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Wednesday, December 28, 2016

Discussion Masela too Long Protracted

    Discussion on the development of Masela, Maluku, which is rich in natural gas, has not yet been completed. There has been no agreement on a plan to increase production capacity, the extension of the operation, and the location of the gas processing plant on land. Lecturer Trisakti University, Jakarta, Pri Agung Rakhmanto, said the decision Masela development of a long and protracted could affect less well-for the investment climate in Indonesia.

    However, according to him, investors also need to be aware of the reality of the social, economic, and political concerns Masela sensitive enough. "However, I believe the decision on the development of gas Masela truly accountable from all aspects," said Pri Agung. Contractors Masela, lnpex Corporation and Shell, made three requests to the government related to the development of gas Masela, Thirdly it is the addition of an operating life of 10 years, the additional capacity liquefied natural gas (LNG) from 7.5 metric tons per year to 9 , 5 metric tons per year, and the payment of cost recovery or operating costs that can be replaced worth 1.2 billion US dollars has been spent contractor.

    From the third case the government will give a signal regarding the extension of the operation for seven years, two other things are still in the discussion further. Further discussion continues we do with the government. We expect gas development project in the Masela can be accomplished, "said Senior Communications Manager Inpex Corporation Usman Slamet.

    Coordinating Minister for maritime Luhut Binsar Pandjaitan, last week, said the gas development project Masela nearing agreement According to him, there are three projects related to the development of gas Masela, namely project LNG, petrochemical and fertilizer plants. About the request for extension of the operation. they (Inpex and Shell) asked for 10 years, but we see a realistic figure of seven years, "he said. Masela gas reserves estimated at 10.7 trillion cubic feet.


Pembahasan Blok Masela Berlarut-larut

    Pembahasan pengembangan Blok Masela, Maluku, yang kaya gas bumi, hingga kini belum tuntas. Belum ada kesepakatan mengenai rencana penambahan kapasitas produksi, perpanjangan operasi, dan lokasi kilang pengolahan gas di darat. Pengajar Universitas Trisakti, Jakarta, Pri Agung Rakhmanto, mengatakan, keputusan pengembangan Blok Masela yang panjang dan berlarut-larut bisa berdampak kurang baik-bagi iklim investasi di Indonesia.

    Akan tetapi, menurut dia, investor juga perlu menyadari, realitas sosial, ekonomi, dan politik menyangkut Blok Masela cukup sensitif. ”Namun, saya percaya dengan keputusan yang diambil terkait pengembangan gas Blok Masela benar-benar dapat dipertanggungjawabkan dari segala aspek,” kata Pri Agung. Kontraktor Blok Masela, lnpex Corporation dan Shell, mengajukan tiga permintaan kepada pemerintah terkait dengan pengembangan gas Blok Masela, Ketiga hal itu adalah penambahan masa operasi 10 tahun, penambahan kapasitas kilang gas alam cair (LNG) dari 7,5 metrik ton per tahun menjadi 9,5 metrik ton per tahun, dan pembayaran cost recovery atau biaya operasi yang bisa diganti senilai 1,2 miliar dollar AS yang sudah dibelanjakan kontraktor.

    Dari ketiga hal tersebut pemerintah memberi sinyal mengenai perpanjangan operasi selama tujuh tahun, Kedua hal lainnya masih dalam pembahasan lebih lanjut. Pembahasan lebih jauh terus kami lakukan dengan pemerintah. Kami berharap proyek pengembangan gas di Blok Masela dapat segera terlaksana,” kata Senior Communication Manager Inpex Corporation Usman Slamet.

    Menteri Koordinator Bidang Kemaritiman Luhut Binsar Pandjaitan, pekan lalu, menyebutkan, proyek pengembangan gas Blok Masela hampir mendekati kesepakatan Menurut dia, ada tiga proyek terkait pengembangan gas Blok Masela, yaitu proyek kilang LNG, petrokimia, dan pabrik pupuk. Soal permintaan perpanjangan operasi. mereka (Inpex dan Shell) meminta 10 tahun, tetapi kami melihat angka yang realistis tujuh tahun,” ujarnya. Cadangan gas di Blok Masela diperkirakan 10,7 triliun kaki kubik.

Kompas, Page-17, Wednesday, Dec,28,2016

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