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Tuesday, December 13, 2016

Gas Masela for Three Company Not the End

    Although the Ministry of Industry (Kemprin) has proposed to the Ministry of Energy and Mineral Resources (ESDM) on the location of gas Masela, in fact, Minister ESDM not say 100% yes to this request. 

the Masela Gas Block

   In fact, the Deputy Minister Arcandra Tahar admitted that he had approved the allocation Masela gas to three companies namely PT Pupuk Indonesia, PT Kaltim Methanol Industri (KMI), and Multi Pratama Elsoro, as proposed by the Ministry of Industry

    Three companies that obtain gas supply 474 MMSCFD of Abadi field, Masela. According to the Director-General of Oil and Gas Ministry of Energy and Mineral Resources, IGN Wiratmaja Puja, the allocation of gas from Masela until now still being discussed with the Ministry of Energy Inpex Corporation. 

Inpex Corporation

"Because most of the gas will be used for downstream industries such as petrochemicals and fertilizers. We are still discussing the increase in LNG capacity from 7.5 MTPA to 9.5 MTPA.

    Nonetheless, Wiratmaja targeting gas allocation decisions can be taken later this year. 

"We are still discussions detail, it takes time and patience because of different views," he said. 

   To be sure, wanted the allocation of gas from the Masela absorbed by domestic ith this way the public can benefit. Separately Director General of Chemical, Textile, and Miscellaneous. The Ministry of Industry Achmad Sigit Dwiwahjono said consideration recommends the allocation of gas to three companies because they expressed an interest to invest in fertilizer plants and petrochemical Maluku.

    In addition, the allocation of gas Masela also is determined ahead of time so that not all of the Masela gas converted to LNG for export. We ask for 50% of gas from the block or around 600 MMSCFD Masala domestic absorbed. 

PT Humpuss Intermodal Transport Tbk

    Theo Lekatompessy, President Director of PT Humpuss Intermodal Transport Tbk as a company that has a share in Kaltim Methanol Industry justify the allocation request, gas from this government because they have gas contracts during the 20 years ending in 2018.

    Only, Yusri Usman reminded Energy Observer, Inpex has the authority to decide the buyers are a credible and profitable investment. While Senior Manager of Communication and Relations Inpex, Usman Slamet, does not say much about the allocation of this gas. He says it is still focusing and concentrating on the development of the Abadi field Masela block.

Kontan, Page-14,Tuesday, Dec,13,2016

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