The Government noted that only three oil and gas blocks auction attractive to investors in 2016, namely Block Ebuny Onin, and West Kaimana. In fact, the government is offering up to 14 oil and gas blocks through deals and regular indirectly. Director of Upstream Directorate General of Oil and Gas at the Ministry of Energy and Mineral Resources GESDM) Single said it has completed processing of oil and gas blocks auction with direct bidding scheme (direct offer).
Of the seven blocks offered, only three blocks that eventually demand by oil and gas companies. He added that the three companies did not necessarily set out to be the winner of the three blocks. The three new entry in the list of companies eligible to win the auction. The third block of oil and gas could be re-tendered if the three companies that passed have not completed the requirements. Let the Director General of Oil and Gas I Gusti Nyoman Wiratmaja) that establishes the winner.
Conventional oil and gas block auction is open government last July. For the auction through direct deals, revenue participation document has indeed been closed on August 31 last. The third addition to the block, other blocks offered by the Bloc West Hill, Two Elephant Stone, Kasongan Sampit, and Powerful. As for regular auctions, there are seven blocks offered by the South Block CPR Oti, Suremana I, Manakarra Mamuju, South East Mandar, North Arguni, and Kasuri II.
Entry of auction participation documents these schemes have been closed on 14 November. However, single block claimed not to mention anywhere that attractive to investors. Now they evaluate financial capability, still processes. If the technical evaluation has been. Regular auction of oil and gas blocks anticipated to be completed in January 2017 were evaluated.
Single recognized, although many companies are interested in participating in the regular auction oil and gas blocks, not all of them then follow up by buying the bidding documents. However, he dismissed it because investors are still waiting for the matter of gross split Investors decided to resign could be because they do not meet the financial aspects. Oil and gas blocks that are not sold at the auction will be auctioned calls back next year.
Thus, the amount of oil and gas blocks offered in the next year will likely be many more, including the re-tendered. The government instead of doing nothing to attract investors to invest in domestic oil and gas projects. At times even this auction, the government has changed the scheme to be a model of open bid auctions split.
With this concept, investors can bid on the amount of profit sharing (split) with the appropriate government count project economics. Bidders are also free offers signature bonus. Furthermore, the government chose the best deals with certain restrictions to the owner estimate has been determined. Later we will re-auction, there was that later split gross new ministerial regulation, Government Regulation No 79/2010 on cost recovery revisions, we expect more attractive again, right, "said the Director General of Oil and Gas I Gusti Nyoman Wiratmaja.
Should be Realized
Asia Pacific Research Director for Oil and Gas Uptsream Wood Mackenzie Adrew Harwood says that although Indonesia has been working to improve the fiscal aspects of the oil and gas business, there has been no significant changes. Small changes such as the model of open bid split judged to be a positive impact.
So there needs to be more effort to be carried out more quickly. Because Indonesia will not be able to feel the benefits, such as more investment and the number of wells drilled, until at least the end of this decade, "he said. The government's plan to apply oil and gas contracts with gross schemes split, said Harwood, could have a positive impact. Unfortunately it has not been able to ascertain the effect of this scheme because the government has not explained in detail the details.
If this scheme there are changes in fiscal but have not been able to make the company achieve an adequate return on capital, this scheme is not enough to attract investment. "But if gross split could overcome some challenges, such as ease the administrative burden, quick budget approval and contract signing can be accelerated, investors may wish to consider for investment," he explained.
With still not reach completion this problem, Harwood assess Indonesia will not feel the impact of oil prices started to creep up. Because, when companies start investing again, they would choose the countries that provide an adequate rate of return on capital and quickly, as well as having the lowest risk. I see Indonesia still faces challenges in some of these, "said Harwood. Moreover, many oil and gas companies release management of oil and gas blocks in Indonesia. "The number of companies that plan to the outside Indonesia indicate that they plan to invest elsewhere
Hanya Tiga Blok Migas Diminati Investor
Pemerintah mencatat hanya tiga blok migas yang diminati investor pada lelang 2016 ini, yakni Blok Ebuny Onin, dan West Kaimana. Padahal, pemerintah menawarkan hingga 14 blok migas melalui penawaran Iangsung dan reguler. Direktur Pembinaan Hulu Direktorat Jenderal Minyak dan Gas Bumi Kementerian Energi dan Sumber Daya Mineral GESDM) Tunggal mengatakan, pihaknya telah selesai memproses lelang blok migas dengan skema penawaran langsung (direct offer).Dari tujuh blok yang ditawarkan, hanya tiga blok yang akhirnya diminati oleh perusahaan migas. Dia menambahkan, tiga perusahaan tersebut tidak lantas ditetapkan menjadi pemenang tiga blok tersebut. Ketiganya baru masuk dalam daftar perusahaan yang layak memenangkan lelang. Ketiga blok migas ini bisa saja dilelang ulang jika ketiga perusahaan yang lolos belum melengkapi persyaratan. Biar Direktur Jenderal minyak dan Gas Bumi I Gusti Nyoman Wiratmaja) yang menetapkan pemenang.
