Saturday, December 24, 2016
Genjot Suplai Jaringan Gas
Lapindo Brantas Work Over Sumur Wunut
Enam truk kontainer melaju beriringan memecah ketenangan Desa Jiken, Tulangan, kemarin pagi (21 / 12). Truk-truk itu bermuatan alat berat. Yakni, crane dan backhoe. Beberapa truk tersebut kemudian memenuhi Sumur Wunut 16 Jiken seluas sekitar 2 hektare di RT 2, RW 2. Kedatangan alat-alat berat itu menandai peningkatan produksi atau work-over (WO) yang tengah dilakukan PT Lapindo Brantas Inc.
Kegiatan tersebut merupakan lanjutan dari rencana WO di Wunut 19 dan 4 yang tertunda Agustus lalu. Rencananya, PT Lapindo Brantas Inc melakukan WO Selama sebulan mendatang. Manajer Humas PT Lapindo Brantas Inc Arif Setyo Widodo mengungkapkan bahwa selama 10 hari ke depan pihaknya memasang peralatan di sekitar sumur tersebut. Mereka tengah melakukan persiapan sebelum memulai pengerjaan.
Mulai pemeriksaan sumur sampai sumber gas. Karena itu, mereka juga mendatangkan alat khusus untuk melakukan kalibrasi ulang terhadap Sumur Wunut 16 Jiken. Setelah proses itu rampung, pihaknya akan memulai Work Over. Alumnus Universitas 17 Agustus Surabaya tersebut menjelaskan bahwa kini Sumur Wunut 16 Jiken mengalami produksi- gas yang Nilainya kurang dari 1 Mmscfd (million standard cubic feet of gas per day) atau kurang dari 1 juta kubik per hari.
Padahal, sumur tersebut minimal memproduksi 3 juta kubik per hari. Sejauh ini sumur tersebut belum pemah mendapat WO. Sumur Wunut 16 Jiken berdiameter sekitar 15 sentimeter. Lapindo mengebor sumur tersebut pada 2005. Meski kandungan gas pada sumur itu semakin menipis, Arif optimistis bisa memaksimalkan kerak atau sisa-sisa gas. Pada 2005 sebanyak 21 sumur di blok Wunut bisa mengeluarkan gas sekitar 250 juta kubik per hari.
Namun, kini sumur-sumur itu hanya bisa memproduksi kurang dari 10 juta kubik. Pria asal Mojokerto tersebut juga menuturkan bahwa upaya itu merupakan Salah satu tindakan memaksimalkan program jaringan gas (jargas) di Sidoarjo. Pihaknya menargetkan 100 ribu sambungan gas rumah. Namun, yang terealisasi sejauh ini baru 14.000 sambungan gas. Mayoritas konsumen gas tersebut terpusat di wilayah Waru.
Boosts Gas Supply Network
Lapindo Brantas Work Well Over Wunut
Six container truck drove alongside broke the peace of the village Jiken-Tulangan, yesterday morning (21/12). The trucks were loaded with heavy equipment. Namely, cranes and excavators. Some of the truck and then meet well Wunut 16 Jiken covering approximately 2 hectares in RT 2, RW 2. The arrival of the heavy equipment it marked increase in production or work-over (WO) are being conducted by PT Lapindo Brantas Inc.
The activity is a continuation of the plan in Wunut WO 19 and 4 were delayed last August. The plan, PT Lapindo Brantas Inc do WO During the next month. Public Relations Manager of PT Lapindo Brantas Inc Arif Setyo Widodo revealed that during the next 10 days it install equipment around the well. They are doing preparations before starting construction.
Start checking the wells until the source of the gas. Therefore, they also bring a special tool to re-calibrate the wells Wunut 16 Jiken. Once that process is completed, it will start a Work Over. August 17 Surabaya University alumnus explained that it was now well Wunut 16 Jiken experiencing gas production-value of less than 1 MMscfd (million standard cubic feet of gas per day) or less than 1 million cubic meters per day.
In fact, the well was producing a minimum of 3 million cubic feet per day. So far these wells had never gets WO. The well Wunut 16 Jiken diameter of about 15 centimeters. Lapindo drill wells in 2005. Although the content of the gas at the well was dwindling, Arif optimistic that we can maximize the crust or the remnants of gas. In 2005 as many as 21 wells in the block Wunut could issue approximately 250 million cubic feet of gas per day.
However, now these wells could only produce less than 10 million cubic meters. Men from Mojokerto also said that the effort is One of the actions to maximize the gas network program (jargas) in Sidoarjo. It targets 100 thousand connections gases. However, realized so far only 14,000 gas connections. The majority of gas consumers are concentrated clustered in Waru .
Jawa Pos, Page-36,Thursday, Dec,22,2016
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