Saturday, November 26, 2016
ESDM dan DPR Membahas Skema Bagi Hasil Migas
Kementerian Energi dan Sumber Daya Mineral (ESDM) tengah menyusun Peraturan Menteri (Permen) ESDM agar skema gross split dalam kontrak bagi hasil alias production sharing contract (PSC) bisa dilakukan secepatnya untuk kontrak baru. Sejak Pelaksana Tugas Menteri ESDM Luhut Binsar Pandjaitan, Wacana kontrak bentuk lain sudah dibahas. Bahkan kontrak baru termasuk skema gross split tersebut siap masuk ke dalam revisi UU Migas. Bahkan, Ditjen Migas sudah membandingkan PSC negara-negara lain seperti Malaysia, Aljazair, Amerika Selatan, hingga Peru untuk bisa mendapatkan kontrak bagi hasil yang terbaik.
Dalam kesempatan Rapat Dengar Pendapat (RDP) dengan Komisi VII pada Selasa (22/11), Menteri ESDM Ignasius Jonan kembali mendengungkan Wacana perubahan skema kontrak bagi hasil. Yakni, memakai skema gross split, atau kontrak bagi hasil yang tidak dibebankan lagi biaya penggantian ke kontraktor migas. Dengan gross split tersebut, setiap tahun pemerintah tidak lagi dipusingkan oleh cost recovery. Kementerian ESDM akan berusaha, ke depan Kontraktor Kontrak Kerjasama (KKKS) adalah gross split. Jadi kalau sudah gross split APBN tidak terbebani, terserah saja mereka mau kerja naik sepeda atau becak atau mau naik apa yang penting beres pas hitungan gross splitnya, " kata Jonan.
Dengan memakai PSC skema gross split, maka bagi hasil untuk minyak misalnya, tidak lagi 85% pemerintah dan kontraktor 15%, bisa saja 50% : 50% plus tanpa cost recovery. Direkur Indonesian Petroleum Association (IPA), Sammy Hamzah mengatakan, skema gross split adalah jenis kontrak yang diusulkan kontraktor. Dan sedang kami tunggu implementasinya. Usulan kontraktor sebenarnya tidak hanya gross split, tetapi juga sliding scale (bagi hasil tanpa memperhitungkan first tranche petroleum dan cost recovery lebih dulu).
Kedua skema ini digunakan dalam kondisi harga minyak sedang rendah dan untuk non konvensional. Pengamat Energi dari Reforminer Institute Komaidi Notonegoro, menyatakan, dengan skema gross split ini tidak bisa langsung efektif meningkatkan investasi di sektor hulu migas. Perhitungan bagi hasil dalam skema gross split sangat menentukan menarik tidaknya investasi hulu migas Indonesia. Sementara bagi pelaku menarik belum tentu tergantung gross split. Kalau sistem lama, tapi bagi hasilnya bagus bukan 85:15, katakanlah 80:20 atau 75:25 itu bisa saja jauh lebih menarik dibandingkan gross split, kata Komaidi. Dia juga menekankan, penentuan bagi hasil akan sangat tergantung pada kondisi suatu lapangan migas.
EMR and Parliament Discusses Oil and Gas Production Sharing Scheme
Ministry of Energy and Mineral Resources (ESDM) is preparing Regulation (Candy) EMR that gross scheme split in the production sharing contract alias production sharing contract (PSC) can be done as soon as possible for a new contract. Since Acting Minister Luhut Binsar Pandjaitan, Discourse other forms of contract have been discussed. Even the new contract includes the split gross scheme ready to enter into the oil and gas law revision. In fact, the Directorate General of Oil and Gas is already comparing PSC other countries such as Malaysia, Algeria, South America, to Peru to be able to get a contract for the best results.
On the occasion of hearing (RDP) with the Commission VII on Tuesday (22/11), Minister Ignatius Jonan back mendengungkan discourse schema change production sharing contract. Namely, wearing a gross scheme split, or a production sharing contract no longer charged to the replacement cost of oil and gas contractors. With the gross split, each year the government no longer troubled by cost recovery. The Ministry of Energy will strive, in the future Cooperation Contract (PSC) is a gross split. So if you've gross split state budget is not burdened, whatever they want to work riding a bike or rickshaw or want to ride what matters sorted out fitting splitnya gross matter, "said Jonan.
By using the scheme gross PSC split, then the results for the oil, for example, is no longer 85% 15% government and contractors, it could be 50%: 50% plus without cost recovery. Direkur Indonesian Petroleum Association (IPA), Sammy Hamzah said gross split scheme is a type of contract that the proposed contractor. And we are waiting for implementation. Proposed contractor split is not only gross, but also a sliding scale (for results without taking into account the first tranche petroleum and cost recovery first).
Both of these schemes are used in conditions of moderate oil prices low and to non-conventional. Energy observer of Komaidi Notonegoro Reforminer Institute, said, with a gross scheme of this split can not be directly effective to increase investment in upstream oil and gas sector. The calculation of gross profit sharing scheme split will determine whether or not the investment attractive upstream oil and gas Indonesia. As for the perpetrators interesting split is not necessarily dependent gross. If the old system, but the result is good not 85:15, 80:20 or 75:25 say it could have been much more interesting than the gross split, said Komaidi. He also stressed the determination of the results will depend on the condition of an oil and gas field.
Kontan, Page-14, Saturday, Nov,26,2016
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