Thursday, December 15, 2016
Matangkan Pola Gross Split
Kementerian Energi dan Sumber Daya Mineral (ESDM) memastikan mengganti skema kerja sama migas dengan kontraktor kontrak kerja sama (KKKS). Metode penggantian biaya operasional (cost recovery) yang selama ini digunakan akan diganti dengan bagi hasil produksi bruto (gross split). Menurut Menteri ESDM Ignasius Jonan, penggantian pola bagi hasil menjadi gross split diyakini memberikan penerimaan yang maksimal bagi negara.
Skema gross split juga tidak rumit sehingga memangkas birokrasi dan meningkatkan investasi di bidang migas. Pemerintah menetapkan syarat ketat terkait dengan penggunaan tingkat komponen dalam negeri dalam penunjukan pengelolaan wilayah kerja. Selain itu, penggunaan tenaga kerja nasional, khususnya tenaga kerja diwilayah kerja, juga menjadi prioritas,” jelasnya. Jonan juga telah menyampaikan perubahan pola eksploitasi potensi migas tersebut kepada 20 KKKS terbesar, SKK Migas, serta Indonesian Petroleum Association (IPA).
Mantan menteri perhubungan mengklaim gross split lebih simpel sehingga bisa memangkas birokrasi. Jonan berjanji skerna gross split diterapkan dengan mengedepankan prinsip fairness. Kementerian ESDM segera melakukan sosialisasi kepada pelaku usaha di industri hulu migas. Meski tidak Iagi memiliki kewenangan menetapkan cost recovery yang diterima KKKS, Jonan menilai fungsi SKK Migas tetap penting.
SKK Migas akan menjalankan fungsi pengawasan dan pengendalian dengan instrumen pengawasan plan of development (POD), work plan and budget (WP&B), authorization for expenditure (APE), elan audit ketaatan terhadap regulasi. Wakil Menteri ESDM Arcandra Tahar menambahkan, kewenangan negara dalam skema gross split tidak berkurang. Negara masih memiliki kontrol dalam kontrak pengelolaan wilayah kerja migas yang dilakukan KKKS.
Pattern finalize Gross Split
Ministry of Energy and Mineral Resources (ESDM) make sure to replace the oil and gas cooperation scheme with the cooperation contract (PSC). Replacement method operating costs (cost recovery) which has been used will be replaced with the results of the gross production (gross split). According to the Minister Ignatius Jonan, replacement gross revenue sharing scheme be split is believed to provide maximum reception for the country.
Scheme gross split is also not complicated so cut bureaucracy and increase investment in oil and gas fields. The government set stringent conditions associated with the use of the level of domestic components in the appointment of the management of the working area. In addition, the use of national labor, especially labor working area, also become a priority, "he explained. Jonan also has submitted changes in the pattern of exploitation of oil and gas potential of the 20 largest PSC, SKK Migas, as well as the Indonesian Petroleum Association (IPA).
Former transportation minister claims to gross more simple split so that it can cut red tape. Jonan promised skerna gross split applied to promoting the principle of fairness. The Ministry of Energy and Mineral Resources immediately to disseminate to businesses in the upstream oil and gas industry. Although the involvement not have the authority to establish cost recovery received KKKS, Jonan assess the function of SKK Migas remains important.
SKK Migas will perform the function of supervision and control by monitoring instruments plan of development (POD), work plan and budget (WP & B), authorization for expenditure (APE), elan audit adherence to regulations. Deputy Minister Arcandra Tahar added, the authority of the state in the scheme of gross split is not reduced. The state still has control in contract management of oil and gas working areas which do KKKS.
In addition, the state also plays an important role in determining the work plan and working areas of oil and gas as well as the submission of development plans. The authority of the state is not reduced. The state still has control in terms of the filing plan of development as well as the PSC's work plan. Unless the budget, because, throughout his cost borne by the contractor "he said. There are five criteria that determine the major-minor for oil and gas revenue received PSC.
Namely, the amount of reserves or reservoirs of oil and gas, project location, site conditions, conditions geograiis, and block conventional or non-conventional. With gross split system, contractors can be more efficient because it can no longer charge the operational areas of the upstream to the state. The state also does not have to bear the cost of the greater cost recovery and potentially be a case of corruption.
Jawa Pos, Page-5,Thursday, Dec,15,2016
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