Saturday, November 26, 2016
Moving Alat Berat Dimulai
Persiapan pengeboran eksplorasi sumur Albatros Putih (AP) di Desa Jamprong Kecamatan Kenduruan segera dimulai. Saat ini, Pertamina EP Asset IV Field Cepu sedang melakukan moving atau mengusung alat berat yang akan digunakan untuk mengebor. Setelah alat tiba di lokasi, segera dirakit. Proses moving alat berat masih berjalan, kata Field Manager Pertamina EP Asset IV Field Cepu, Agus Amperianto. Dia mengatakan, moving dilakukan sampai dini hari. Karena itu, warga diminta untuk maklum dan menyesuaikan waktunya tidak akan menggelar kegiatan di jalur yang akan dilewati iring-iringan kendaraan dalam moving tersebut. Kami sudah menggelar sosialisasi, jadi warga sudah tahu apa yang akan kami lakukan.
Jalur yang dilalui iring-iringan alat berat itu dipastikan memenuhi syarat dan memadai. Perusahan minyak milik BUMN ini sudah menyusuri jalur moving. Ketika ada jalan yang harus diperbaiki untuk mendukung mobilitas kendaraan yang moving, disesuaikan. Yang kondisinya tidak memungkinkan dilalui diperbaiki agar bisa dilewati. Bahkan, kemudian dilakukan uji coba jalur moving tersebut untuk memastikan jalur aman. Sudah dilakukan tes transport alat berat dengan low bed dan lolos sampai KS/1 26 Desa Sidomukti. Untuk masuk ke lokasi sumur Albatros Putih di Desa Jamprong, jalur yang dilalui cukup panjang.
Dari Desa Sidomukti atau point 1 sampai KM 34, ada 16 point yang harus diperbaiki. Perbaikan dilakukan selama 10 hari sejak 10 November. Setelah pengecekan akhir dan dinyatakan siap, jalur itu dilalui. Mobilisasi peralatan dan unit cementing itu menggunakan low bed standart, bukan low bed tipe dolly. Semua muatan di atas armada moving juga diberi safety guide untuk menghindari resiko terkena kabel listrik saat moving.
Moving Heavy Equipment Begins
Preparation of drilling exploration wells White Albatros (AP) in the village of the District Jamprong Kenduruan begin. Currently, Pertamina EP Cepu Field Asset IV are doing moving or carrying the heavy equipment that will be used to drill. Once the tool has arrived at the scene, immediately assembled. The process of moving heavy equipment is still running, said Field Manager of Pertamina EP Cepu Field Asset IV, Agus Amperianto. He said, moving is done until the early hours. Therefore, residents are asked to understand and adjust the time will hold events on the track will be skipped the motorcade in the moving. We already hold socialization, so residents already know what we will do.
The path through which the procession of heavy equipment was certainly qualified and adequate. The state-owned oil company is already moving down the track. When there is a road that must be improved to support the mobility of the moving vehicle, adjusted. Whose condition does not allow traversed amended to passable. Even then conducted trials of the moving track to ensure safe passage. Already conducted tests transport of heavy equipment with a low bed and escaped to KS / 1 26 Sidomukti Village. To get into the well location in the village of White Albatros Jamprong, traversed a long path.
The village of Sidomukti or point 1 to KM 34, there are 16 points to be fixed. Repairs carried out during the 10 days since November 10. After a final check and declared ready, the path traversed. Mobilization of equipment and cementing units that use low-bed standard, not a low-bed type of dolly. All content over the moving fleet also given a safety guide to avoid the risk of electric cables when moving.
Radar Bojonegoro, Page-29, Saturday, Nov,26,2016
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