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Saturday, December 10, 2016

January 2017, Cost Recovery Scheme Replaced Gross Split

    Ministry of Energy and Mineral Resources (ESDM) targets ministerial regulations on oil and gas contracts with gross profit sharing scheme (gross split) was published in January 2017. Thus, the scheme will no longer known refundable fee (cost recovery) which has been used in production sharing contracts (production sharing contract / PSC). The target, rules about gross split issued in January 2017. The government guarantees the new scheme while maintaining the interests of the state and optimize local content (DCL), said Deputy Minister of Energy and Mineral Resources (EMR) Arcandra Tahar in Jakarta, Friday (9/12).

    Scheme gross different split with cost recovery that had been used. In the scheme of cost recovery in the PSC, the profit share or split between the government and the contractor will be divided after the acceptance cut a number of components, such as the First Tranche Petroleum (FTP), tax (income tax), and costs can be refunded. As for gross split, direct reception is divided according to the amount agreed between the government and the contractor. Scheme gross split never been applied before the 1960s. Arcandra explained, the Ministry of Energy is discussing more details of this scheme, the main problem for the results to state and cooperation contracts (PSC).

    It guarantees the scheme while maintaining the interests of the state and optimize local content in oil and gas business. It also assures the existing gas contracts will still be honored. If implemented, oil and gas contracts with the new scheme will only apply to new contracts. "So, it's just oil and gas contracts in the future," asserted Arcandra. Head of Communications, Public Information Service, and the Ministry of Energy and Mineral Resources Cooperation Sujatmiko said the government plans to implement oil and gas contracts with gross schemes split has been submitted to the Indonesian Petroleum Association (IPA).

    The government is asking IPA study it in detail to then submit a proposal. "By doing so, the goal to make business processes simpler and oil and gas investment to rise, will be achieved, but while optimizing revenues," he said. President of IPA Christina Verchere said oil companies have no objection to the new model contract that will be used, as long as the incentives given to make the project more economical. Minister Ignatius Jonan said earlier that contracts with gross schemes split is expected to be the solution of commotion discussion of cost recovery each year.

    Because, if using gross split, the state budget is no longer burdened by the cost recovery oil and gas projects. We will try to strive for the next PSC split is gross, so no more fuss over cost recovery. Directorate General of Oil and Gas Ministry of Energy and Mineral Resources Wiratmaja I Gusti Nyoman explained, contracts with gross schemes split arose partly because there are considerations to make the oil and gas business process becomes more simple and efficient, so that the construction of oil and gas projects can also be faster.

    This scheme is also expected to boost oil and gas investment. Senior Vice President Upstream Business Development of PT Pertamina Denie Tampubolon argues, Pertamina did not make the type of contract oil and gas that will be used. He hoped the use of schemes gross split did not affect the commercial calculations required. The plan, as proposed Special Unit of Upstream Oil and Gas (SKK Migas), gross split mechanism applied premiered on new contracts Offshore North West Java (ONWJ). SKK Migas head Amien Sunaryadi said participation rights ONWJ has submitted 100% to Pertamina once the contract was completed on January 18, 2017. However, unlike the previous contract, the new contract will wear ONWJ gross scheme split.

    In response, members of House of Representatives Commission VII Dito Ganinduto reminded, the planned use of the scheme gross split must be studied seriously and consulted with Parliament. Dito asserted that SKK Migas government control through the PSC will be reduced significantly if the scheme is implemented. He is worried that the use of gross scheme eliminates split multiplier effect (multiplier effect) oil and gas business in the area. In addition, said Dito, in the scheme of gross split no partiality allocation to domestic oil and natural gas.

    Oil and gas reserves can also be drained as much as possible. We never use these mechanisms before the 1960s, then changed to cost recovery. If the gross return to split, then back to the time before the 1960s. According Dito, if the gross split scheme is applied, the same government institutions function eliminates SKK Migas. If the old mechanism role SKK Migas is not considered optimal, bureaucratic, not optimal. Any institution addressed, not the mechanism. PSC uses cost recovery was the best.

    On the other hand, the Confederation of National Trade Unions (KSPN) in a statement said the plan of the Ministry of Energy issued Decree gross split for oil and gas production sharing contracts threaten the existence of Indonesian workers in the PSC and its subcontractors. Because in this scheme there is no protection from the state to domestic employment in the sector. We have reviewed the scheme split compared to the gross cost recovery scheme in a production sharing contract in the upstream oil and gas sector.

