Satuan Kerja Khusus Pelaksana Kegiatan Usaha Hulu Minyak dan Gas Bumi (SKK Migas) akan menaikkan target lifting minyak 2017 menjadi 825.000 barel oil per day (bopd). Untuk mencapai target ini, SKK Migas meminta Pertamina EP mengoptimalkan produksi mereka. Taslim Z.Yunus, Kepala Humas SKK Migas berharap, Pertamina EP mampu memenuhi lifting migas dengan cara meningkatkan produksi lewat teknik electrical submersible pump (ESP) di beberapa lapangan migasnya.
Selain lapangan migas yang digarap Pertamina ER harapan peningkatan produksi berasal dari blok besar lain seperti blok yang dikelola Chevron. Dengan begitu, target lifting minyak 2017 bisa tercapai. Apalagi bila kontraktor mampu berproduksi lebih tinggi dari rencana kerja Work Program and Budget (WP&B). Dulu Total bisa lebih tinggi dari WP&B, Chevron juga begitu. Kami harap tahun depan produksinya lebih tinggi dari tahun ini," jelas Taslim. Tidak seluruh lapangan mengalami kenaikan produksi, salah satunya lapangan migas Banyu Urip milik ExxonMobil di Blok Cepu yang target produksinya sama dengan tahun ini sebesar 200.000 bopd. Erwin Maryoto, Vice President Public and Goverment Affairs ExxonMobil Indonesia bilang, dalam WP&B tahun depan hanya disepakati produksi lapangan Banyu Urip sebesar 200,000 bopd.
2017 Oil Lifting Up
Special Unit of Upstream Oil and Gas (SKK Migas) will increase oil lifting target of 2017 to 825,000 barrels of oil per day (bopd). To achieve this target, SKK Migas asks Pertamina EP optimize their production. Taslim Z.Yunus, Head of Public Relations expect SKK Migas, Pertamina EP is able to meet the lifting of oil and gas by increasing production through the technique of electrical submersible pump (ESP) in some of its oil and gas field.In addition to oil and gas fields were tilled Pertamina ER expectancy increased production comes from large blocks such as blocks being managed by Chevron. By doing so, the oil lifting target in 2017 can be achieved. Moreover, if the contractor is able to produce a higher work plan Work Program and Budget (WP & B). It used to be higher than the total of the WP & B, Chevron, too. We hope next year production is higher than this year, "said Taslim. Not all courts increased production, one oil and gas field Banyu Urip ExxonMobil in the Cepu Block production targets together with the year of 200,000 bopd. Erwin Maryoto, Vice President Public ExxonMobil Indonesia and Government Affairs said, the WP & B next year just agreed Banyu Urip field production of 200,000 bopd.
Kontan, Page-14, Saturday, Dec, 24, 2016
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