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Thursday, December 8, 2016

Aksi Warga Rahayu Kian Memanas

    Aksi unjuk rasa warga Desa Rahayu, Kecamatan Soko, Tuban, yang tergabung dalam Gerakan Bersama Bayar Kompensasi Rakyat (Gebyar Korak) kian memanas. Sebab, aksi yang dimulai sejak pagi belum ditemui pihak Joint Operating Body-Pertamina Petrochina East Iava (JOB-PPEJ). “Kami akan terus menunggu di sini sampai pihak JOB-PPEJ mau menemui masyarkat,” ungkap Kamsiadi, Ketua Badan Permusyawaratan Desa (BPD) Rahayu dalam orasinya di depan gerbang PAD B.

    Pihaknya akan menunggu sampai satu jam, jika tidak ada respon dari pihak JOB PPEJ, perwakilan Pemerintah Desa Rahayu akan masuk ke dalam untuk menjemput paksa Field Admin Superintendent (FAS) JOB PPEJ, Akbar Pradima “Informasi dari dalam, pak Akbar Pradima sekarang lagi meeting sama pihak SKK Migas, kami tunggu, tapi kalau sampai satu jam tidak menemui kami, kami akan jemput paksa, katanya.  Kepala Desa Rahayu, Sukisno, menyatakan, aksi ini dilakukan lantaran warga tidak terima jika kompensasi dampak gas buang (Flare) hanya dibayar dua bulan, karena sampai hari ini kompensasi sudah terhitung 12 bulan.

    Tidak ada dasarnya kompensasi hanya mau dibayar dua bulan, kami tetap meminta kompensasi dibayar penuh, setelah ini terserah mau diganti tali asih atau pemberdayaan,” pungkasnya. Sukisno menambahkan, pihaknya meminta agar masyarakat yang ikut aksi unjuk rasa tetap menjaga keamanan dan tidak ada tindak anarkis sampai unjuk rasa ini dibubarkan. Diketahui, aksi ini mendapatkan kawalan dari pihak kepolisian dari Polres Tuban yang sejak pagi berada di lokasi. Warga yang juga terdiri dari ibu-ibu, anak-anak hingga para pemuda ini sejak pagi juga sudah berbondong-bondong ke lokasi Pad B untuk ikut aksi unjuk rasa menuntut kompensasi yang belum dibayarkan.


Rahayu The Citizens Action Heats Up

    Rallies citizens Rahayu Village, District Soko, Tuban, which is incorporated in the People's Movement Joint Pay Compensation (Gebyar Korak) increasingly heated. Therefore, the action started in the mornings has not met the Joint Operating Body Pertamina-Petrochina East IAVA (JOB-PPEJ). "We will continue to wait here until the JOB-PPEJ want to see the community," said Kamsiadi, Chairman of the Village Consultative Body (BPD) Rahayu in a speech in front of the gates of PAD B.

    He said he would wait up to an hour, if there is no response from the JOB PPEJ, Government representatives Rahayu Village will go inside to pick forcibly Field Admin Superintendent (FAS) JOB PPEJ, Akbar Pradima "Inside information, Mr. Akbar Pradima now again meeting the same the SKK Migas, we wait, but if up to one hour did not see us, we will pick force, he said. Village head Rahayu, Sukisno, said the action is done because if the citizens do not receive compensation for the impact of exhaust gases (Flare) only paid for two months, because to this day the compensation is already commencing 12 months.

    Essentially no compensation would be paid only two months, we still ask the compensation is paid in full, after this is up to replaced gratia or empowerment, "he concluded. Sukisno added, it called on the people who joined the rallies while maintaining safety and no anarchy until the protests were broken up. Known, these actions get a convoy of police from the police station Tuban since morning at the scene. Residents are also made up of mothers, children up to young people since the morning has also been flocking to the location Pad B to join demonstrations demanding compensation has not been paid.

Memorandum, Page-7,Wednesday, Dec,7,2016

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