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Tuesday, December 20, 2016

Formula 'Gross Split' Masih Dikaji

    Kementerian Energi dan Sumber Daya Mineral masih mengkaji formula yang bakal diterapkan dalam skema bagi hasil bruto (gross split) kontrak minyak dan gas bumi. Kementerian berjanji skema ini bisa segera diterapkan. Pemerintah masih menyusun skema terbaik. Saat ini sedang dikaji simulasi yang terbaik untuk mendorong investasi migas tercapai,” ujar juru bicara Kementerian Energi, Sujatmiko. Wakil Menteri Energi Arcandra mengatakan dalam skema baru akan ada tiga komponen bagi hasil.

    Pertama adalah base split atau pembagian hasil yang tetap. Kedua, variable split, pembagian hasil dalam komponen ini ditetapkan berdasarkan variabel penentu, seperti karakter geografis wilayah kerja, tingkat penggunaan produk lokal, ataupun kandungan karbon dioksida dalam cadangan migas. Komponen ketiga adalah progressive split paling yang besarannya berubah-ubah sesuai dengan kondisi tertentu.

    Faktor ini mirip dengan skema sliding scale yang diterapkan di wilayah kerja migas non-konvensional, yaitu shale gas dan gas metana batu bara. Arcandra mencontohkan kondisi harga minyak. Misalnya oil price di bawah US$ 30, maka si kontraktor nanti dapat 5 persen split. Bila seharga US$ 30-50, dapat 4 persen, US$ 80-100 dapat nol persen tambahan split-nya.  Jika di atas US$ 100-120, nah ini kebalikan, pemerintah mendapatkan 1 persen,” kata Arcandra.

    Menteri Energi Ignasius Jonan menilai skema cost recovery sudah ditinggalkan banyak negara karena membuat industri migas tidak efisien. Tapi, Jonan menjamin biaya penggantian tetap ada hingga 25 tahun ke depan untuk menghargai kontrak yang sudah disepakati. “Yang existing tetap.” Menurut Kepala Satuan Kerja Khusus Pelaksana Kegiatan Usaha Hulu Minyak dan Gas Bumi Amin Sunaryadi, cost recovery saat ini masih bisa dipangkas hingga 15 persen. Tapi sekarang dia tidak bisa berbuat apa-apa karena perjanjiannya sudah dibuat 5-6 tahun lalu.


Formula 'Gross Split' Still Assessed

    Ministry of Energy and Mineral Resources is still reviewing the formula that will be applied in the scheme for gross proceeds (gross split) of oil and gas contracts. The Ministry promised this scheme could be implemented immediately. The government is still preparing the best schemes. Currently being studied simulation best to encourage oil and gas investment is achieved, "said a spokeswoman for the Ministry of Energy, Sujatmiko. Deputy Minister of Energy Arcandra said the new scheme will have three components for the results.

    The first is the base of a split or division results were fixed. Second, variable split, division results in this component is determined based on the determining variables, such as the geographic characteristics of the working area, the level of use of local products, or the carbon dioxide content in the oil and gas reserves. The third component is the most progressive split the amount of which varies in accordance with certain conditions.

    This factor is similar to the sliding scale scheme that is applied in the region of non-conventional oil and gas, ie shale gas and coal bed methane. Arcandra exemplifies the condition of the oil price. Eg oil price below $ 30, then the contractor can later be 5 percent split. When at US $ 30-50, can be 4 percent, US $ 80-100 can be zero percent of its additional split. If it is above US $ 100-120, now is the opposite, the government gets 1 percent, "said Arcandra.

    Energy Minister Ignatius Jonan assess the cost recovery scheme was abandoned many countries as it makes oil and gas industry is not efficient. But, Jonan guarantee replacement costs remained there until 25 years into the future to reward the contract agreed. "The existing remains." According to the Head of the Special Unit of Upstream Oil and Gas Amin Sunaryadi, cost recovery is still able to cut up to 15 percent. But now he can not do anything because the deal was made 5-6 years ago.

Koran Tempo, Page-17, Tuesday, Dec,20,2016

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