pengembangan atau plant of development (POD) Blok Masela ditargetkan bisa selesai pada awal kuartal I 2017.
Pasalnya, masih ada beberapa hal yang masih dalam pembahasan. Dari sisi term and condition, ESDM masih mencermati. Kita harus mempertahankan posisi, sehingga harus win-win dalam negosiasi, nah yang win-win ini susah carinya. Tiga lokasi yang bisa dibangun Kilang LNG Darat adalah kepulauan Aru, Kepulauan Selaru dan Pulau Yamdena. Kemungkinan cuma tiga itu yang visibel. lndikator pemilihan tiga lokasi itu karena, pipanya bisa mengalir langsung secara teknikal ke Blok Masela. Kemudian, secara teknikal, ketiga pulau itu bisa menjadi tempat pembuatan petrokimia. Kemudian terkait keekonomian, kata Arcandra. Menurut Usman, pemerintah dan lnpex terus bertemu secara intensif membicarakan proyek Abadi tersebut pembicaraannya sangat positif
EMR Provide Gas Masela to Three Local Companies
Ministry of Energy and Mineral Resources has set allocation Abadi gas field, Masela to three local companies. In fact, until today Inpex Masela Ltd have not submitted a revised plan for the change process scheme ofdevelopment gas production from offshore plant (FLNG) into refinery Army. Deputy Minister Arcandra Tahar states, there are several companies interested in the Abadi gas field, namely fertilizer and petrochemical company. For that set the gas allocation is based on a follow-up letter request of the Ministry of Industry.
The allocations already, so there Masela gas allocation, the investor is also available. An official letter is already there. Only, Arcandra not want to mention the name of the Integration. He simply stated the letter. of the Ministry of Industry to the company was not yet up to the signing of a gas sales contract (GSA). Director General of Chemical, Textile and Miscellaneous (DG IKTA) of the Ministry of Industry Achmad Dwi Sigit Wahjono confirmed, it has sent a letter of request to the Ministry of Energy.
Sigit detailing, three companies are PT Pupuk Indonesia are requested to get an allocation of 240 MMBTU, Elsoro Multi Prima / Sojitz as many as 100 MMBTU and Methanol Kalimantan Indonesia amounting to 130 MMBTU. Usman Slamet, Communication And Relations Senior Manager Inpex Corp. did not want to comment on the allotment of gas. Revised first quarter of 2017. As for the revision of the development plan or plant of development (POD) Masela targeted to be completed early in the first quarter of 2017.
The reason is, there are still some things that are still under discussion. Of the terms and conditions, EMR are still looking. We must maintain the position, so it should be a win-win negotiations, now that win-win is hard to find her. Three locations to be built LNG Land is the Aru Islands and yamdena Selaru. Possibility of only three that are visible. Indicators election because three locations, the pipe can flow directly into Masela technically. Then, technically, could be the island's third petrochemical production sites. Then associated economics, said Arcandra. According to Usman, the government and lnpex continue to meet intensively discuss the Abadi project very positive conversation
Kontan, Page-14, Saturday, Nov,26,2016
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