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Monday, December 26, 2016

Cadangan Migas Bertambah

Rata-rata ICP 39,15 Dollar AS Per Barrel pada 2016

    Sepanjang Januari 21 Desember 2016, pemerintah menyetujui 28 rencana pengembangan lapangan minyak dan gas bumi. Dengan persetujuan itu, cadangan minyak berpotensi bertambah 142,45 juta barrel dan gas bumi bertambah 645 miliar standar kaki kubik. Penambahan cadangan ini menjadi kabar baik di tengah investasi hulu migas yang masih lesu akibat harga minyak dunia yang rendah. Sebanyak 28 rencana pengembangan lapangan yang disetujui itu dioperasikan sejumlah operator.

    Mereka adalah Chevron Pasific Indonesia (13 lapangan), PT Pertamina EP (10 lapangan), Petrochina International Jabung, (1 Lapangan), Pertamina Hulu Energi Nunukan (1 Lapangan), ExxonMobil Cepu. (1 Lapangan), PHE Offshore North West Java (1 Lapangan), dan Sele Raya Belida (1 Lapangan). Potensi tambahan cadangan ini tentu cukup menggembirakan disaat lesunya investasi hulu migas di Indonesia,” kata Kepala Humas Satuan Kerja Khusus Pelaksana Kegiatan Usaha Hulu Minyak dan Gas Bumi (SKK Migas) Taslim Z Yunus.

     Kendati ada penambahan cadangan, rasio pengembalian cadangan (reserve replacement ratio/RRR) migas di Indonesia masih rendah, yakni di bawah 50 persen. Pada 2016, produksi kumulatif minyak mentah 296,86 juta barrel, sedangkan gas bumi 2,37 triliun kaki kubik. 

    Dengan penambahan cadangan minyak 142,45 juta barrel dan gas bumi 645 miliar standar kaki kubik, maka angka RRR minyak di Indonesia 4299 persen dan gas bumi 27,24 persen. Apabila digabungkan, produksi kumulatif migas 2016 sebanyak 719,6 juta barrel setara minyak dan penemuan cadangan migas 257,62 juta barrel setara minyak.

Anggota Komisi VII DPR Satya Widya Yudha

    Jadi, angka pengembalian cadangan migas di Indonesia hanya 35,8 persen,” ujar Taslim. Anggota Komisi VII DPR Satya Widya Yudha, berpendapat, sulit untuk menaikkan angka rasio pengembalian cadangan di Indonesia disebabkan tingkat investasi hulu migas yang masih rendah dan investor yang belum berpengalaman. Dari 147 kontraktor kontrak kerja sama (KKKS) eksplorasi, sebanyak 50 KKKS di antaranya merupakan pemain baru. 

    Di samping itu, ada perusahaan yang mengelola lebih dari 30 wilayah kerja migas sehingga secara teknis dan finansial kurang sehat dan produktif. ”Namun, rasio pengembalian cadangan yang rendah bukan semata-mata faktor eksplorasi yang minim. Akan tetapi, tingkat keberhasilan penemuan cadangan migas yang baru di Indonesia terbilang rendah, yakni hanya sekitar 31 persen,” ujar Satya.

    Satya menambahkan, agar investasi hulu migas di Indonesia kembali bergairah, pengayaan data migas di Indonesia perlu didorong. Selain itu, kontrak migas yang akan berakhir segera diberi kepastian hukum mengenai nasib kelanjutan kontrak tersebut agar ada kesinambungan investasi. Penyederhanaan perizinan juga penting dalam kegiatan hulu migas. Pemberian insentif juga penting jika dikaitkan dengan harga minyak. Dengan model sliding scale, insentif bagi kontraktor diperbesar jika harga minyak rendah.

    Sebaliknya, bagian negara diperbesar apabila harga minyak tinggi,” tambah Satya. Secara keseluruhan, industri hulu migas di Indonesia masih terpengaruh harga minyak dunia yang rendah. Rata-rata harga minyak mentah Indonesia (ICP) pada 2016 sebesar 39,15 dollar AS per barrel. Harga ini lebih rendah dari patokan APBN yang sebesar 40 dollar AS per barrel.  Chevron Corporation menjual konsesi lapangan panas bumi di Gunung Salak dan Darajat, Garut, Jawa Barat, kepada Konsorsium Star Energy.

    Chevron juga menandatangani jual-beli aset geothermal Tiwi dan Mak-Ban di selatan Luzon, Filipina "Aset-aset ini menghasilkan energi yang andal untuk mendukung kebutuhan ekonomi Asia Pasifik yang berkembang,” ujar Executive Vice President, Upstream, Chevron Corporation, Jay Johnson melalui keterangan tertulis dari San Ramon, California, Amerika Serikat, Jumat (23/12). 

