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Saturday, December 24, 2016

Akhirnya, Revisi Aturan Cost Recovery Tuntas

Pemerintah tak memasukkan prinsip assume and discharge dalam revisi PP No 79/2010

    Pemerintah akhirnya menuntaskan perubahan Peraturan Pemerinlah (PP) No 79/2010, PP yang mengatur tentang biaya pengembalian usaha (cost recovery) dan pajak hulu migas ini, hanya berlaku bagi kontrak migas baru yang ditandatangani setelah revisi beleid tersebut ditandatangani presiden.

    Ignasius Jonan, Menteri Energi dan Sumber Daya. Mineral (ESDM), mengungkapkan keputusan tersebut untuk menghormati keberadaan kontrak yang telah berjalan sebelum PP N0 79/2010 direvisi ataupun sebelum berlaku. "Jadi, kalau kontrak yang lama itu menyebutkan apa, ya sudah, kita ikut saja dan sebagainya," tandas Jona. Sejumlah pelaku usaha menilai draf revisi PP No 79/2010 yang diajukan Kementerian ESDM dan Kementerian Keuangan tersebut bukan merupakan insentif.

    Justru sebaliknya sebagai disinsentif. Sebab, pembebasan pajak pada masa eksplorasi hanya menyasar pajak-pajak pusat. Misalnya pungutan PPN impor, bea masuk, PPN dalam negeri Serta Pajak Bumi dan Bangunan (PBB). Sementara pajak lain, seperti yang diberlakukan daerah atau lokasi ladang minyak yang dikelola tetap menjadi tanggung jawab kontraktor kontrak kerjasama (KKKS).

    Menurutnya, prinsip membebaskan kontraktor dari berbagai macam pungutan dan paiak (assume and discharge) yang selama ini diminta oleh para kontraktor migas agar masuk dalam revisi PP No 79/2010, tak memiliki dasar. Sebab, Undang-Undang No 22 Tahun 2001 Tentang Minyak dan Gas Bumi (Migas) tidak mencantumkannya. Karena itulah dibentuk BP Migas, yang saat ini menjadi SKK Migas. "Makanya, ada SKK Migas dan sebagainya itu," tandas Jonan.

    Menurut mantan Menteri Perhubungan itu, pemerintah berharap para pelaku usaha bisa meningkatkan investasi mereka untuk meningkatkan eksplorasi dan eksploitasi ke depan, revisi beleid ini. Sehingga ditemukan cadangan migas baru, untuk menambal cadangan yang terus menipis. “Amandemen PP 79 itu supaya ada peraturan terkait insentif untuk kontraktor agar berminat melakukan eksplorasi.

    Seperti penemuan ladang-ladang minyak, gas baru dan sebagainya," tegasnya. Direktur Jenderal Migas Kementerian ESDM I Gusti Nyoman Wiratmaja Puja menegaskan, keputusan pemerintah ini untuk menghormati kontrak migas yang telah ditandatangani yang sudah berlandaskan hukum pasti. Karena itu, revisi beleid terbaru hanya menyasar kontrak-kontrak baru nanti. Proses finalisasi ditargetkan rampung sebelum tahun 2017. “Akhir tahun ini naik ke Menko Perekonomian, terus ke Kementerian Sekretariat Negara. Dalam seminggu kedepan kita finalisasi," ujarnya.

    Sementara, Direktur Indonesia Petroleum Association Sammy Hamzah sebelumnya meminta prinsip assume and discharge mestinya bisa masuk dalam PP 79/2010.  Sammy tidak menjawab terkait sudah diputuskannya revisi PP No 79/2010 tersebut.


Finally, the Revised Rules of Cost Recovery Completed

The government does not incorporate the principle assume and discharge the revision of Government Regulation No. 79/2010

    The government finally completed the change Pemerinlah Regulation (PP) No. 79/2010, which regulates the PP business recovery cost (cost recovery) and upstream oil and gas tax, this applies only to new oil and gas contract signed after the revision of a regulation signed by the president.

    Ignatius Jonan, Minister of Energy and Resources. Mineral (EMR), revealed the existence of the decision to honor the contracts that have been running before PP N0 79/2010 revised or before it takes effect. "So if the old contract that says what, it's gone, and so we went along," said Jona. Some businesses assess the draft revision of Government Regulation No. 79/2010 proposed the Ministry of Energy and the Ministry of Finance is not an incentive.

    Quite the contrary as a disincentive. Therefore, the tax exemption on the exploration period to only target central taxes. For example levy import VAT, customs duties, VAT in the country As well as land and building tax (PBB). While other taxes, such as those adopted regional or location-run oil fields remain the responsibility of the contractor cooperation contract (PSC).

    According to him, the principle of freeing the contractor of various charges and paiak (assume and discharge) that had been requested by the oil and gas contractors to be included in the revision of Regulation No 79/2010, it has no basis. Therefore, Act No. 22 of 2001 on Oil and Gas (Oil and Gas) does not include them. Because that was formed BP Migas, which is currently a SKK Migas. "Hence, there is SKK Migas and so it was," said Jonan.

    According to the former Minister of Transportation, the government hopes that the businesses can leverage their investment to boost exploration and exploitation in the future, this policy revision. Thus discovered a new oil and gas reserves, to patch up that continue to diminish. "Amendment 79 PP was that no regulations related to incentives for the contractor to be interested in exploring.

    Such as the discovery of oil fields, new gas and so on, "he said. Director General of Oil and Gas MEMR I Gusti Nyoman Wiratmaja Puja asserted, the government's decision to honor gas contracts that have been signed already based legal certainty. Therefore, the revision of a regulation the most just targeting new contracts later. The process finalization will be completed before 2017. "later this year rose to CMEA, continue to the Ministry of the Secretariat of State. In the next week we are finalizing," he said.

     Meanwhile, Director of the Indonesia Petroleum Association previously asked Sammy Hamzah assume and discharge principle should be included in PP 79/2010. Sammy has decided not to answer related to the revision of the Regulation No. 79/2010.

Kontan, Page-14, Friday, Dec,23,2016

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