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Friday, December 16, 2016

ESDM dan Kemkeu Belum Sepakat Soal Pajak KKKS

Revisi PP 79/2010 soal cost recovery akan mengakomodir ketentuan kontrak gross split

    Kementerian Energi dan Sumber Daya Mineral (ESDM) belum juga menerbitkan revisi Peraturan Pemerintah (PP) Nomor 79 tentang Biaya Operasi yang Dapat Dikembalikan dan Perlakukan Perpajakan Bagi Indusitri Hulu Migas. Alasannya karena Kementerian Keuangan (Kemenkeu) belum sependapat dengan ESDM.

     Wakil Menteri ESDM Arcandra Tahar mengungkapkan, revisi PP 79 memang belum terbit, lantaran belum  ada kesepakatan antara Kementerian ESDM dengan Kementerian Keuangan.

    Kedua kementerian itu masih berbeda pendapat soal peraturan peralihan yang akan dituangkan dalam PP 79. Sangat, signifikan karena akan menentukan apakah PP 79 tahun 2010 berdampak baik kepada investor atau malah hanya sekadar Peraturan Pemerintah yang tidak banyak benefit, kata Arcandra. Peraturan peralihan belum diputuskan, karena melihat dampak terhadap kontrak blok migas yang sudah ada. Arcandra menginginkan, perbedaan pendapat di Peraturan Pemerintah 79 segera diselesaikan.

    Saya berharap, terbitnya bulan lalu, tapi pelik masalahnya, di peraturan peralihan," imbuhnya. Menteri ESDM Ignasius Jonan beserta Wamen ESDM dijadwalkan bertemu Menteri  Keuangan Sri Mulyani Indrawati, pada Senin (18/12) awal pekan depan. Pertemuan tersebut diharapkan bisa mendapatkan solusi terbaik terkait masa peralihan yang akan dituangkan dalam revisi PP 79. Dengan begitu, revisi PP 79 bisa segera terbit, seperti harapan dari pelaku usaha hulu migas. Sehingga dampaknya bisa memicu investasi di hulu migas semakin meningkat .

    Dan pada akhirnya bisa menaikkan produksi migas. Pemerintah sendiri terus menampung aspirasi masyarakat terkait revisi PP. Arcandra mengaku beberapa kali pihaknya sudah berbicara beberapa kali dengan Indonesian Petroleum Association (IPA), ini akan di Launching secepatnya. Namun, Ada kendala teknis yang harus kami selesaikan sebelum kami launching," tandasnya.

    Asal tahu saja, berdasarkan kalkulasi dari tim Kementerian Keuangan dengan berubahnya PP 79 fasilitas insentif nilai keekonomian proyek akan meningkat yaitu internal rate of return (IRR) akan meningkat dari 11,59 jadi 15,16%. Sementara itu, Direktur IPA Sammy Hamzah mengungkapkan, Sebenarnya apa yang diminta IPA sudah cukup jelas, yaitu membebaskan kontraktor dari berbagai macam pungutan dan pajak (assume and discharge). Tapi sepertinya belum ada kesepakatan ESDM dan Kemenkeu. Dia menilai, dengan revisi PP 79 akan bersinggungan dengan kontrak gross split. Ada beberapa pasal di PP 79/2010, harus perlu mengakomodir.


EMR and Ministry of Finance Not Agree to Tax Problem KKKS

Revision PP 79/2010 on cost recovery will accommodate gross contract provisions split

   Ministry of Energy and Mineral Resources (ESDM) has not yet published a revision of Government Regulation (PP) No. 79 of the Operating Costs and Treat Refundable Tax For Indusitri Upstream Oil and Gas. The reason is because the Ministry of Finance (MoF) has not agreed with the EMR.

     Deputy Minister Arcandra Tahar said the revised Regulation 79 does not rise, because there is no agreement between the Ministry of Energy and Mineral Resources Ministry of Finance.

    Both the ministry was still different opinions about the transitional rules that will be poured in PP 79. It is significant, because it will determine whether the PP 79 in 2010 impacted either to investors or even just a government regulation which is not much benefit, said Arcandra. Regulation of the transition has not been decided, because of the impact of the contract of the existing oil and gas blocks. Arcandra want, dissent in Government Regulation 79 be resolved.

    I hope that the publication of last month, but the complicated thing is, in the transition rules, "he added. Minister Ignatius Jonan along with Vice Minister of EMR is scheduled to meet Finance Minister Sri Mulyani Indrawati, on Monday (18/12) early next week. The meeting is expected to get a solution Related best transition period that will be included in the revised PP 79. By doing so, the revision of PP 79 could be forthcoming, as the expectations of the upstream oil and gas businesses. so that the impact could trigger investment in upstream oil and gas is increasing.

    And could eventually increase oil and gas production. The government itself continues to meet the aspirations of the public related to the revision of PP. Arcandra admitted several times it had spoken several times with the Indonesian Petroleum Association (IPA), this will be launching soon. However, There is a technical problem that we have to resolve before we launch, "he said.

    Just so you know, based on the calculations of the Ministry of Finance with the team changing facilities PP 79 incentives would increase the economic value of the project that is the internal rate of return (IRR) will increase from 15.16% 11.59 so. Meanwhile, Director of the IPA Sammy Hamzah said, actually what prompted IPA is quite clear, namely freeing contractors of various charges and taxes (assume and discharge). But it seems there is no agreement of Energy and the Ministry of Finance. He added, with a revised PP 79 will intersect with gross contract split. There are several chapters in PP 79/2010, should the need to accommodate.

Kontan, Page-14, Friday, Dec,16,2016

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