Friday, November 25, 2016
Sillo Maritime Menanti Kapal FSU 114 Berlayar
Usai melakukan perawatan dan perbaikan ulang kapal Floating Storage & Offloading (FSO) 114, PT Sillo Maritime Perdana Tbk siap melayarkan kapal itu kembali. Perusahaan ini sudah meneken perjanjian bisnis dengan China National Offshore Oil Corporation (CNOOC) atas penggunaan FSO 114 hingga tahun tahun 2023. Menurut jadwal, FSO 114 akan beroperasi Desember 2016 atau paling lambat awal tahun 2017. Kalau bisa beroperasi Desember, akan ada kontribusi bagi pendapatan Sillo Maritime sekitar 1/12 dari nilai annual kontrak" kata Chella Iskandar, Sekretaris Perusahaan PT Sillo Maritime. Sebelum siap beroperasi kembali, FSO 1 14 telah menyelesaikan kontrak selama 10 tahun.
Makanya, pasca kontrak habis, Sillo Maritime melakukan perawatan berupa dry docking. Perusahaan berkode saham SHIP di Bursa Efek Indonesia itu menggunakan mayoritas dana belanja modal 2016 sebesar US$ 15 juta untuk kebutuhan itu. Perlu diketahui, FSO 114 adalah tulang punggung pendapatan. Kapal tersebut berfungsi menampung minyak dan LPG. Selain FSO 114, Sillo Maritime punya 10 kapal lain. Jenis kapal beragam, seperti Tugboat, kapal tunda, crew boat dan utility vessel. Selain kontrak pengangkutan dengan CNOOC, sebelumnya Sillo Maritime sudah mendapatkan kontrak baru untuk kapal utility vessel berdurasi tiga tahun. Kontrak dengan PetroChina International Jabung Ltd. tersebut berlaku mulai 6 November 2016 dengan Wilayah operasi di Muara Sabak, Jambi.
SILLO Maritime Waiting FSU 114 Sailing Boats
After treatment and repair of the Floating Storage and Offloading vessel (FSO) 114, PT Prime SILLO Maritime Tbk is ready to sail the ship back. The company has signed a business agreement with the China National Offshore Oil Corporation (CNOOC) on the use of FSO 114 years until the year 2023. According to the schedule, FSO 114 will be operational in December 2016 or early 2017. If it can operate in December, there will be a contribution to revenue SILLO Maritime approximately 1/12 of the annual value of the contract "Chella said Iskandar, Corporate Secretary PT SILLO Maritime. Prior ready to operate again, FSO 1 14 has completed a contract for 10 years.
Therefore, after the contract expired, SILLO Maritime perform maintenance in the form of dry docking. SHIP-coded company shares in the Indonesia Stock Exchange that uses the majority of capital expenditure in 2016 amounted to US $ 15 million for that need. Keep in mind, FSO 114 is the backbone of revenue. The vessel serves to accommodate oil and LPG. In addition to FSO 114, SILLO Maritime has 10 other ships. Diverse types of ships, such as Tugboat, tugs, crew boats and utility vessels. In addition to the transport contract with CNOOC, previously SILLO Maritime has been awarded a new contract to ship three-year utility vessels. Contract with PetroChina International Jabung Ltd. The effect from 6 November 2016, with operating area in Muara Sabak, Jambi.
Kontan, Page-13, Friday, Nov,25,2016
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