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Thursday, December 8, 2016

ESDM Dorong Pakai Kontrak Gross Split

    Kementerian Energi dan Sumber Daya Mineral (ESDM) berencana menerbitkan peraturan menteri mengenai penggunaan skema gross split dalam kontrak bagi hasil. Namun, wacana penggunaan skema gross split ini diduga justru akan membatasi pengawasan oleh pemerintah. Satya Widya Yudha, Anggota Komisi VII DPR RI, menerangkan, pemerintah harus melakukan kajian lebih dalam mengenai gross split, terutama mengenai kedaulatan, keberadaan, dan intervensi pemerintah yang sangat terbatas dalam skema gross split.

    Bahkan menurutnya, skema gross split beipotensi membubarkan SKK Migas. Kalau gross split itu tidak perlu SKK Migas. Kalau SKK Migas bilang authoplty for expenditure approve, berarti bukan gross split," kata Satya. Dia juga bilang, skema gross split berpotensi melanggar UUD 1945. Bagaimana hubungannya dengan penerapan pasal 33 UUD 1945? Makanya itu harus dikaji semuanya sebelum diterapkan. Kami minta kajian supaya tidak melanggar," jelas Satya.

    Wakil Menteri ESDM Arcandra Tahar enggan menjawab mengenai minimnya pengawasan pemerintah dalam skema gross split. Tetapi dengan skema gross split pemerintah hanya akan memperhatikan jumlah produksi minyak dan gas. Akhirnya pemerintah hanya melihat produksi, kalau berproduksi baru dibagi. Teknologi pengembangannya seperti apa terserah kontraktor," ungkap dia. Bagi hasil milik pemerintah dari produksi migas pun nantinya akan dihitung dan dievaluasi berdasarkan lima kriteria di lapangan migas.

    Kelimanya adalah cadangan migas, lokasi lapangan migas apakah berada di wilayah terpencil, masuk dalam kriteria lapangan marginal atau tidak, kesulitan memproduksi migas di lapangan tersebut, dan jenis lapangan migas termasuk lapangan konvensional atau non konvensional. Di sisi lain, agar kontraktor bisa mendapatkan keuntungan dalam kontrak bagi hasil gross split, maka pemerintah mendorong agar KKKS bisa melakukan efisiensi. "Dalam gross split, semakin efisien perusahaan, maka dia dapat insentif sendiri.

    Pemerintah mendorong untuk efisien," pungkas Arcandra. Kepala SKK Migas Amien Sunaryadi mengungkapkan, format kontrak Blok ONWJ tidak lagi menggunakan kontrak bagi hasil cost recovery, tetapi dengan skema gross split. Saat ini SKK Migas dan PHE ONWJ tengah membahas bagi hasil antara pemerintah dan kontraktor; "Fiskal term belum selesai. 'Tapi arahan Pak Menteri split-nya mesti fair tidak merugikan pemerintah tidak merugikan kontraktor," kata Amien. Pertengahan Januari 2017 nanti, kontrak bagi hasil untuk Blok ONWJ bisa selesai. Denie S. Tampubolon, Senior VP Upstream Business Development Pertamina, bilang, selama skema gross split bisa memenuhi target komersial, tak masalah diterapkan oleh pemerintah.


Push EMR Use Contracts Gross Split

    Ministry of Energy and Mineral Resources (ESDM) plans to issue a ministerial regulation regarding the use of gross scheme split in the production sharing contract. However, the discourse of the use of gross scheme allegedly split it will limit the control by the government. Satya Widya Yudha, Member of Commission VII of the House of Representatives, explained, the government must do more studies in the gross split, especially regarding sovereignty, existence, and very limited government intervention in the scheme of gross split.

    Even thought, gross scheme split beipotensi disperse SKK Migas. If it does not have to split gross SKK Migas. If SKK Migas says authoplty for expenditure approved, it's not gross split, "says Satya. He also said gross scheme split potentially violate the 1945 Constitution How it relates to the application of Article 33 of the 1945 Constitution? That's why it must be studied everything before implementation. We request a review so as not to violate, "said Satya.

    Deputy Minister Arcandra Tahar reluctant to answer regarding the lack of government control in the scheme of gross split. But with gross schemes split the government will only pay attention to the amount of oil and gas production. Finally, the government only see production, if new production is divided. Technology development as it is up to the contractor, "he said. For the results of the government-owned oil and gas production also will be counted and evaluated according to five criteria in the field of oil and gas.

    All five are oil and gas reserves, the location of oil and gas fields are located in remote areas, included in the criteria of marginal fields or not, the difficulty of producing oil and gas in the field, and the type of oil and gas fields including the field of conventional or non-conventional. On the other hand, that the contractor can benefit in gross revenue share split contract, the government encourages the PSC to conduct efficiency. "In gross split, the more efficiently the company, then he can own incentives.

    The government pushed for efficient, "concluded Arcandra. Head SKK Migas Amien Sunaryadi express, contract format ONWJ no longer use a production sharing contract cost recovery, but with the scheme of gross split. Currently SKK Migas and PHE ONWJ is discussing a revenue sharing between the government and the contractor ; "Fiscal unfinished term. "But the direction of the minister split its fair should not hurt the government does not harm the contractor," said Amien. Mid-January 2017, a contract for the results to be completed ONWJ. Denie S. Tampubolon, Senior VP Pertamina Upstream Business Development, said, during split gross scheme could meet commercial targets, no matter adopted by the government.

Kontan, Page-14,Wednesday, Dec,7,2016

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