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Thursday, December 8, 2016

Moratorium Kontrak Blok Masela Belum Final

    Direktur Pembinaan Usaha Hulu Migas Direktorat Jenderal Minyak dan Gas Bumi Kementerian Energi dan Sumber Daya Mineral, Tunggal, mengatakan pemerintah belum memberikan keputusan atas permintaan moratorium kontrak yang diajukan kontraktor Blok Masela, Inpex Corporation Limited. Alasannya, sampai saat ini Inpex belum mengajukan Studi pre-feed sebagai bekal penyusunan rencana pengembangan (plan of development/POD) gas Masela.

    Tunggal mengungkapkan, Studi pre-feed nantinya dilakukan Inpex dengan pengawasan langsung oleh Satuan Kerja Khusus Pelaksana Kegiatan Usaha Hulu Minyak dan Gas (SKK Migas). Namun, sebelum studi ini dimulai, pihaknya harus memastikan proyek gas Masela bisa menguntungkan pemerintah dan kontraktor “Syarat-syaratnya belum bisa saya jelaskan,” ujar Tunggal. Sebelumnya, Menteri Koordinator Kemaritiman Luhut Binsar Pandjaitan menargetkan dokumen POD bisa rampung tahun depan.

    Dengan begitu, keputusan akhir investasi (final invesment decision) bisa keluar pada 2019. Awal tahun lalu, pemerintah menolak rencana Inpex mengembangkan blok melalui kilang terapung (offshore). Presiden Joko Widodo menginginkan gas diolah melalui kilang darat (onshore). Juru bicara Inpex, Usman Slamet, menyatakan optimistis pemerintah bakal memberikan keputusan untuk meningkatkan skala keekonomian proyek gas Lapangan Abadi Masela.

    Ihwal penolakan pemerintah atas permintaan moratorium kontrak selama 10 tahun, Usman menolak berkomentar. Alasannya, hingga kini Inpex belum mendapat keputusan dari pemerintah. “Sejauh ini, kami terus bertemu dengan Kementerian Energi dan SKK Migas membahas kondisi yang dibutuhkan,” ujarnya. Menteri Energi dan Sumber Daya Mineral Ignasius Jonan menyebutkan, pemerintah masih menimbang permintaan moratorium kontrak Inpex. Boleh saja meminta 10 tahun, minta 50 tahun juga boleh, masih dihitung, kata Jonan.


Moratorium Contract Masela Not Final

    Director of Upstream Oil and Gas Directorate General of Oil and Gas at the Ministry of Energy and Mineral Resources, Tunggal, said the government has yet to give a decision on the request moratorium proposed contract contractor Masela, Inpex Corporation Limited. The reason, until now Inpex has not submitted a pre-feed studies as a provision for the preparation of the development plan (plan of development / POD) Masela gas.

    Revealed a single, pre-feed studies will be done Inpex with direct supervision by the Special Unit of Upstream Oil and Gas (SKK Migas). However, before this study started, it must ensure Masela gas project could benefit the government and the contractor "The requirements have not been able to explain," said Son. Earlier, Coordinating Minister maritime Luhut Binsar Pandjaitan targeting POD document could be completed next year.

    Thus, a final investment decision (final investment as decision) could come out in 2019. Early last year, the government refused Inpex plans to develop a block through an offshore plant (offshore). President Joko Widodo wants gas is processed through the refinery land (onshore). Inpex spokesman, Usman Slamet, expressed optimism the government will leave the decision to increase economies of scale Abadi field Masela gas project.

    About the government's refusal on request moratorium contract for 10 years, Usman declined to comment. The reason, until now Inpex has not received a decision from the government. "So far, we continued to meet with the Ministry of Energy and Oil and Gas SKK discuss the necessary conditions," he said. Minister of Energy and Mineral Resources Ignatius Jonan said the government is still considering the request moratorium Inpex contract. It's okay to ask for 10 years, asked for 50 years may also still be calculated, said Jonan.

Koran Tempo, Page-5,Wednesday, Dec,7,2016

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