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Wednesday, November 23, 2016

Pertamina Peroleh Hak Kelola 100% Blok ONWJ

    Pertamina sedang menghitung kerugian yang akan diklaimkan kepada pemasok FAME yang terkontaminasi air untuk campuran biosolar di TBBM Plumpang. PT Pertamina bakal memiliki hak kelola 100% blok migas Offshore. North West java (ONWJ). Pengembalian hak kelola sesuai perintah Presiden Joko Widodo itu mulai berlaku saat berakhirnya kontrak konsorsium pengelola blok migas yang terdiri atas Pertamina Hulu Energi (PHE) ONWJ bersama Energi Mega Persada ONWJ Ltd dan Kufpec Indonesia pada 18 Januari 2017.

    Pertamina masih boleh saja share down dengan yang lain, tetapi dengan Skema business to business (b to b). Yang pasti pemerintah melimpahkannya dulu ke Pertamina,” kata Dirjen Migas Kementerian ESDM IGN Wiratmaja Puja. Mekanisme itu, seperti kepemilikan Pertamina terhadap Blok Mahakam, Kalimantan Timur, yang sebelumnya dikelola Total E&P Indonesia. Mengenai porsi hak kelola yang bisa ditawarkan Pertamina ke mitra usaha, Wiratmaja mengaku belum mengetahui secara pasti. Dia pun menyebut tidak ada perubahan terhadap rencana kerja dan anggaran (WP&B) karena kontraktornya masih Pertamina.

    Karena Kufpec tidak jadi mengambil bagian hak kelola pasca-perpanjangan kontrak, berarti Pertamina hanya tinggal menyelesaikan hak kelola EMP. Itu b to b saja sama Pertamina. Komposisi hak kelola Blok ONWJ saat ini terdiri atas PHE ONWJ sebesar 58,28%, EMP ONWJ 36,72%, dan Kufpec Indonesia BV 5%. Sebenarnya pada akhir Desember 2015, SKK Migas dan Pertamina telah menandatangi perpanjangan kontrak Blok ONWJ. Dari hasil perjanjian telah disetujui komposisi hak kelola blok pasca berakhirnya kontrak per 18 Januari 2017, berubah menjadi PHE ONWJ sebesar 73,5%, EMP 24%, dan Kufpec 2,5%.

    Namun, seusai penandatangan kontrak, kedua mitra Pertamina itu tidak menunjukkan kepastian komitmen. Di sisi lain, Pertamina sedang menghitung kerugian yang akan diklaimkan kepada pemasok fatty acid methyl ester (FAME) untuk campuran biosolar di Terminal Bahan Bakar Minyak (TBBM) Plumpang, Jakarta Utara. Pasokan FAME diduga terkontaminasi air saat dibawa kapal pemasok selama perjalanan. Hal itu membuat perseroan menanggung kerugian lantaran harus menarik kembali pasokan biosolar dari stasiun pengisian bahan bakar umum (SPBU) ke TBBM Plumpang demi menghalau meluasnya persebaran biosolar terkontaminasi.

    Pasokan FAME terkontaminasi air itu berasal dari Wilmar Group. Meski demikian, Pertamina tidak bisa memutus kontrak dengan Wilmar lantaran evaluasi kontrak harus seizin Kementerian ESDM. Pekan ini insya Allah (TBBM Plumpang) sudah bisa campur biosolar.


Pertamina Obtains Right to Manage 100% ONWJ

    Pertamina was calculating the losses will be claimed to the supplier FAME contaminated water to mix biodiesel in Plumpang TBBM. PT Pertamina will have the right to manage 100% Offshore oil and gas blocks. North West Java (ONWJ). Returns management rights in accordance with instructions of President Joko Widodo would take effect upon termination of the contract the consortium managing oil and gas blocks that consist of Pertamina Hulu Energi (PHE) ONWJ together Energi Mega Persada ONWJ Ltd and Kufpec Indonesia on January 18, 2017.

    Pertamina is still okay to share with the others down, but with Scheme business to business (B to B). To be sure the government delegate had to Pertamina, "said Director General of Oil and Gas Ministry of Energy and Mineral IGN Wiratmaja Puja. Such a mechanism, such as Pertamina ownership of the Mahakam block in East Kalimantan, which was previously managed by Total E & P Indonesia. Regarding the right to manage the portion that can be offered to business partners Pertamina, Wiratmaja claimed not to know for sure. He also mentioned there are no changes to the work plan and budget (WP & B) because the contractor is still Pertamina.

    Because Kufpec did not take part the right to manage the post-renewal, meaning it only stayed finish EMP management rights. That b to b alone at Pertamina. The composition of the management rights ONWJ currently consists of PHE ONWJ amounted to 58.28%, 36.72% ONWJ EMP, and Kufpec Indonesia BV 5%. Actually, at the end of December 2015, SKK Migas and Pertamina has signed a contract extension ONWJ. From the results of the agreement was approved the composition of the management rights for a block after the expiration of the contract per January 18, 2017, turned into a PHE ONWJ for 73.5%, 24% EMP, and Kufpec 2.5%.

    However, after signing the contract, both partners Pertamina did not show the certainty of commitment. On the other hand, Pertamina is counting the losses that will be claimed to suppliers fatty acid methyl ester (FAME) for biodiesel in the mixture Fuel Terminal (TBBM) Plumpang, North Jakarta. FAME suspected to be contaminated water supply during transport supply ship during the trip. It made the company bear losses due to supply biodiesel must withdraw from public refueling stations (gas stations) to TBBM Plumpang sake dispel the widespread distribution of contaminated biodiesel.

    FAME contaminated water supply comes from the Wilmar Group. However, Pertamina can not break the contract with Wilmar evaluation because the contract must be authorized by the Ministry of Energy and Mineral Resources. This week, insya allah (TBBM Plumpang) was able to mix biodiesel.

Media Indonesia, Page-19, Wednesday, Nov,23-2016

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