    As a result, gross scheme split very detrimental to workers, especially workers in the upstream oil and gas sector because the state no longer possible to intervene in the PSC's policy, "said the Organisation Development Division Central Board KSPN Muhammad Ichsan. He pointed out the current PT Chevron Pacific Indonesia, which manages oil and gas block in Riau want to lay off 1,500 employees by reason of lower oil prices. Chevron desires can be prevented SKK Migas did not approve the plan.

    Imagine, later in gross split system in which the state can no longer intervene in the PSC's policy towards workers in the upstream oil and gas sector. Means later there will be no country represented SKK Migas could prevent the contracting intent. There would likely be tens of thousands of workers in the oil and gas sector that can be fired unilaterally without the protection of the state's hands, "said Ichsan. The concept, according to him, is feared to make a new commotion in the upstream oil and gas sector and could be an additional burden for Ignatius Jonan as Energy Minister.


Januari 2017, Cost Recovery Diganti Skema Gross Split

    Kementerian Energi dan Sumber Daya Mineral (ESDM) menargetkan peraturan menteri tentang kontrak migas dengan skema bagi hasil kotor (gross split) diterbitkan pada januari 2017. Dengan demikian, nantinya tidak dikenal lagi skema biaya yang dapat dikembalikan (cost recovery) yang selama ini dipakai dalam kontrak bagi hasil (production sharing contract/ PSC). Targetnya, aturan soal gross split diterbitkan pada Januari 2017. Pemerintah menjamin skema baru ini tetap mengutamakan kepentingan negara dan mengoptimalkan tingkat kandungan dalam negeri (TKDN), kata Wakil Menteri ESDM Arcandra Tahar di Jakarta, Jumat (9/12).

    Skema gross split berbeda dengan cost recovery yang selama ini dipakai. Pada skema cost recovery dalam PSC, bagi hasil atau split antara pemerintah dan kontraktor akan dibagi setelah penerimaan dipotong sejumlah komponen, seperti first tranche petroleum (FTP), pajak penghasilan (PPh), dan biaya yang dapat dikembalikan. Sedangkan untuk gross split, penerimaan langsung dibagi sesuai besaran yang ditetapkan antara pemerintah dan kontraktor. Skema gross split pernah diterapkan sebelum era 1960-an. Arcandra menjelaskan, Kementerian ESDM tengah membahas lebih detail skema ini, utamanya soal bagi hasil untuk negara dan kontraktor kontrak kerja sama (KKKS) .

    Pihaknya menjamin skema ini tetap mengutamakan kepentingan negara dan mengoptimalisasi TKDN dalam bisnis migas. Dia juga menjamin kontrak migas eksisting tetap akan dihormati. Jika diterapkan, kontrak migas dengan skema baru ini hanya akan diberlakukan terhadap kontrak baru. “Jadi, ini hanya kontrak migas ke depannya saja,” tegas Arcandra. Kepala Biro Komunikasi, Layanan Informasi Publik, dan Kerja Sama Kementerian ESDM Sujatmiko menuturkan, rencana pemerintah menerapkan kontrak migas dengan skema gross split telah disampaikan kepada Indonesia Petroleum Association (IPA).

    Pemerintah meminta IPA mempelajarinya secara detail untuk kemudian menyampaikan usulan. “Dengan begitu, tujuan untuk membuat proses bisnis lebih sederhana dan investasi migas naik, akan tercapai, tetapi dengan tetap mengoptimalkan penerimaan negara," ujar dia. Presiden IPA Christina Verchere mengungkapkan, perusahaan migas tidak keberatan terhadap model baru kontrak yang bakal dipakai, asalkan insentif yang diberikan membuat proyek lebih ekonomis. Menteri ESDM Ignasius Jonan sebelumnya mengatakan, kontrak dengan skema gross split diharapkan menjadi solusi dari keributan pembahasan cost recovery setiap tahunnya.

    Pasalnya, jika menggunakan gross split, APBN tidak lagi terbebani oleh cost recovery proyek migas. Kami akan coba berusaha untuk KKKS ke depan adalah gross split, sehingga tidak ada lagi ribut-ribut soal cost recovery. Direktorat Jenderal Minyak dan Gas Bumi Kementerian ESDM I Gusti Nyoman Wiratmaja menjelaskan, kontrak dengan skema gross split muncul antara lain karena ada pertimbangan untuk membuat proses bisnis migas menjadi lebih sederhana dan efisien, sehingga pengerjaan proyek migas juga dapat lebih cepat.

