Thursday, December 29, 2016
Cost Recovery Cut Five Times
Regency (Regency) Bojonegoro, asked the Minister of Finance to "costrecovery" Cepu block oil are the responsibility of the regions of Rp 550 billion was cut five times (five years). Regency propose burden 'cost recovery' installment five times, but the Minister of Finance approved only cut three times, "said Head of the Department of Revenue Bojonegoro Regency Herry Sudjarwo.
According to him, the district government has twice sent a letter to the Minister of Finance related burden "cost recovery" and investment Cepu oil field development began deducted from the acquisition of the Cepu Block oil production. Burden "cost recovery" and investments which are the responsibility of the region, he said, the amount reached Rp 550 billion, which accounted for entry in the Fund (DBH) of oil and gas regions in 2015 have been received Rp 632.8 billion. "The calculation of cost recovery that has included the development of Cepu investment since 2009. There's more possibility of cost recovery for 2016, "he said.
In addition, the local government also need to restore the rest of the portfolio acquisition of Funds (DBH) of oil and gas in 2014 amounted to Rp 87 billion. Acquisition Fund (DBH) in 2014, reaching US $ 628.3 billion, but from the recalculation is done happened, the rest of the disbursement of Rp 87 billion.
Cost Recovery Dipotong Lima Kali
Pemerintah Kabupaten (Pemkab) Bojonegoro, meminta kepada Menteri Keuangan untuk “costrecovery”minyak Blok Cepu yang menjadi tanggung jawab daerah sebesar Rp 550 miliar dipotong lima kali (lima tahun). Pemkab mengusulkan beban ‘cost recovery’ diangsur lima kali, tetapi Menteri Keuangan hanya menyetujui dipotong tiga kali,” kata Kepala Dinas Pendapatan Daerah Pemkab Bojonegoro Herry Sudjarwo.
Menurut dia, pemkab sudah dua kali berkirim surat kepada Menteri Keuangan terkait beban “cost recovery” dan investasi pengembangan lapangan minyak Blok Cepu yang mulai dipotong dari perolehan produksi minyak Blok Cepu. Beban “cost recovery” dan investasi yang menjadi tanggung jawab daerahnya, kata dia, besarnya mencapai Rp 550 miliar yang diperhitungkan masuk di dalam Dana Bagi Hasil (DBH) migas 2015 yang sudah diterima daerahnya sebesar Rp 632,8 miliar. “Perhitungan cost recovery itu sudah termasuk investasi pengembangan Blok Cepu sejak 2009 lalu. Kemungkinan masih ada lagi cost recovery untuk 2016,” ungkapnya.
Selain itu, Pemerintah Kabupaten juga harus mengembalikan sisa penyaluran perolehan Dana Bagi Hasil (DBH) migas pada 2014 sebesar Rp 87 miliar. Perolehan Dana Bagi Hasil (DBH) pada 2014, mencapai Rp 628,3 miliar, tetapi dari perhitungan ulang yang dilakukan terjadi, sisa penyaluran sebesar Rp 87 miliar.
Duta Masyarakat, Page-15, Thursday, Dec, 29, 2016
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