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Friday, December 9, 2016

lnvestasi Migas Butuh Stabilitas

    Dampak fluktuasi harga minyak hingga titik terendah dalam dua tahun terakhir membuat investasi minyak dan gas bumi (migas) di dalam negeri tidak bergairah. Kepastian aturan yang mendukung iklim usaha di samping tawaran beragam insentif diyakini bisa membangkitkan gairah kegiatan eksplorasi dan produksi. Dengan begitu, kontribusi terhadap penerimaan negara dan cadangan migas nasional dapat maksimal. Presiden Indonesia Petroleum Association (IPA) Christina Verchere mengatakan reformasi peraturan dan kebijakan fiskal dinilai penting untuk membangkitkan gairah investasi di industri ekstraktif.

    Saat ini, Indonesia berada di urutan 15 terbawah dari 120 negara lokasi investasi migas. Kendati demikian, sambungnya, upaya pemerintah merevisi beragam aturan untuk menarik minat investor patut diapresiasi. Namun, masih ada tarik-menarik di antara pemangku kepentingan. Kami ingin ada komitmen dari pusat hingga daerah agar formula perbaikan iklim investasi migas itu satu arah. Apalagi kita ingin melanjutkan pengembangan laut dalam (deep water) dan implementasi enhanced oil recovery (EOR).

    Investor pun berharap stabilitas aturan yang telah ada tetap terjaga. Jangan sampai perubahan itu dilakukan di tengah jalan. Karena kami
harus membuat penghitungan di awal, supaya tidak mengganggu bisnis, kata Direktur IPA Tenny Wibowo . Salah satunya terkait rencana perubahan kontrak bagi hasil tanpa hiaya pengganti produksi (cost recovery) ‘gross split sliding scale’ untuk wilayah kerja (WK) migas konvensional. Sebelumnya skema bagi hasil secara progresif itu sudah diterapkan lebih dulu di WK migas nonkonvensional. “Skema itu dapat meng-akselerasi kegiatan lapangan migas.

    Namun, kalau semua diserahkan ke Kontraktor Kontrak Kerja Sama (KKKS), perlu dibicarakan bagaimana penyerapan tingkat komponen dalam negeri (TKDN), penerapan untuk PSC yang sudah jalan hingga split kalau sudah produksi,” tuturnya. Pasalnya, perhitungan biaya produksi lapangan migas berbasis darat (on shore), lepas pantai (off shore) hingga lapangan tua (mature field) berbeda.


Oil and Gas Investments Need Stability

    The impact of oil price fluctuations to the lowest point in the last two years made investments oil and gas (oil) in the country is not excited. Certainty rules in favor of the business climate in addition offer a variety of incentives are believed to arouse exploration and production activities. By doing so, contribute to state revenue and domestic oil and gas reserves can be maximized. President of the Indonesian Petroleum Association (IPA) Christina Verchere said regulatory reform and fiscal policies considered important to excite the investment in extractive industries.

    Currently, Indonesia is in the order of the bottom 15 of 120 countries the location of oil and gas investment. Nevertheless, he added, the government's efforts to revise a variety of rules to attract investors should be appreciated. However, there is still the attraction between stakeholders. We want a commitment from central to local formulas that oil and gas investment climate improvements in one direction. Moreover, we want to continue the development of the deep sea (deep water) and the implementation of enhanced oil recovery (EOR).

    Investors were hoping the stability of existing rules is maintained. Do not let the change was made in the middle of the road. because we
must make a calculation in the beginning, so as not to interfere with business, said Director of IPA Tenny Wibowo. One of them is related to the plan to change the production sharing contract without replacement hiaya production (cost recovery) 'gross split sliding scale' for the working area (WK) conventional oil and gas. Previous schemes for results progressively it has been applied first in non-conventional oil and gas WK. "The scheme may have accelerated oil and gas field activities.

    However, if it is up to the Contractor of Cooperation Contract (PSC), to discuss how the absorption rate of the domestic component (DCL), the application for the PSC already split when it's the way to production, "he said. Because the calculation of production cost land-based oil and gas fields (on shore), offshore (off shore) to the old field (mature fields) are different.

Media Indonesia, Page-18, Thursday, Dec,8,2016

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