Thursday, December 8, 2016
Harga Gas Belum Tuntas
Pemerintah akhirnya merealisasikan janji memotong harga gas bagi industri pupuk, petrokimia, dan baja yang turun hingga US$1,5 menjadi maksimal US$ 6 per MMBTU mulai 1 Januari 2017. Sayangnya, cakupan perusahaan dan sektor yang dapat menikmati diskon tersebut masih minim, yaitu hanya perusahaan pelat merah. Berdasarkan Peraturan Menteri Energi dan Sumber Daya Mineral (ESDM) No. 40/2016 tentang Harga Gas Bumi untuk Industri Tertentu, penetapan harga gas baru berlaku pada 1 Januari 2017. Dalam beleid tersebut, pemerintah menyesuaikan harga jual gas terhadap beberapa industri juga tarif pengangkutan gas melalui pipa (toll fee) di gas tertentu.
Dalam beleid tersebut, lima perusahaan pemerintah mendapat diskon harga gas. Untuk penyesuaian tarif pengangkutan gas melalui pipa (toll fee), dua perusahaan, dari delapan, menikmati toll fee lebih rendah. Menteri Perindustrian Airlangga Hartarto belum mau memberikan tanggapan atas keputusan Menteri ESDM soal penurunan harga gas. Dirjen Industri Kimia Tekstil dan Aneka Kementerian Perindustrian Achmad Sigit Dwiwahjono mengatakan instansinya masih menunggu kelanjutan penurunan harga gas untuk tujuh sektor lainnya dan sektor kawasan industri. Dia menjelaskan diskon harga gas bagi industri bukan berdasarkan swasta atau BUMN, melainkan penggunaan gas sebagai bahan baku. “Buktinya, PT Kaltim
Methanol lndustri dan PT Kaltim Pama Industri berstatus perusahaan swasta.
Sekretaris Jenderal Industri Olefin, Aromatik, dan Plastik Indonesia Fajar Budiyono berpendapat tidak ada perbedaan harga yang jauh antara harga pada 2016 dan yang ditetapkan untuk berlaku pada 1 Januari 2017. Yang selama ini digembar-gemborkan jauh dari harapan, apa yang kami minta tidak sesuai. Mungkin negara masih butuh pendapatan. Tapi kalau harga gas diturunkan, pendapatan negara dari PPN dan PPh bisa naik karena
utilitas pabrik bisa naik hingga 95% ungkapnya.
Menurutnya, impor gas saat ini masih mungkin, tetapi itu berarti negara harus membangun fasilitas regasifikasi sehingga membutuhkan waktu yang lama. Direktur Eksekutif Asosiasi lndustri Besi dan Baja Indonesia (IISIA) Hidayat Diseputro mengatakan produsen baja swasta anggota
asosiasi itu mempenanyakan pengecualian produsen swasta dari kebijakan penurunan harga gas. Head of Corporate Communication PT Pupuk Indonesia Wijaya Laksana mengapresiasi upaya pemerintah merealisasikan komitmen menurunkan harga gas. Namun, untuk mendorong daya saing menghadapi produk impor tentu kami berharap harga gas bisa lebih kompetitif lagi,” kata Wijaya.
Pemerintah belum dapat memastikan untuk memperluas cakupan sektor industri dan perusahaan lain yang dapat menikmati diskon harga gas. “Itu biar Pak Menteri yang menjawab,” ujar Direktur Jenderal Minyak dan Gas Bumi Kementelian ESDM IGN Wiratmaja Puja. Akibat dari formula baru, penerimaan dari sektormigas secara nominal berkurang karena pemerintah dan kontraktor mengurangi bagian agar harga gas turun. Begitu pula dengan pelaku usaha yang mengantongi izin transportasi gas, katanya, juga berkorban demi menurunkan harga gas.
Industri telah menerima konsekuensi bila sewaktu-waktu harga gas melambung tinggi meski formula baru telah ditetapkan. Seperti yang tenulis pada Pasal 7, menteri bisa mengevaluasi harga gas setiap tahun atau sewaktu-waktu tergantung kondisi perekonomian nasional. “Kalau harga
produknya mahal, ya sharing the pain, sharing the gain," katanya. Kepala Satuan Kerja Khusus Pelaksana Kegiatan Usaha Hulu Minyak dan Gas Bumi (SKK Migas), Amien Sunaryadi, mengatakan pihaknya memfasilitasi amendemen perjanjian jual beli gas (PJBG). Hingga saat ini, pihaknya baru menyelesaikan tiga dari 10 PJBG yang ditargetkan rampung pada 31 Desember 2016. Untuk menurunkan harga gas, insititusi itu hanya bisa menekan biaya operasi kegiatan yang belum dilakukan.
