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Saturday, December 10, 2016

Mengharapkan East Natuna Berjalan Awal Tahun Depan

    Setelah gagal melakukan penandatanganan kontrak bagi hasil atau production sharing contract (PSC) Blok East Natuna pada tahun ini, Kementerian Energi dan Sumber Daya Mineral (ESDM) akhirnya memiliki target baru agar PSC bisa segera ditandatangani. Wakil Menteri ESDM Arcandra Tahar menjelaskan, seharusnya penandatanganan PSC East Natuna dilakukan pada 14 November 2016 lalu.

    Tapi karena masih ada term and condition yang tidak menguntungkan, maka penandatanganan PSC ditunda. Targetnya, penandatanganan akan dilakukan pada awal tahun 2017. Erwin Maryoto, Vice PresidentyPublic and Government Affairs ExxonMobil Indonesia, mengatakan, konsorsium tersebut siap mendukung upaya pemerintah mempercepat penandatanganan PSC. Konsorsium East Natuna sudah menyampaikan usulan PSC kepada pemerintah pada tiga pekan lalu. Saat ini usulan PSC dari konsorsium tengah dibahas antara konsorsium dengan pemerintah. "Kami menyerahkan kepada pemerintah dan sekarang dalam diskusi. Tawar menawar itu biasa," kata Erwin.

    Beberapa poin yang dibahas oleh korsorsium dan pemerintah adalah bagi hasil (split) dan fiskal term. Sementara terkait pembagian hak partisipasi tiga konsorsium di blok East Natuna masih belum ditentukan. Sekarang ini masih Pertamina, Exxonmobil dan PTT EP Thailand. Nanti diputuskan oleh pemerintah. Saat ini konsorsium masih menunggu hasil dari hasil technical and market review yang akan selesai 2017.


Expect East Natuna Runs Early Next Year

    Having failed to make the signing of production sharing contracts or production sharing contract (PSC) of East Natuna Block this year, the Ministry of Energy and Mineral Resources (ESDM) finally has a new target in order PSC can be signed soon. Deputy Minister Arcandra Tahar explained, should the signing of the East Natuna PSC conducted on 14 November 2016 ago.

    But since there are terms and conditions that are not favorable, then the signing of the PSC postponed. The target, the signing will be conducted in early 2017. Erwin Maryoto, Vice PresidentyPublic and Government Affairs ExxonMobil Indonesia, said the consortium is ready to support government efforts to speed up the signing of the PSC. Consortium of East Natuna PSC has submitted a proposal to the government three weeks ago. Currently the PSC proposal from a consortium being discussed between the consortium and the government. "We handed over to the government and is now in discussions. Bargaining is common," said Erwin.

    Some of the points discussed by korsorsium and the government is the result (split) and the fiscal term. While the distribution of rights related to the participation of three consortia in the East Natuna block has not been determined. Now this is still Pertamina, ExxonMobil and Thailand's PTT EP. Later it was decided by the government. Currently the consortium is still waiting for the results from the technical and market review that will be completed in 2017.

Kontan, Page-14,Friday,Dec,9,2016

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