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Thursday, December 15, 2016

Karang Taruna Tuntut Pembayaran Kompensasi

Long March 45 Km

    Kompensasi adalah "harga mati" itulah teriakan puluhan pemuda karang taruna di Desa Rahayu, Kecamatan Soko, yang menggelar aksi jalan kaki sejauh sekitar 45 kilometer, Kamis (14/ 12). Aksi jalan kaki itu dimulai pagi hari dari balai desa
setempat menuju kantor Bupati, untuk mencari keadilan. Karena warga menilai uang kompensasi yang dijanjikan pihak Joint Operating Body Pertamina Petrochina East Java (JOB PPEJ) akibat dampak Flare tidak kunjung diberikan. “Kompensasi harga mati, kita menolak tali asih yang diberikan JOB-PPEJ’ kata Mifthul Huda, ketua karang taruna Desa Rahayu usai tiba di Kantor Pemerintah Kabupaten Tuban.

    Setelah tiba dikantor Pemerintah Kabupaten, Mifthul Huda dalam orasinya menuding Pemerintah Kabupaten Tuban tidak pernah hadir di tengah masyarat. Karena uang kompensasi untuk wanga terdampak Flare selama 12 bulan dari JOB PPEJ belum pernah berhasil. “Kemana peran Bupati, asap JOB terus mengepul, warga terancam dan uang kompensasi 12 bulan tidak diberikan, kata Mifthul Huda. Usai melakukan orasi, puluhan karang taruna itu ditemui Wakil Bupati (Wabup) Tuban, Noor Nahar Hussein.

    Wakil Bupati mengatakan, permasalahan ini perlu diselesaikan dengan baik sehingga nantinya tidak ada yang dirugikan. “Semua kebijakan (pemberian kompensasi) itu memang berada di SKK Migas, dan kita telah melakukan komunikasi, terang Wabup. Menurutnya, Pemerintah Kabupaten sebenarnya kurang setuju jika pemberian ganti rugi itu selama dua bulan. Karena Pemerintah Kabupaten saat itu meminta agar minimal diberikan ganti rugi selama tiga bulan untuk warga. “Pemerintah Kabupaten saat itu meminta pemberian ganti rugi tiga bulan untuk warga sehingga warga bisa diajak diskusi.

    Begitu juga, pemberhentian dana kompensasi untuk warga, juga tidak di beri tahu, sehingga terjadi demo seperti ini,” terangnya. Terkait demo itu, Field Admin Superintendent (FAS) JOB PPEJ), Akbar Pradima, mengatakan, manajemen JOB PPEJ hanya bisa mencairkan kompensasi selama 2 bulan,  itu sejalan dengan keputusan rapat di Jakarta yang dihadiri SKK Migas dan Komisi B DPRD Tuban pada 30 Agustus lalu. “Kami berharap warga bisa memahami kenyataan ini, tegas Akbar Pradima


Youth Demand Compensation Payment

    Compensation is a price `dead in stone," was the cry of tens of youth in Rahayu village, District Soko, who staged a walk as far as 45 kilometers, on Thursday (14/12). Marches began the morning from the village hall The local head office of the Regent, to seek justice. Because residents assess the compensation promised money Joint Operating Body Pertamina Petrochina East Java (JOB PPEJ) due to the impact of not being given Flare. "Compensation in stone, we reject the ex-gratia given JOB-PPEJ 'Mifthul said Huda, chairman of the youth organization Rahayu Village after arriving at the Government Office of Tuban.

    Upon arriving at the office of the District Government, Mifthul Huda in his speech accused the Government of Tuban was never present in the society. Because the compensation money to the affected Wanga Flare for 12 months from the JOB PPEJ have never succeeded. "Where the role of regent, JOB kept billowing smoke, residents threatened and cash compensation of 12 months was not given, said Mifthul Huda. After doing speeches, dozens of youth that met the Vice Regent (Vice Regent) Tuban, Noor Nahar Hussein.

    Vice Regent said, these issues need to be resolved properly so that later no one harmed. "All policy (the compensation) was indeed at SKK Migas, and we have communicated, bright Wabup. According to him, the district government actually does not agree if the compensation for two months. Because the district government then requested that given minimal compensation for three months for the citizens. "The government then asked for compensation of three months to the citizens so that citizens can be invited to the discussion.

    Likewise, the dismissal of a compensation fund for the citizens, nor are notified, resulting in a demo like this, "he explained. Related to that demo, Field Admin Superintendent (FAS) JOB PPEJ), Akbar Pradima, said management JOB PPEJ could only disburse compensation for 2 months, was in line with the decision of the meeting in Jakarta attended by SKK Migas and Commission B DPRD Tuban Aug. 30 , "We hope the citizens can understand this reality, said Akbar Pradima

Memorandum, Page-7,Thursday, Dec,15,2016

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