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Thursday, December 8, 2016

Kontrak Blok ONWJ Bakal Pakai Skema Gross Split

    Satuan Kerja Khusus Pelaksana Kegiatan Usaha Hulu Minyak dan Gas Bumi (SKK Migas) tengah menyusun kontrak baru untuk Blok Offshore North West Java (ONWJ). Kontrak baru ini rencananya bakal menggunakan skema gross split, bukan cost recovery. Kepala SKK Migas Amien Sunaryadi mengatakan, hak partisipasi Blok ONWJ telah diserahkan 100% kepada PT Pertamina begitu kontrak selesai pada 18 Januari 2017. Namun, tidak seperti kontrak sebelumnya, kontrak baru Blok ONWJ ini akan memakai skema Gross Split.

    Skema gross split berbeda untuk penghitungan bagi hasil (split) jatah pemerintah dan kontraktor. Jika menggunakan skema cost recovery, split baru dibagi setelah penerimaan dipotong first tranche petroleum (FTP), pajak penghasilan, dan cost recovery atau biaya yang dapat dikembalikan. Sementara untuk gross split, penerimaan langsung dibagi sesuai split pemerintah dan kontraktor. Namun, split pemerintah dan kontraktor di Blok ONWJ ini belum ditetapkan lantaran pembahasan fiscal term belum selesai.

    Arahan Menteri ESDM, split mesti fair, tidak rugikan kontraktor, tidak rugikan pemerintah. Prosentasenya bagi hasil belum tahu karena fiscal term sedang dihitung,” ujar Amien. Pihaknya menargetkan, pembahasan kontrak Blok ONWJ ini dapat selesai pertengahan Januari 2017. Senior Vice President Upstream Business Development PT Pertamina Denie Tampubolon mengatakan, penggunakan PSC gross split di Blok ONWJ ini masih dikaji. Pasalnya, Blok ONWJ telah memiliki kontrak lama yang menggunakan PSC cost recovery. “Kami exercise dengan kontrak yang lama, terus kalau mau pakai gross split, kami exercise juga.

    Perseroan disebutnya tidak masalah jenis kontrak migas mana yang akan dipakai. Bagi Pertamina, hitungan komersial dari Blok ONWJ yang penting. Dia berharap tidak ada pengaruh dari penggunaan skema gross, split ini terhadap hitungan komersial yang dibutuhkan. Anggota Komisi VII DPR RI Dito Ganinduto mengingatkan, rencana menggunakan skema gross split ini harus dikaji secara serius. Pasalnya, kontrol pemerintah melalui SKK Migas kepada kontraktor kontrak kerja sama (KKKS) akan berkurang signifikan jika skema ini digunakan. Kalau bisa ada kajian kalau dengan sistem PSC cost recovery dan gross split plus minusnya bagaimana secara finansial dan non finansial,” kata dia.


Contract ONWJ Will Use Scheme Gross Split

    Special Unit of Upstream Oil and Gas (SKK Migas) is preparing a new contract for the Offshore North West Java (ONWJ). The new contract is planned to be using gross scheme split and not cost recovery. SKK Migas head Amien Sunaryadi said participation rights ONWJ has submitted 100% to PT Pertamina once the contract was completed on January 18, 2017. However, unlike the previous contract, the new contract will wear ONWJ Gross Split scheme.

    Split different scheme for calculating gross revenue share (split) share of the government and the contractor. If using a cost recovery scheme, a new split were divided after the acceptance cut First Tranche Petroleum (FTP), income taxes, and the cost recovery or cost-refundable. As for gross split, divided according to the reception immediately split the government and the contractor. However, the government and the contractor split in ONWJ unassigned due to the discussion of fiscal unfinished term.

    Tutorial Minister of Energy and Mineral Resources, the split should be fair, not the detriment of the contractor, not the detriment of the government. The percentage for the uninitiated results for the fiscal terms are being counted, "said Amien. It targets, discussion ONWJ contract can be completed in mid-January 2017, Senior Vice President Business Development of PT Pertamina Upstream Denie Tampubolon said, the use of gross PSC split in ONWJ is still being studied. Because the ONWJ has had on the old contract PSC cost recovery. "We exercise with a long contract, continue if you want to use gross split, we exercise too.

    Company called does not matter the type of contract oil and gas which will be used. For Pertamina, the commercial calculations of ONWJ important. He hoped there was no effect of the use of gross scheme, this split of the commercial calculations required. Member of Commission VII of the House of Representatives Dito Ganinduto remind, plan to use this split gross scheme must be studied seriously. Because the government control over oil and gas SKK to the cooperation contract (PSC) will be reduced significantly if the scheme is used. If there can be a study that the system of cost recovery and gross PSC split their pluses and minuses of how financial and non-financial, "he said.

Investor Daily, Page-9,Wednesday, Dec,7,2016

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