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Thursday, November 24, 2016

Harga Gas Baru Dievaluasi Tiap Tahun

    Kementerian ESDM memastikan harga gas untuk industri pupuk, petrokimia, dan baja mulai berlaku pada 2017. Ketiganya dipastikan mendapatkan harga gas tidak lebih dari USD 6 per mmbtu di plant gate. Supaya harga keekonomian terjaga, kementerian akan melakukan pengawasan dan mengevaluasi setiap tahun. Menteri ESDM Ignasius Jonan menyatakan, hingga saat ini, Peraturan Menteri ESDM soal harga gas memang belum keluar. Namun, pemerintah sudah memastikan harga gas murah diberikan kepada tiga industri terlebih dulu.

    Diatur supaya terjangkau. Maksimal USD 6 per mmbtu. Karena aturan belum keluar, Jonan belum mau berbicara lebih detail soal harga gas baru. Menurut dia, aturan itu akan dibuat detail. Karena itu, dia meminta menunggu sampai aturan keluar. Dia memastikan bahwa tiga industri tersebut memang layak mendapatkan gas murah. Meski ada fakta bahwa pupuk asal Indonesia banyak diekspor, dia menyatakan tidak masalah. Menurut dia, hal itu bukan berani memberikan subsidi pupuk kepada eksporter.

    Sebab, pupuk diprioritaskan untuk memenuhi kebutuhan dalam negeri terlebih dulu. Diutamakan yang dalam negeri. Kelebihannya bisa diekspor, kata mantan menteri perhubungan itu. Penetapan harga gas mempertimbangkan tiga hal. Yakni, keekonomian lapangan, kemampuan daya beli konsumen gas bumi dalam negeri, dan nilai tambah pemanfaatan gas bumi di dalam negeri. SKK migas akan mengoordinasikan penyiapan penyesuaian harga jual kepada produsen gas bumi.

    Kementerian bakal mengoordinasikan penyiapan penyesuaian besaran tarif pengangkutan gas bumi melalui pipa. Dia berharap Peraturan Menteri ESDM bisa mendorong investasi migas dan daya saing industri bertambah. Sebab, pemerintah berkepentingan untuk mempercepat pertumbuhan ekonomi nasional dan menjamin harga jual gas bumi yang ekonomis. Ketika harga baru gas bumi nanti berlaku, Jonan memastikan Kementerian ESDM tidak akan lepas tangan.

    Ada pengawasan yang dilakukan setiap tiga bulan dan evaluasi setiap tahun atau waktu tertentu dengan mempertimbangkan kondisi dalam negeri. Direktorat Jenderal Migas Kementerian ESDM Wiratmaja Puja menambahkan, harga gas yang diperbarui nanti didukung dengan pengetatan terhadap trader tanpa infrastruktur. Hingga akhir tahun ini, diusahakan tidak lagi ada trader gas yang bermodal kertas. Selain soal harga gas, Jonan mengumumkan dua Peraturan Menteri ESDM yang resmi meluncur Yakni, Peraturan Menteri 36/2016 tentang BBM Satu Harga dan Peraturan Menteri 35/2016 tentang Pembangunan Kilang Minyak dalam Negeri oleh Badan Usaha Swasta. Untuk BBM satu harga, uang yang harus dibayarkan pembeli premium dan solar akan sama se Indonesia pada 2017.


New Gas Price Evaluated Each Year

    The Ministry of Energy and Mineral Resources to make sure the price of gas for the fertilizer industry, petrochemical and steel came into force in 2017. All three are determined to get the price of gas is not more than $ 6 per mmbtu at the plant gate. For a more economical price awake, the ministry will supervise and evaluate each year. Minister Ignatius Jonan states, to date, Regulation of Minister about the price of gas does not come out. However, the government has to make sure the price of cheap gas was given to three industry first.

    Arranged so affordable. A maximum of USD 6 per mmbtu. Because the rule has not come out, Jonan not want to talk in more detail about the new gas prices. According to him, the regulation will be made detail. Therefore, he asked to wait until the rules come out. He ensures that the three industries are indeed deserving of cheap gas. Despite the fact that the fertilizer from Indonesia exported, he said it was not a problem. According to him, it did not dare to give fertilizer subsidy to exporters.

    Because, fertilizers prioritized to meet domestic demand first. Preferably in the country. The surplus could be exported, said the former minister of transportation. Gas pricing consider three things. Namely, the economic field, the purchasing power of domestic consumers of natural gas, and value-added utilization of natural gas in the country. SKK will coordinate the preparation of oil and natural gas sales price adjustment to the natural gas producer.

    The Ministry will coordinate the preparation of the tariff adjustment of transporting natural gas through pipelines. He hoped Regulation Minister could push oil and gas investment and increased industrial competitiveness. Therefore, the government's interest to accelerate the growth of the national economy and ensure the selling price of natural gas is economical. When a new price of natural gas later apply, Jonan ensure MEMR will not get out of hand.

    No monitoring is done every three months and evaluation each year or a certain time taking into account the conditions in the country. The Directorate General of Oil and Gas Ministry of Energy and Mineral Resources Wiratmaja Puja adds, gas prices are update later supported by a tightening of the trader without infrastructure. By the end of this year, sought no longer exists gas traders cashed paper. Besides about gas prices, Jonan Minister announced two regulations which officially rolled Namely, Regulation 36/2016 on BBM One Price and Regulation 35/2016 on the Development of Oil Refinery in the State by private business entities. For the price of fuel, the money to be paid buyers of gasoline and diesel will be the same across Indonesia in 2017.

Jawa Pos, Page-6, Thursday, Nov,24-2016

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