Vice President Corporate Communication PT Pertamina Wianda Pusponegoro mengatakan perseroan mendukung penetapan harga gas baru bagi ketiga industri. Kami dukung untuk harga gas kompetitif terutama bagi sektor prioritas seperti pupuk, petrokimia serta pembangkit listrik dengan harapan volume penyerapan gas bisa meningkat agar utilisasi pipa pipa transmisi jug distribusi optimum
Gas Prices Not Completed
The government finally realize the promise of cutting the price of gas for the fertilizer industry, petrochemical and steel fell by US $ 1.5 to a maximum of US $ 6 per MMBTU effective 1 January 2017. Unfortunately, the range of companies and sectors that can enjoy the discount is still low, at only SOEs. Based on the Regulation of the Minister of Energy and Mineral Resources (ESDM) No. 40/2016 on Natural Gas Prices for Industry Specific, new gas pricing effect on January 1, 2017, stated that the government adjust the selling price of gas to several industries also freight rates of gas through the pipeline (toll fee) at a particular gas.
Stated the five companies the government got a discount price of gas. Tariffs for transportation of gas through the pipeline (toll fee), two companies, eight, enjoy lower toll fee. Minister of Industry Airlangga Hartanto not want to respond to the Minister's decision about gas price reduction. Director General of Chemical Industry, Textile and Miscellaneous Industry Ministry Achmad Sigit Dwiwahjono said his office is still waiting for the continuation of the decline in gas prices for the seven other sectors and the sectors of industrial areas. He explained discount gas prices for industry and not by private or state-owned enterprises, but the use of gas as a raw material. "The proof, PT Kaltim
Industries and PT Kaltim Methanol Industry Pama status as a private company.
Secretary General of Olefin, Aromatic and Plastic Indonesia Fajar Budiyono found no difference in price between the price far in 2016 and are set to take effect on Jan. 1, 2017. What has been heralded far from the expectations, what we're asking is not appropriate. Perhaps the state still need the income. But if gas prices lowered, revenues from VAT and income tax could rise because
utility plant could be up to 95% he said.
According to him, gas imports is still possible, but it means that the state should build a regasification facility so it takes a long time. Executive Director of the Association of Iron and Steel Industries in Indonesia (IISIA) Diseputro Hidayat said the private steel producer member
The association of private producers mempenanyakan exclusion from policy to reduce gas prices. Head of Corporate Communication of PT Pupuk Indonesia Wijaya Laksana appreciate the government's efforts to realize the commitment to reduce gas prices. However, to encourage the competitiveness of imported products would face we expect the gas price could be more competitive again, "said Wijaya.
The government can not be sure to widen the scope of the industrial sector and other companies can enjoy discounts on the price of gas. "It let the minister answered," said the Director General of Oil and Gas at the Energy and Mineral Kementelian IGN Wiratmaja Puja. As a result of the new formula, the acceptance of sektormigas nominally reduced because the government and contractors reduce parts that gas prices down. Similarly, businesses that permit the transport of gas, he said, also sacrifice for lower gas prices.
Industry has to accept the consequences when the time gas prices skyrocketed despite a new formula has been set. As stated in Article 7, the minister can evaluate the price of gas every year or at any time depending on the condition of the national economy. "If the price
products are expensive, so sharing the pain, share the gain, "he said. Head of the Special Working Upstream Oil and Gas (SKK Migas), Amien Sunaryadi, said it facilitates amendments gas sales agreement (GSA). Until now , his side had completed three of 10 GSA is expected to be completed on December 31, 2016. in order to lower the price of gas, the institutions can only reduce the cost of operating activity that has not been done.
Vice President Corporate Communications PT Pertamina Wianda Pusponegoro said the company supports the establishment of a new gas price for the three industries. We support a competitive gas prices, especially for priority sectors such as fertilizer, petrochemical and power generation with gas uptake volume expectancy can be increased so that the utilization of transmission pipeline jug optimum distribution
Bisnis Indonesia, Page-1, Tuesday, Dec,6,2016
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