    Skema ini pun diharapkan mampu mendongkrak investasi migas. Senior Vice President Upstream Business Development PT Pertamina Denie Tampubolon mengemukakan, Pertamina tidak mempermasalahkan jenis kontrak migas yang akan dipakai. Dia berharap penggunaan skema gross split tidak berpengaruh terhadap hitungan komersial yang dibutuhkan. Rencananya, seperti dikemukakan Satuan Kerja Khusus Pelaksana Kegiatan Usaha Hulu Minyak dan Gas Bumi (SKK Migas), mekanisme gross split diterapkan perdana pada kontrak baru Blok Offshore North West Java (ONWJ). Kepala SKK Migas Amien Sunaryadi mengatakan, hak partisipasi Blok ONWJ telah diserahkan 100% kepada Pertamina begitu kontrak selesai pada 18 Januari 2017. Namun, tidak seperti kontrak sebelumnya, kontrak baru Blok ONWJ akan memakai skema gross split.

    Menanggapi hal ini, anggota Komisi VII DPR Dito Ganinduto mengingatkan, rencana penggunaan skema gross split harus dikaji secara serius dan dikonsultasikan dengan DPR. Dito menegaskan, kontrol pemerintah melalui SKK Migas kepada KKKS akan berkurang signifikan jika skema ini diterapkan. Dia khawatir penggunaan skema gross split menghilangkan dampak berantai (multiplier effect) bisnis migas di daerah.  Selain itu, kata Dito, dalam skema gross split tidak ada keberpihakan alokasi migas untuk dalam negeri.

    Cadangan migas juga dapat dikuras semaksimal mungkin. Kita pernah memakai mekanisme ini sebelum 1960-an, lalu diganti menjadi cost recovery. Kalau kembali ke gross split, berarti kembali ke masa sebelum 1960-an. Menurut Dito, jika skema gross split diterapkan, sama saja pemerintah menghilangkan fungsi kelembagaan SKK Migas. Kalau dengan mekanisme lama peran SKK Migas dianggap tidak optimal, birokratis, tidak optimal. Lembaganya saja dibenahi, bukan  mekanismenya. PSC menggunakan cost recovery itu yang terbaik.

    Di pihak lain, Konfederasi Serikat Pekerja Nasional (KSPN) dalam keterangan tertulisnya menyatakan, rencana Kementerian ESDM menerbitkan Peraturan Menteri gross split untuk kontrak bagi hasil migas mengancam keberadaan tenaga kerja Indonesia di KKKS maupun di sub-kontraktornya. Sebab dalam skema ini tidak ada lagi perlindungan dari negara kepada tenaga kerja domestik di sektor tersebut. Kami telah mengkaji skema gross split dibandingkan dengan skema cost recovery dalam kontrak bagi hasil di sektor hulu migas.

    Hasilnya, skema gross split sangat merugikan pekerja, khususnya pekerja di sektor hulu migas karena negara tidak mungkin lagi mengintervensi kebijakan KKKS,” kata Bidang Pengembangan Organisasi Dewan Pimpinan Pusat KSPN Muhamad Ichsan. Dia mencontohkan saat PT Chevron Pacific Indonesia yang mengelola blok migas di Riau ingin mem-PHK 1.500 karyawannya dengan alasan harga minyak turun. Keinginan Chevron bisa dicegah SKK Migas dengan tidak menyetujui rencana tersebut.

    Bayangkan, nanti dalam sistem gross split di mana negara tidak dapat lagi mengintervensi kebijakan KKKS terhadap pekerja di sektor hulu migas. Berarti nanti tidak akan ada lagi negara yang direpresentasikan SKK Migas yang bisa mencegah niat kontraktor tersebut. Kemungkinan akan ada puluhan ribu pekerja di sektor migas yang bisa dipecat sepihak tanpa perlindungan tangan negara,” papar Ichsan. Konsep tersebut, menurut dia, dikhawatirkan membuat kegaduhan baru di sektor hulu migas dan bisa menjadi beban tambahan bagi Ignasius Jonan sebagai menteri ESDM.

Investor Daily, Page-1, Saturday,Dec,10,2016

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