Wednesday, December 14, 2016
Holding Migas Segera Terbentuk
Pembentukan induk usaha BUMN sektor minyak dan gas bumi antara PT Pertamina dan PT Perusahaan Gas Negara masuk tahap final penyelesaian revisi Peraturan Pemerintah No. 44/2005 tentang Tata Cara Penyertaan dan Penata usahaan Modal Negara di BUMN dan Perseroan Terbatas. Menteri Badan Usaha Milik Negara (BUMN) Rini Soemarno berharap agar beleid tersebut bisa tuntas sebelum akhir tahun atau paling lambat pada awal 2017 agar sinergi antara emiten gas berkode saham PGAS dengan unit bisnis Pertamina yakni melalui PT Pertamina Gas bisa sejalan.
Pertamina dan PGN terus melakukan sinkronisasi jelang pembentukan induk usaha atau holding di sektor minyak dan gas bumi. Proses sosialisasi internal di Pertamina dan PT Perusahaan Gas Negara (PGN) akan dilanjutkan ke seluruh pemangku kepentingan di sektor migas sehingga induk usaha BUMN migas bisa cepat terealisasi. “Setelah resmi diumumkan pemerintah, nanti holding BUMN migas bisa segera bergerak merealisasikan beberapa langkah yang telah disiapkan dalam mendukung perbaikan tata kelola sektor migas,” kata Wianda Pusponegoro, Ketua Tim Gugus Tugas Holding BUMN.
Rencana pembentukan holding memang dinantikan dan diharapkan dapat meningkatkan gerak korporasi dari BUMN sehingga tidak terjebak dengan keterlambatan yang kerap ada dalam lingkup birokrasi suatu negara, Selain itu, holding juga diharapkan bisa “ menyinergikan semua operasi kedua BUMN tersebut dalam satu kendali perencanaan dan kegiatan operasional sehingga akan lebih efektif dan efisien Wakil Ketua Komite Tetap Kadin Bidang Industri Hulu dan Petrokimia Achmad Widjaja mengatakan, saat sudah resmi berjalan, holding migas diharapkan bisa segera merealisasikan konsolidasi antara Pertamina dan PGN yang kerap kali bersaing dalam konsesi dan pelanggan gas.
Anggota Dewan Energi Nasional Syamsir Albduh mengatakan, secara prinsip tujuan pembentukan holding ada lima. Pertama, meningkatkan penciptaan nilai pasar perusahaan. Kedua, meningkatkan keunggulan kompetitif. Ketiga, meningkatkan posisi tawar. Keempat, menciptakan sinergi secara optimal. Kelima, melakukan rasionalisasi perusahaan yang mempunyai value creation yang rendah. Pembentukan holding bukan tujuan, tetapi alat untuk mencapai tujuan perusahaan yang berdaya saing dan berdaya cipta tinggi.
Gas Holding Formed Soon
The formation of the holding company of state-owned enterprises of oil and gas sector between PT Pertamina and PT Perusahaan Gas Negara enter the final stage of completion revision of Government Regulation No. 44/2005 on Procedures for Inclusion Playground State Capital in the state company and Company Limited. Minister for State Owned Enterprises (SOEs) Rini Soemarno hope that such a regulation could be completed before the end of the year or at the latest in early 2017 so that the synergy between gas issuers coded company with business units Pertamina PGAS namely through PT Pertamina Gas could be in line.
Pertamina and PGN continued to synchronize ahead of the formation of the holding company or a holding in the oil and gas sector. Internal socialization process in Pertamina and PT Perusahaan Gas Negara (PGN) will proceed to all stakeholders in the oil and gas sector so that the parent company SOE oil and gas can be quickly realized. "After officially announced by the government, state-owned holding gas can later move soon realize some steps that have been prepared in support of improved governance of oil and gas sector," said Wianda Pusponegoro, Chairman of the Task Force Team Holding SOE.
Plan for the establishment of a holding was anticipated and is expected to increase the movement of corporations from SOEs so as not to get stuck with the delays that often exist within the bureaucracy of a country, moreover, the holding also expected to "synergize all of the second operation of state enterprises in the control of the planning and operational activities that will more effective and efficient Vice Chairman of the Standing Committee of Kadin Upstream and Petrochemicals Achmad Widjaja said, when it is officially running, holding oil and gas is expected to soon realize a consolidated between Pertamina and PGN are often competing in the concession and gas customers.
National Energy Board Member Albduh Siregar said that in principle the goal of establishing a holding five. First, increasing the company's market value creation. Second, increase competitive advantage. Third, improve the bargaining position. Fourth, create synergies optimally. Fifth, rationalizing the company that has a low value creation. Formation of a holding not a destination, but a means to achieve its goals of competitive and inventive high.
Bisnis Indonesia, Page-30, Wednesday, Dec,14,2016
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