Tuesday, December 20, 2016
Pemerintah Naikkan Target Lifting Minyak
Melampaui asumsi Anggaran Pendapatan dan Belanja Negara 2017
Kementerian Energi dan Sumber Daya Mineral menyepakati penambahan produksi minyak siap jual (lifting) tahun depan menjadi 825 ribu barel per hari. Angka itu lebih tinggi dibanding asumsi Anggaran Pendapatan dan Belanja Negara 2017 yang sudah disetujui, yakni sebesar 815 ribu barel per hari. “Saya sudah janjian dengan Pak Amien (Kepala Satuan Kerja Khusus Pelaksana Kegiatan Usaha Hulu Minyak dan Gas Bumi/SKK Migas) lifting 825 ribu barel per hari. Lumayan, nambah 10 ribu,” ujar Menteri Energi Ignasius Jonan.
Penambahan itu juga jauh lebih tinggi ketimbang kesepakatan SKK Migas dengan kontraktor kontrak kerja sama (KKKS) sebesar 808,4 ribu barel per hari. Jonan berpesan agar pelaku industri hulu migas lebih efisien. Kepala SKK Migas Amien Sunaryadi enggan menjelaskan detail rencana penambahan lifting. Menurut dia, meski tidak mudah, kenaikan lifting masih bisa diusahakan. Amien menjelaskan, aktivitas produksi tahun depan bakal mencakup pengeboran pengembangan di 223 sumur aktivitas kerja ulang sebanyak 860 sumur serta perawatan sumur sebanyak 57.512 kegiatan.
Selain itu, survei seismik 2D bakal berlangsung di lahan seluas 3.080 kilometer; survei seismik 3D seluas 2.795 kilometer persegi, dan pengeboran eksplorasi di 25 sumur. Tahun depan, lifting bakal ditopang oleh wilayah kerja utama, seperti Blok Rokan di Riau yang dikelola Chevron Pacific Indonesia sebesar 228 ribu barel per hari, ExxonMobil yang mengelola Blok Cepu di perbatasan Jawa Tengah dan Jawa Timur sebesar 200 ribu barel per hari, Serta Pertamina EP (seluruh Indonesia) sebesar 84 ribu barel per hari. “Tantangan 2017 bertambah. Ini masih kurang 17 ribu barel per hari,” ujar Amien.
Tapi SKK Migas yakin realisasi lifting bisa melampaui target dalam APBN. Tahun ini, lifting migas mencapai 831 ribu barel per hari, lebih tinggi dibanding asumsi APBN Perubahan 2016 sebesar 820 ribu. Pencapaian lifting 2016 ditopang oleh delapan dari sepuluh proyek migas yang rampung tahun ini. Di antaranya fasilitas puncak produksi Blok Cepu sebesar 185 ribu barel per hari, produksi lapangan Bukit Tua oleh Petronas Carigali Ketapang sebesar 20 ribu barel per hari, serta proyek Pertamina EP di Lapangan Pondok Makmur dan Lapangan Donggi.
Proyek lainnya adalah Dayung Compression 2 oleh ConocoPhillips di Blok Grissik, proyek gas laut dalam Indonesia Deepwater Development (IDD) Lapangan Bangka. Sedangkan proyek Ario Damar oleh Ophir Energ bakal beroperasi beberapa hari lagi. Biaya pengganti operasi (cost recovery) yang akan dibayar tahun ini mencapai US$ 11,4 Angka ini lebih tinggi dibanding batas yang dipatok APBN-P 2016 sebesar US$ 8,4. Amien mengatakan kelebihan terjadi lantaran SKK Migas tidak bisa mengawasi transaksi yang terjadi antara vendor dan subvendor audit kami tidak melacak sampai ke situ.
Juru bicara ExxonMobil, Erwin Maryoto, siap membantu menaikkan lifting. Masalahnya, penambahan produksi Exxon pada tahun depan masih menunggu persetujuan revisi amdal. Saat ini, seluruh fasilitas untuk penambahan produksi menjadi 200 ribu barel per hari sudah siap. Perusahaan tidak perlu menambah modal, melainkan hanya menaikkan biaya operasional. Produksi naik, pasti biayanya naik.
Government to Increase Oil Lifting Target
Assuming exceeded State Budget 2017
Ministry of Energy and Mineral Resources agreed to increase oil production ready for sale (lifting) next year to 825 thousand barrels per day. That figure is higher than the assumption of the State Budget 2017 has been approved, which amounted to 815 thousand barrels per day. "I have an appointment with Mr. Amien (Head of the Special Unit of Upstream Oil and Gas / SKK Migas) lifting 825 thousand barrels per day. Passable, add 10 thousand, "said Energy Minister Ignatius Jonan.
The addition was also much higher than SKK Migas deal with cooperation contracts (PSC) amounted to 808.4 thousand barrels per day. Jonan advised that the upstream oil and gas industry more efficient. SKK Migas head Amien Sunaryadi reluctant to explain the details of the plan to increase lifting. According to him, though not easy, the increase in lifting is still workable. Amien explained, next year's production activity will include the drilling of 223 development wells in the work activities as much as 860 wells and well maintenance activities as much as 57 512.
In addition, 2D seismic survey will take place in an area of 3,080 kilometers; 3D seismic survey covering an area of 2,795 square kilometers, and exploration drilling in 25 wells. Next year, the lifting will be supported by the working area of the main, such as Block Rokan in Riau being managed by Chevron Pacific Indonesia amounting to 228 thousand barrels per day, ExxonMobil managing Cepu block on the border of Central Java and East Java amounted to 200 thousand barrels per day, as well as Pertamina EP (throughout Indonesia) amounted to 84 thousand barrels per day. "The challenge in 2017 is increased. This is still less than 17 thousand barrels per day, "said Amien.
But sure realization lifting SKK Migas could exceed the target in the state budget. This year, oil and gas lifting reaches 831 thousand barrels per day, higher than the 2016 revised state budget assumption of 820 thousand. Lifting the achievement of 2016 is supported by eight of the top ten oil and gas projects were completed this year. Among these facilities Cepu peak production of 185 thousand barrels per day, production Bukit Tua field by Petronas Carigali Ketapang by 20 thousand barrels per day, as well as Pertamina EP project in Pondok Makmur and Donggi Field.
Another project is a Compression Paddle 2 by ConocoPhillips in Block Grissik, marine gas project in Indonesia Deepwater Development (IDD) Field Bangka. While Ario Damar project by Energ Ophir will operate a few more days. Operating replacement costs (cost recovery) which will be paid this year to reach US $ 11.4 figure is higher than the limit set APBN-P 2016 amounted to US $ 8.4. Amien said excess occurs because SKK Migas can not monitor transactions that take place between the vendor and the audit subvendor we do not keep track of that.
ExxonMobil spokesman Erwin Maryoto, ready to help raise lifting. The problem is, the addition of Exxon's production in the next year are still pending revision of EIA. Currently, the entire facility to increase production to 200 thousand barrels per day is ready. Companies do not need to raise capital, but only increase operating costs. Production increases, the cost is definitely rising.
Koran Tempo, Page-17, Tuesday, Dec,20,2016
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