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Thursday, December 29, 2016

Gross Split Lower Interest Oil and Gas Exploration

    National Energy Council (DEN) to assess changes in oil and gas production sharing scheme of cost recovery be able to break the deadlock split gross oil and gas development in Indonesia. DEN members Andang Bachtiar stated that gross split more practical and accelerate business decision making as much government involvement is reduced to almost nothing. Gross split is also more efficient and reduce political interference in the discovery cost recovery.

    Nevertheless, there are a number of Andang assess potential problems if the gross split scheme is applied. First, the state control of the national oil and gas production almost disappeared so that the availability of energy has the potential to become a problem. Similarly, the loss of state control of the oil and gas reserves. Another potential problem is the threatened failure of a government plan to increase oil and gas exploration.

    Therefore, contractors prioritize cost efficiency and boost production in order to earn revenue when compared with investing for exploration. Another drawback is the opportunity slipping of the production target of enhanced oil recovery 2.5 billion barrels in the reservoir well as the difficulty of developing marginal oil and gas fields because of heavy investment and the return on investment (IRR) which is small.

    To overcome these problems, the Ministry of Energy shall make the terms and conditions in order to secure energy security. Among other things, gross split is only applicable to productive oil and gas blocks that will be out of contract and its oil and gas potential oil and gas blocks have been known. Liabilities backup management is also needed to enable the sustainability of production in accordance with the rate set by the government.

    So, there was no peak production rapidly and drastically decrease production levels to boost production at the beginning of the contract period, "said Andang. Gross split should also be regressive so the incentives when world oil prices below the baseline price and there are windfall profits to the government if world oil prices drastic.


Gross Split Turunkan Minat Eksplorasi Migas

    Dewan Energi Nasional (DEN) menilai perubahan skema bagi hasil migas dari cost recovery menjadi gross split mampu memecah kebuntuan pengembangan minyak dan gas di Indonesia. Anggota DEN Andang Bachtiar menyatakan bahwa gross split lebih praktis dan mempercepat pengambilan keputusan bisnis karena keterlibatan pemerintah jauh berkurang hingga nyaris tidak ada. Gross split juga lebih efisien dan mengurangi campur tangan politik dalam penemuan cost recovery.

    Meski demikian, Andang menilai ada sejumlah potensi masalah jika skema gross split diterapkan. Pertama, kendali negara terhadap produksi migas nasional nyaris hilang sehingga ketersediaan energi berpotensi menjadi masalah. Demikian pula hilangnya kendali negara terhadap cadangan migas. Potensi masalah lain adalah terancam gagalnya rencana pemerintah untuk meningkatkan eksplorasi migas.

    Sebab, kontraktor mengutamakan efisiensi biaya dan menggenjot produksi agar memperoleh revenue jika dibandingkan dengan berinvestasi untuk eksplorasi. Kelemahan lain adalah peluang melesetnya target produksi dari enhanced oil recovery 2,5 miliar barel di reservoir Serta sulitnya pengembangan lapangan migas marginal lantaran investasi besar dan tingkat pengembalian investasi (IRR) yang kecil.

    Untuk mengatasi masalah tersebut, Kementerian ESDM wajib membuat syarat dan ketentuan demi mengamankan ketahanan energi. Di antaranya, gross split hanya diterapkan pada blok migas produktif yang akan habis kontrak dan blok migas yang potensi migasnya telah diketahui pasti. Kewajiban manajemen cadangan juga dibutuhkan agar terjadi keberlanjutan produksi sesuai dengan rate yang ditetapkan pemerintah.

    Jadi, tidak terjadi peak production secara cepat dan penurunan level produksi secara drastis dengan menggenjot produksi pada awal masa kontrak,” terang Andang. Gross split juga harus bersifat regresif sehingga ada insentif bila harga minyak dunia di bawah baseline price dan ada windfall profit untuk pemerintah jika harga migas dunia melonjak drastis.

Jawa Pos, Page-5, Thursday, Dec, 29, 2016

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