Saturday, December 10, 2016
Harga Gas Industri Keramik dan Kaca Dikaji
Pemerintah membuka peluang penurunan harga gas hagi sektor industri kaca dan keramik. Keputusan itu diambil seusai gelaran rapat koordinasi kebijakan industri strategis yang dihadiri Menteri Perindustrian Airlangga Hartarto, Wakil Menteri ESDM Arcandra Tahar, dan Menteri Perdagangan Enggartiasto Lukita. Dari hasil rapat, ada usulan agar harga gas bagi industri keramik dan kaca diturunkan seperti tiga sektor industri yang lain. Sebelumnya, Kementerian ESDM telah menurunkan harga gas untuk tiga industri, yaitu, pupuk, petrokimia, dan baja.
Per 1 Januari 2017, tiga industri tersebut akan mendapatkan harga gas di bawah US$ 6 per mmbtu. Hal itu tertuang dalam Peraturan Menteri ESDM Nomor 40 Tahun 2016 tentang Harga Gas Bumi untuk Industri Tertentu. Kendati ada wacana penurunan harga gas di dua sektor lain, Arcandra menegaskan hal itu perlu diputuskan lewat kajian mendalam terlebih dahulu. Penyebabnya, penurunan harga gas ke industri lainnya juga mempertimbangkan sektor penerimaan negara bukan pajak (PNBP).
Turunnya harga gas ke beberapa industri juga akan memengaruhi PNBP. Arcandra mengakui menghadapi dilema dalam perhitungan penurunan harga gas untuk dua sektor itu karena hal tersebut terkait dengan efek berganda yang bisa ditimbulkan dari penurunan harga gas itu. Arcandra mengatakan, berdasarkan perhitungan Kementerian ESDM, dampak berganda dari penurunan harga gas untuk kedua sektor industri tersebut kecil, bahkan jauh jika dibandingkan dengan pupuk, kaca, dan petrokimia. Dari sisi revenue, untuk tiga sektor yang sudah diputuskan dampaknya ke peningkatan revenue bisa 30% lebih, tapi sektor dua ini di bawah itu.
Gas Prices Industrial Ceramics and Glass Studied
The government opened the gas price reduction opportunities Hagi glass and ceramics industries. The decision was taken after the title of a strategic industrial policy coordination meeting which was attended by the Minister of Industry Airlangga Hartanto, Deputy Minister Arcandra Tahar, and Trade Minister Enggartiasto Lukita. From the results of the meeting, there was a suggestion that the price of gas for industries such as ceramics and glass downgraded three other industrial sectors. Earlier, the Ministry of Energy has lowered the price of gas for the three industries, namely, fertilizers, petrochemicals, and steel.
As of January 1, 2017, three of the industry would get gas prices below $ 6 per mmbtu. It is stated in the Regulation of the Minister EMR No. 40 of 2016 on Natural Gas Prices for Industry Specific. Despite the discourse of decline in gas prices in the two other sectors, Arcandra confirmed it needs to be decided through a deep study beforehand. The reason, the decline in gas prices to other industrial sectors also consider non-tax revenues (non-tax).
The fall in the price of gas to some of the industry will also affect non-tax revenues. Arcandra recognizes faces a dilemma in calculating the gas price reduction for the two sectors because it is associated with a multiplier effect that can be generated from the gas price reduction. Arcandra said, based on the calculation of the Ministry of Energy, the multiple impacts of gas price reduction for both the industrial sector is small, even when compared to much fertilizer, glass, and petrochemical. In terms of revenue, for the three sectors has been decided to increase revenue impact could be 30% more, but these two sectors under it.
Media Indonesia, Page-17, Saturday,Dec,10,2016
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