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Tuesday, December 20, 2016

Emiten Minyak dan gas Tancap Gas

    Proyeksi harga minyak mentah dunia menembus US$ 60 per barel, membuat emiten komoditas minyak dan gas ancang-ancang tancap pedal gas mengejar target kinerja perseroan. Komisaris Utama PT Sugih Energy Erros Djarot mengungkapkan harga minyak mentah dunia telah rebound dari harga terendah dalam beberapa waktu belakangan. Kenaikan itu diproyeksikan bakal menguntungkan kineria perseroan pada tahun depan. "Justru sekarang ini ada satu yang menjanjikan yakni peningkatan harga, ke depan akan lebih bagus.

    Sekarang sudah dikelola oleh orang-orang mantan Pertamina,". Emiten bersandi saham SUGI itu memang sedang didera sengkarut pencopotan sementara jajaran direksi perseroan. Namun, rapat umum pemegang saham luar biasa (RUPSLB) yang digelar akhir pekan lalu akhimya menyepakati perombakan jajaran direksi dan komisaris perseroan. Komisaris SUGI terdiri dari Komisaris Utama Erros Djarot, Wakil Komisaris Utama Eteng A. Salam, dan Komisaris Agus Sigit Kusnadi.

    Adapun, direksi terdiri dari Direktur Utama Supriyanto, Wakil Direktur Utama Rahman Akil, dan Direktur Andhika Anindyaguna. Erros mengungkapkan, dua manajemen baru perseroan berasal dari PT Pertamina. Sehingga, dia optimistis kinerja perseroan bakal melaju seiring dengan pengalaman yang dimiliki punggawa-punggawa baru SUGI. Ditargetkan, pundi-pundi keuntungan SUGI pada tahun depan dapat diperoleh dari blok Migas Lemang PSC.

    Tercatat, Sugih Energy memiliki tiga blok, yakni Selat Panjang, lemang, dan Kalyani. SUGI sebelumnya telah melepas 15% hak partisipasi di blok Migas lemang PSC kepada Ramba Energy Ltd, senilai US$ 77 juta. Aksi ini merupakan bagian dari penjualan 35% hak partisipasi Blok Lemang oleh Ramba Energy senilai US$179,6 juta kepada Mandala Energy Ltd, perusahaan yang dikendalikan oleh Kohlberg Kravis Robert & Co (KKR). Eastwin Global telah menandatangani farm-in agreement penjualan 15% hak partisipasi Blok Lemang.


Oil and gas issuers Speeding

    Projections of crude oil prices above US $ 60 per barrel, making oil and gas issuers square off step on the gas pedal to pursue the target company's performance. Commissioner of PT Sugih Energy Erros Djarot reveals world crude oil prices have rebounded from the lowest price in recent times. The increase was projected to be profitable performance of your company in the next year. "It is now no one is promising that the increase in prices, the future will be better.

    Now it is managed by the former Pertamina ". Issuer coded stock SUGI it was being plagued by chaos removal of the temporary board of directors of the company. However, the general meeting of extraordinary shareholders (EGM) held last week finally agreed to reshuffle the board of directors and commissioners company. Commissioner SUGI consists of Erros Djarot Commissioner, Deputy Commissioner of Eteng A. Salam, and Commissioner Sigit Agus Kusnadi.

    Meanwhile, the board of directors consists of Managing Director Supriyanto, Deputy Director Akil Rahman and Director Andhika Anindyaguna. Erros revealed two new management company from PT Pertamina. Thus, he is optimistic that the company's performance will be sped along by the experience of retainer-new retainer SUGI. Targeted, SUGI profit coffers next year can be obtained from oil and gas blocks Lemang PSC.

    Noted, Sugih Energy has three blocks, namely Selat Panjang, lemang, and Kalyani. SUGI previously has released a 15% participating interest in the block of oil and gas lemang PSC to Ramba Energy Ltd, for US $ 77 million. This action is part of a sale of a 35% participating interest Block Lemang by Ramba Energy for US $ 179.6 million to Mandala Energy Ltd., a company controlled by Kohlberg Kravis Robert & Co. (KKR). Eastwin Global has signed a farm-in agreement the sale of a 15% participating interest Block Lemang.

Bisnis Indonesia, Page-13,Tuesday, Dec,20,2016

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