Thursday, December 8, 2016
Menyederhanakan Perizinan Industri Hulu Migas
Perizinan memegang peranan penting di industri hulu minyak dan gas bumi. Banyak kegiatan eksplorasi maupun produksi yang tertunda pelaksanaannya karena masalah perizinan. Padahal, pernerintah tengah menggaungkan pentingnya kegiatan eksplorasi untuk meningkatkan jumlah cadangan dan produksi migas nasional. Berdasarkan data Satuan Kerja Khusus Pelaksana Kegiatan Usaha Hulu Minyak dan Gas Bumi (SKK Migas), kegiatan eksplorasi dan produksi di hulu migas saat ini harus mengantongi 341 izin.
Proses pengurusan seluruh izin tersebut melibatkan setidaknya 17 instansi/lembaga penelaah, perekomendasi, hingga penerbit izin. Selain banyaknya izin yang harus diurus, proses pengurusan pun membutuhkan waktu yang tidak singkat. Sebagai gambaran, pengurusan izin untuk melakukan survei seismik bisa memakan waktu satu tahun, bahkan lebih. Padahal, kegiatan survei seismik yang diperlukan sebelum dilakukan pengeboran eksplorasi hanya makan waktu beberapa bulan saja.
Data pada 2015 menunjukkan, ada 40 kegiatan survei yang realisasinya terkendala perizinan. Realisasi komitmen pengeboran eksplorasi pada 2015 juga menghadapi masalah dengan adanya 41 kegiatan terkendala izin dan pengadaan lahan. Tidak berbeda dengan kegiatan eksplorasi, hambatan perizinan untuk kegiatan produksi dan pengembangan terjadi pada 80 kegiatan. Kepala Bagian Humas SKK Migas, Taslim Z. Yunus, menyatakan pengurusan izin untuk kegiatan hulu migas perlu dipermudah.
Apalagi untuk kegiatan eksplorasi yang bertujuan menemukan cadangan migas baru. Banyaknya izin yang harus dikantongi akan mengulur ulur jadwal kegiatan eksplorasi karena pengurusan izin memakan waktu cukup lama. Padahal, hasil eksplorasi baru bisa dinikrnati 10-15 tahun ke depan. “Jika eksplorasi tidak digenjot, kesempatan untuk mematok peningkatan lifting juga tidak tercapai,” kata Taslim. Ke depan, pihak yang mengurus semua izin adalah SKK Migas yang nantinya akan langsung diserahkan ke Badan Koordinasi Penanaman Modal (BKPM) untuk rnendapatkan persetujuan.
Permasalahan perizinan yang menjadi ganjalan dalarn pelaksanaan kegiatan hulu migas tidak bisa hanya diselesaikan oleh kalangan yang bergelut di dunia migas. Butuh kerja sama dan sinergi dengan berbagai pihak guna mengurai simpul-simpul masalah yang selama ini menghambat kelancaran kegiatan usaha hulu migas. Kepala Kelompok Kerja Formalitas SKK Migas, Didik S. Setyadi, mengatakan semua pemangku kepentingan, khususnya aparat negara, perlu memahami bahwa industri hulu migas adalah kegiatan negara. Seluruh lahan yang digunakan untuk kegiatan hulu migas juga tercatat sebagai aset milik negara, katanya. Inisiatif-inisiatif yang dilakukan pemerintah dengan berkoordinasi bersama para pemangku kepentingan diharapkan akan mendukung kelancaran pelaksanaan kegiatan usaha hulu migas. Kondisi yang kondusif juga akan mendorong peningkatan investasi di sektor hulu migas.
Licensing simplifies the Upstream Oil and Gas Industry
Licensing plays an important role in the upstream oil and gas. Many of the activities of exploration and production pending implementation due to licensing issues. In fact, the central governmental echoed the importance of exploration activities to increase the number of national oil and gas reserves and production. Based on data from Special Unit of Upstream Oil and Gas (SKK Migas), exploration and production activities in the upstream oil and gas at this time must be pocketed 341 permits.
The entire process of obtaining a license involving at least 17 government agencies / institutions reviewers, the recommenders, until the publisher permission. In addition to the number of permits that must be taken care of, the maintenance process also requires a short time. As an illustration, permits to conduct seismic surveys could take a year, or more. In fact, the seismic survey activities required prior to exploration drilling took only a few months.
Data in 2015 showed, there are 40 activities that realization is constrained licensing survey. Realization of the commitment exploration drilling in 2015 also faced problems with their 41 activities constrained permits and land acquisition. Not unlike the exploration activities, permitting barriers to the production and development activities occurred in 80 activities. Head of Public Relations SKK Migas, Taslim Z. Yunus, said permits for oil and gas upstream activities should be made easy.
Especially for exploration activities aimed at finding new oil and gas reserves. The number of permits that must be bagged to be stalling stalling exploration activities schedule for obtaining a license to take some time. In fact, the results of new exploration could dinikrnati the next 10-15 years. "If the exploration is not encouraged, the opportunity to peg the increase in lifting is not reached," said Taslim. In the future, those who take care of all permits is SKK Migas which will be directly submitted to the Investment Coordinating Board (BKPM) to rnendapatkan approval.
Licensing issues is a wedge dalarn implementation of upstream oil and gas activities can not only be solved by those who wrestle in the world of oil and gas. It took cooperation and synergy with various parties in order to unravel the knots to a problem that hampers the smooth operation of upstream oil and gas business. Head of the Working Group Formalities SKK Migas, Didik S. Setyadi, said all stakeholders, especially the state, need to understand that the upstream oil and gas industry is the state activity. The whole land is being used for the upstream oil and gas activities are also listed as state-owned assets, he said. The initiatives taken by the government in coordination with the stakeholders are expected to support the smooth implementation of upstream oil and gas activities. Conducive conditions will also encourage increased investment in the upstream oil and gas sector.
Koran Sindo, Page-5, Tuesday, Dec,6,2016
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