Lelang blok migas konvensional ini dibuka pemerintah pada Juli lalu. Untuk lelang melalui penawaran langsung, pemasukan dokumen partisipasi memang telah ditutup pada 31 Agustus lalu. Selain ketiga blok tadi, blok lain yang ditawarkan yakni Blok Bukit Barat, Batu Gajah Dua, Kasongan Sampit, dan Ampuh. Sementara untuk lelang reguler terdapat tujuh blok yang ditawarkan yaitu Blok South CPR Oti, Suremana I, Manakarra Mamuju, South East Mandar, North Arguni, dan Kasuri II.
Pemasukan dokumen partisipasi lelang skema ini telah ditutup pada 14 November. Namun, Tunggal mengaku belum bisa menyebutkan blok mana saja yang diminati investor. Sekarang masih evaluasi kemampuan keuangan, masih proses. Kalau evaluasi teknis sudah. Lelang reguler blok migas diperkirakannya akan selesai dievaluasi pada Januari 2017.
Diakui Tunggal, meski banyak perusahaan yang berminat mengikuti lelang reguler blok migas, tidak semuanya kemudian menindaklanjuti dengan membeli dokumen lelang. Namun, dia menampik hal ini lantaran investor masih menunggu kepastian soal gross split Investor memutuskan mundur bisa saja karena tidak memenuhi aspek keuangan. Blok migas yang tidak laku pada lelang kali ini disebutnya akan dilelang kembali pada tahun depan.
Sehingga, jumlah blok migas yang ditawarkan pada tahun depan kemungkinan akan lebih banyak lagi, termasuk yang dilelang ulang. Pemerintah bukannya tidak melakukan apapun untuk menarik investor menanamkan modalnya dalam proyek migas nasional. Pada lelang kali inipun, pemerintah telah mengubah skema lelang menjadi model open bid split.
Dengan konsep ini, investor dapat menawar besaran bagi hasil (split) dengan pemerintah sesuai hitungan keekonomian proyek. Peserta lelang juga bebas memberikan penawaran bonus tanda tangan. Selanjutnya, Pemerintah memilih penawaran terbaik dengan batasan tertentu terhadap owner estimate yang telah ditetapkan. Nanti kami lelang ulang, nanti kan ada peraturan menteri gross split baru, Peraturan Pemerintah 79/2010 soal cost recovery ada revisinya, kami harapkan lebih atraktif lagi kan,” kata Direktur Jenderal Minyak dan Gas Bumi I Gusti Nyoman Wiratmaja.
Harus Direalisasikan
Asia Pacific Research Director for Uptsream Oil and Gas Wood Mackenzie Adrew Harwood mengatakan, meski Indonesia telah berupaya memperbaiki aspek fiskal bisnis migas, belum ada perubahan yang signifikan. Perubahan kecil seperti model open bid split dinilai tidak memberikan dampak positif.
Sehingga perlu ada upaya lebih yang harus dilaksanakan lebih cepat. Karena Indonesia tidak akan dapat merasakan manfaatnya, seperti lebih banyak investasi dan sumur yang dibor, sampai setidaknya akhir dekade ini,” kata dia. Rencana pemerintah menerapkan kontrak migas dengan skema gross split, tutur Harwood, bisa saja berdampak positif. Sayangnya pihaknya belum dapat memastikan efek skema ini mengingat pemerintah belum secara detail memaparkan rinciannya.
Jika dengan skema ini terdapat perubahan fiskal tetapi belum dapat membuat perusahaan meraih tingkat pengembalian modal yang mencukupi, skema ini tidak cukup untuk menarik investasi. "Tetapi jika gross split bisa mengatasi beberapa tantangan, seperti meringankan beban administratif, anggaran cepat disetujui, dan penandatangan kontrak bisa dipercepat, investor mungkin akan mempertimbangkan untuk investasi,” jelasnya.
Dengan masih belum selesainya berbagai masalah ini, Harwood menilai Indonesia belum akan merasakan dampak harga minyak yang mulai merangkak naik. Pasalnya, ketika perusahaan mulai investasi lagi, mereka akan memilih negara yang memberikan tingkat pengembalian modal yang memadai dan cepat, serta memiliki resiko paling rendah. Saya melihat Indonesia masih menghadapi tantangan dalam beberapa hal tersebut,” ujar Harwood. Apalagi, banyak perusahaan migas yang melepas pengelolaan blok migas di Indonesia. “Jumlah perusahaan yang berencana ke luar Indonesia menunjukkan bahwa mereka berencana investasi di tempat lain
Investor Daily, Page-9, Friday, Dec,30,2016
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