    Di Indonesia, menurut Indah Wardhani dari Tim Corporate Communications Unit Bisnis Chevron IndoAsia, anak usaha Chevron mengoperasikan lapangan panas bumi Darajat dan Salak. Di Filipina, anak usaha Chevron memiliki 40 persen saham di Philippine Geothermal Production Company Inc Aset geothermal Chevron di lapangan Salak dan Darajat mampu memproduksi listrik panas bumi 413 MW dan sudah memasok listrik 275 MW.


Oil and Gas Reserves Increase

The average ICP 39.15 US Dollars per Barrel in 2016

    During January to December 21, 2016, the government approved 28 field development plan of oil and gas. With the agreement, the potential oil reserves increased 142.45 million barrels and natural gas increased 645 billion standard cubic feet. The addition of these reserves is good news in the middle of the upstream oil and gas investment is still sluggish due to lower world oil prices. A total of 28 approved field development plan it operated a number of operators.

    They are Chevron Pacific Indonesia (13 courts), PT Pertamina EP (10 courts), Petrochina International Jabung, (1 field), Pertamina Hulu Energi Nunukan (field 1), ExxonMobil Cepu. (1 field), PHE Offshore North West Java (1 field), and Sele Raya Belida (1 field). Additional potential reserves is certainly quite encouraging when the slowing down of upstream oil and gas investment in Indonesia, "said Head of Public Relations Unit Special Upstream Oil and Gas (SKK Migas) Taslim Z Yunus.

    Despite the addition of reserves, the ratio of return on reserves (reserve replacement ratio / RRR) of oil and gas in Indonesia is still low, below 50 percent. In 2016, the cumulative production of 296.86 million barrels of crude oil, while natural gas 2.37 trillion cubic feet. With the addition of 142.45 million barrels of oil reserves and natural gas 645 billion standard cubic feet, then the number of oil RRR in Indonesia 4299 percent and 27.24 percent of natural gas. When combined, the cumulative production of oil and gas in 2016 as many as 719.6 million barrels of oil equivalent and the discovery of oil and gas reserves of 257.62 million barrels of oil equivalent.

    Thus, rates of return on oil and gas reserves in Indonesia is only 35.8 percent, "said Taslim. House Commission VII member Satya Widya Yudha, argues, it is difficult to raise the reserve ratio number of return in Indonesia due to upstream oil and gas investment levels are still low and inexperienced investors. From 147 cooperation contracts (PSC) to discover, as many as 50 KKKS of which is a new player. 

    In addition, there is a company that manages more than 30 oil and gas working areas that are technically and financially less healthy and productive. "However, the lower reserve ratio of return is not merely exploratory factor is minimal. However, the success rate of discovery of new oil and gas reserve in Indonesia is small, with only about 31 percent, "says Satya.

    Satya added that upstream oil and gas investment in Indonesia back alive, enrichment data is oil and gas in Indonesia should be encouraged. In addition, oil and gas contracts that will expire soon be given legal certainty about the fate of the continuation of the contract so that there is continuity of investment. Simplification of licensing is also important in the upstream oil and gas activities. The incentive is also important that this comes with the price of oil. With a sliding scale models, incentives for contractors magnified if oil prices lower.

    In contrast, parts of the state magnified when oil prices are high, "added Satya. Overall, the upstream oil and gas industry in Indonesia is still affected by low world oil prices. The average Indonesian crude price (ICP) in 2016 amounted to 39.15 dollars per barrel. This price is lower than the state budget benchmark of 40 dollars per barrel. Chevron Corporation sold concessions geothermal field on Mount Salak and Darajat, Garut, West Java, to the Consortium for Energy Star.

     Chevron also signed the sale and purchase of assets geothermal Tiwi and Mak-Ban in southern Luzon, Philippines "These assets generate reliable energy to support the economic needs of the Asia Pacific region is growing," said Executive Vice President, Upstream, Chevron Corporation, Jay Johnson through affidavits from San Ramon, California, USA, on Friday (23/12).

     In Indonesia, according to the Beautiful Ward of Corporate Communications Team Business Unit IndoAsia Chevron subsidiary Chevron operates geothermal field Darajat and Salak. In the Philippines, a subsidiary of Chevron has a 40 percent stake in Philippine Geothermal Production Company Inc. Assets Chevron Geothermal Salak and Darajat in the field is capable of producing 413 MW of geothermal power and 275 MW are already supplying electricity.

Kompas, Page-17, Monday, Dec, 26,2016

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