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Tuesday, December 20, 2016

Jonan: Fokus Cadangan dan Efisiensi KKKS

    Kementerian Energi dan Sumber Daya Mineral (ESDM) fokus menambah cadangan migas yang terus menurun. Tahun depan Menteri ESDM Ignasius Jonan akan berupaya meningkatkan cadangan migas. Merujuk BP Statistical Review of World Enefrgy, cadangan minyak Indonesia akhir tahun 2015 tinggal 3,6 miliar barel. Padahal tahun 1995 mencapai 5 miliar barel. Selain berkonsentrasi menggenjot cadangan migas, Jonan juga menargetkan efisiensi produksi migas.

    Ia juga siap mengubah aturan demi mencapai target tersebut. "Targetnya dua, eksplorasi agar cadangan baru naik dan kedua itu efisiensi. Kalau ada yang tidak efisien, peraturannya diperbaiki entah Peraturan Menteri atau Peraturan Pemerintah. Salah satu Cara yang sedang dipersiapkan Kementerian ESDM untuk mencapai target tersebut adalah aturan gross split. Jonan menyatakan; gross split yang merupakan arahan Presiden Joko Widodo ini akan membuat produksi migas Kontraktor Kontrak Kerjasama (KKKS) menjadi lebih efisien.

    Dengan efisiensi, Jonan tidak khawatir tingkat komponen dalam negeri (TKDN) menjadi minim. Sebab, efisiensi justru membuat KKKS mencari harga barang yang lebih murah di dalam negeri. "Kalau berusaha efisien, pasti kesempatan pasar dalam negeri lebih besar karena lebih murah," imbuh Jonan. , Di sisi lain, pemerintah juga akan menyiapkan insentif yang masuk bagi hasil KKKS yang menggunakan TKDN. Akan banyak insentif dalam penerapan gross split Januari 2017 nanti. Jonan mencontohkan jika menggunakan TKDN sebesar 30%, diberi insentif 4%.

    Wakil Menteri ESDM Arcandra Tahar menambahkan, selain insentif TKDN pemerintah akan memberikan tambahan split dari risiko-risiko produksi migas, seperti proyek migas di laut dalam bisa menambah split 4%. Bisa juga split ditambah, jika lapangan migas adalah non konvensional, ini ada tambahan 5%. Selain itu ada juga risiko reservoir yang mengandung H20 atau H2O, juga mendapatkan tambahan splitt dari 1%-5%, tergantung banyaknya kandungan H2S dan CO2. Harga minyak turut jadi pertimbangan. Ketika harga minyak rendah misalnya US$ 30 per barel, ada tambahan split sebesar 5%. Jika harga minyak naik, split dikurangi. Jika harga minyak US$ 120 per barel, split berkurang 2%. Kemudian production taste, misalnya yang secondary dapat split 2% "Jadi kita tambahkan semua. Nanti akan muncul angka.


Jonan: Backup and Efficiency Focus KKKS

    Ministry of Energy and Mineral Resources (ESDM) focus on adding oil and gas reserves continue to decline. Next year the Minister Ignatius Jonan will work to improve oil and gas reserves. Referring to the BP Statistical Review of World Enefrgy, Indonesia's oil reserves by 2015 lived 3.6 billion barrels. Whereas in 1995 reached 5 billion barrels. In addition to concentrating boost oil and gas reserves, Jonan also targets the efficiency of oil and gas production.

    He is also prepared to change the rules in order to achieve these targets. "The target of two, to discover that new reserves rise and both the efficiency. If there is not efficient, the rules are fixed either regulation or government regulation. One way is being prepared in the Ministry of Energy to achieve these targets is the rule gross split. Jonan states; gross split which is the direction of the President Joko Widodo will make oil and gas production Cooperation Contract (PSC) becomes more efficient.

    With efficiency, Jonan not worry about the level of domestic component (DCL) becomes minimal. Therefore, it makes the efficiency of PSC's looking for a cheaper goods in the country. "If trying efficient, certainly the domestic market opportunity is greater because it is cheaper," said Jonan. , On the other hand, the government will also prepare the incoming incentive for using the results of the PSC's DCL. Will be a lot of incentives in the application of gross later split in January 2017. Jonan cited when using the DCL by 30%, given an incentive of 4%.

    Deputy Minister Arcandra Tahar added, in addition to government incentives DCL will provide an additional split of the risks of oil and gas production, such as oil and gas projects in the deep ocean can add split 4%. Split could also be added, if the field is non-conventional oil and gas, there is an additional 5%. There was also the risk of a reservoir containing H20 or H2O, also received an additional splitt of 1% -5%, depending on the amount of H2S and CO2 content. Oil prices helped consideration. When the low oil prices for example, US $ 30 per barrel, there is an additional split of 5%. If oil prices rise, split reduced. If the oil price of US $ 120 per barrel, split reduced by 2%. Then taste production, for example, the secondary can be split 2% "So we add all. Later will come the numbers.

Kontan, Page-14,Tuesday, Dec,20,2016

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