Saturday, December 10, 2016
Pembentukan Holding Migas Molor ke 2017
Pembentukan holding migas molor tahun depan. Padahal, Kementerian Badan Usaha Milik Negara (BUMN) menargetkan pembentukan itu beres akhir tahun 2016 ini. Alotnya pembentukan itu salah satunya karena Presiden Joko Widodo tidak menyetujui reorganisasi di tubuh PT Pertamina, yang kini memiliki jabatan Wakil Direktur dan Direktur Mega Proyek. Bahkan Budi G Sadikin, mantan Direktur Utama Bank Mandiri rumornya akan menempati jabatan Direktur Utama holding migas.
Sembari menunggu itu, Budi akan menjadi Direktur Utama Perusahaan Gas Negara (PGN). Rini Soemarno, Menteri Negara BUMN, membantah rumor tersebut. Tertundanya realisasi holding merupakan hal wajar karena pemerintah dan perusahaan BUMN perlu menyelesaikan harmonisasi itu. Rini menegaskan, pembentukan holding migas harus bisa terlaksana dan target tidak akan mundur dari awal tahun depan.
Menurut Rini, semua menunggu proses, seperti peraturan pemerintah. Rini enggan mengomentari rumor soal Budi Sadikin. Yang
jelas, proses pembentukan holding migas tidak ada hambatan lain, kecuali soal administratif. "Kata siapa Budi Sadikin jadi Direktur Utama PGN? Holding, lnsya Allah kalau tidak akhir tahun ini, ya permulaan tahun. Presiden tidak ada masalah, semua proses berjalan seperti biasa," tegas Rini.
Presiden telah merestui pembentukan holding, dengan skema penggabungan PGN dan Pertamina. Pembentukan holding migas bertujuan memperkuat perusahaan, BUMN baik secara finansial maupun kinerja. Holding ini agar bisa mencetak kinerja lebih signifikan masa mendatang. "Proses dokumentasinya membutuhkan waktu," lanjutnya. Wianda Pusponegoro, Ketua Gugus Depan Holding BUMN, sekaligus Vice President Corporate Communications Pertamina mengaku tidak mengetahui hal-hal di luar dari rencana penggabungan tersebut, Apalagi yang masuk level kebijakan.
Dirinya fokus dan berupaya pada kehandalan operasi ketika holding terbentuk. "Kami baru saja selesai sosialisasi internal holding migas, baik di Pertamina dan PGN," ujarnya. Juru bicara Presiden Johan Budi Sapto Prabowo mengatakan, tidak ada hubungan antara pergantian direktur Pertamina dengan rencana holding. Presiden dalam rapat terbatas menginginkan persiapan matang sebelum membentuk holding.
Salah satu bentuk pematangan adalah Kementerian BUMN melakukan persiapan. Presiden menginginkan pembentukan holding tidak terburu-buru demi mengejar target. "Soal holding migas memang presiden minta dimatangkan lagi. Ada beberapa rapat lagi,"
ujarnya, Selain itu yang terpenting, dalam rapat terbatas tersebut juga belum ada soal penentuan waktu pembentukan holding. Rapat itu merupakan paparan Kementerian BUMN, kemudian ada paparan dari Kementerian Keuangan. Dari berbagai paparan itu membutuhkan persiapan yang lebih matang lagi. Jadi prosedurnya masih akan melalui beberapa rapat lagi. Begitu sudah siap dan matang baru rencana holding tersebut bisa terlaksana.
Formation of Oil and Gas Holding Delayed to 2017
Formation of oil and gas holding stretch next year. In fact, the Ministry of State-Owned Enterprises (BUMN) is targeting the establishment of the wrong end of the 2016's. The difficulties in the formation of one of them for President Joko Widodo not approve a reorganization in the body of PT Pertamina, which now has the post of Deputy Director and Director of Mega Projects. Even Budi G Sadikin, former Managing Director of Bank Mandiri, the rumors will occupy the post of Director of holding oil and gas.
While waiting, Bob will be the Director of Perusahaan Gas Negara (PGN). Rini Soemarno, the state ministry denied these rumors. The delay in the realization of the holding was a matter for the government and state-owned enterprises need to complete the harmonization. Rini affirmed, holding the formation of oil and gas should be implemented and the target will not retreat from the beginning of next year.
According to Rini, all waiting for the process, such as government regulations. Rini was reluctant to comment on rumors about Budi Sadikin. That Clearly, the process of formation of oil and gas holding no other obstacles, except the administrative matter. "Who says so Budi Sadikin PGN President? Holding, God willing, if not later this year, so the beginning of the year. The President is no problem, all processes run as usual," said Rini.
The President has approved the formation of a holding, the merger scheme PGN and Pertamina. Formation aims to strengthen the oil and gas holding company, state both financially and performance. Holding it so it can print more significant future performance. "Documentation process takes time," he continued. Wianda Pusponegoro, Chairman of Frontline Holding State Enterprises, as well as Vice President Corporate Communications of Pertamina admitted to not knowing things outside of the merger plan, especially the entry-level policies.
Her focus and work on the reliability of the operation when a holding is formed. "We just finished an internal socialization holding oil and gas, both Pertamina and PGN," he said. Presidential spokesman Johan Budi Sapto Prabowo said, there is no relationship between the change of director of Pertamina plans holding. In the meeting the President wants the proper preparation before forming a holding.
One form is the maturation of the Ministry of SOEs prepare. The President wants the establishment of a holding does not rush in pursuit of the target. "The issue of holding oil and gas is the president asked matured more. There are several more meetings,"
he said, other than that, most importantly, in a closed meeting that there has not been a matter of the timing of the formation of the holding. The meeting was an exposure to the Ministry of SOEs, then there is the exposure of the Ministry of Finance. Of the various exposure it requires more preparation than more mature. So the procedure is still going through a few more meetings. Once it was ready and mature new holding plan can be implemented.
Kontan, Page-14,Friday,Dec,9,2016
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