Friday, November 25, 2016
Saka Energi Rencanakan Eksplorasi di Kalimantan
PT Saka Energi Indonesia (PGN Saka) terus melakukan pencarian cadangan minyak dan gas baru di seluruh Indonesia. Yang terbaru, Saka sedang mempersiapkan eksplorasi di Blok South Sesulu, Kalimantan. Vice President Government Relations And Social Responsibility PT Saka Energi Indonesia, Purwanto Nugroho mengatakan, proyek pengeboran Blok South Sesulu saat ini memasuki tahap lelang. Lelang ini ditargetkan berlangsung dalam waktu dekat. Dan kegiatan awal pengeboran bisa dilakukan pada kuartal I 2017.
Pihaknya berharap Blok South Sesulu dapat menghasilkan gas. Sedangkan biaya pengeboran blok South Sesulu, diprediksi mencapai sekitar Rp 10 sampai Rp 15 miliar. Hingga Oktober 2016 Saka Energi telah mencatatkan penjualan migas sebesar 34 juta BOE (barrel of oil equivalent). Angka tersebut merupakan gabungan penjualan Migas di seluruh aset milik Saka Energi baik di dalam maupun luar negeri. Target tahun ini tidak jauh dari angka itu. Hingga Desember nanti, kami optimis bisa mencatat penjualan diatas 100 persen.
HSE Manager PT Saka Energi, Estu Subagio menambahkan, selain rencana pengeboran Blok South Sesulu, tahun ini pihaknya juga berhasil menemukan cadangan migas. Cadangan migas baru ini ada di sumur eksplorasi Sidayu 4, Blok Pangkah. Diperkirakan sumur baru ini memiliki kandungan 300 juta barel setara minyak. Kami harapkan hasil produksi memberikan kontribusi signifikan pada tahun 2020.
Saka Energy Exploration Plan in Kalimantan
PT Saka Energi Indonesia (PGN Saka) continue to search for new oil and gas reserves throughout Indonesia. The latest, Saka is preparing exploration in Block South Sesulu, Kalimantan. Vice President of Government Relations And Social Responsibility PT Saka Energi Indonesia, Purwanto Nugroho said Block South Sesulu drilling projects currently entering the auction stage. This auction is targeted to take place in the near future. And initial drilling activity can be conducted in the first quarter 2017.
It hoped Block South Sesulu can produce gas. While the cost of drilling block South Sesulu, predicted to reach Rp 10 to Rp 15 billion. Until October 2016 Saka Energy has listed oil and gas sales of 34 million BOE (barrels of oil equivalent). The figure is a combination of oil and gas sales in all of the assets belonging to the Energy Saka both at home and abroad. This year's target is not far from that figure. Until December, we are optimistic to record sales of over 100 percent.
HSE Manager PT Saka Energi, Estu Subagio added, in addition to the drilling plan Block South Sesulu, this year it also managed to find oil and gas reserves. The new oil and gas reserves in the exploration wells Sidayu 4, Block Pangkah. This new well is estimated to contain 300 million barrels of oil equivalent. We expect production to contribute significantly to 2020.
Radar Gresik, Page-14, Friday, Nov,25,2016
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