Pasca munculnya bau busuk dari proyek migas Lapangan Banyu Urip, Blok Cepu di Kecamatan Gayam Kabupaten Bojonegoro beberapa hari kemarin, Badan Lingkungan Hidup (BLH) Bojonegoro melakukan pemantauan di lokasi tersebut. Kepala BLH, Elzadeba Agustina bersama sekretaris dan timnya juga sempat menanyai beberapa warga yang menjadi korban bau tidak sedap tersebut. "Kita ingin melihat langsung dan ingin mengetahui fakta sebenarnya," ujar Elza pada Kamis (22/12).
Menurut Elza, kejadian pada 18 Desember lalu itu perlu dicermati dengan sikap netral dan bijak. Dari pemantauan yang dilakukannya itu, dia melihat beberapa hal yang harus diteliti lebih lanjut. Elza menilai alat yang ada sudah bagus dan berfungsi dengan baik. Namun dia menyarankan ExxonMobil Cepu Limited (EMCL) untuk memasang penanda arah angin seperti Windshock. "Walaupun jarak dari flare EMCL ke sini hampir 2 km, tapi kita juga harus tahu arah anginnya ke mana, karena kan gas itu dibawa angin. Apalagi H2S itu massa jenisnya berat, belum tentu sampai ke sini," paparnya. Dalam,kesempatan tersebut, Elza didampingi beberapa stafnya.
BLH Ask EMCL Install Wind Direction Marker Recurrence After Foul Odor
Post-emergence stench of oil and gas projects Banyu Urip, Cepu in the district of Bojonegoro Gayam last few days, the Environment Agency (BLH/EA) Bojonegoro monitoring at the site. Head of BLH, Elzadeba Agustina joint secretary and his team also had questioned several residents who were victims of the odor. "We wanted to see first hand and wanted to know the truth," said Elza on Thursday (22/12).
According to Elza, the events of December 18 and then it needs to be observed by a neutral stance and wise. From monitoring what he does, he saw a few things that should be investigated further. Elza assess existing tools already good and functioning properly. However, he suggested ExxonMobil Cepu Limited (EMCL) to install markers such as wind direction Windshock. "Although the distance from the flares EMCL here almost 2 km, but we also need to know the wind direction to an extent, because the gas was carried by the wind. Moreover, its density H2S was heavy, not necessarily to get here," he explained. Within, the occasion, Elza was accompanied by some of his staff.
Harian Bangsa, Page-9, Friday, Dec,23,2016
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